Suffragette banners on the march!

We recently came across a piece of historic film on the British Film Institute website, showing a Suffragette march through Newcastle in 1909. Clearly on view near the beginning of the film is the banner of the Newcastle Women’s Suffrage Society. A second banner can be seen later in the film.

View the video from the British Film Institute here.

One of these banners may be the one made by Newcastle’s first female GP and suffragist Dr. Ethel Williams in about 1905. These banners were carried on national demonstrations, not only in Newcastle, but also in London.

Ethel William’s suffragette banner (Item reference: GB 186 EWL/3/5) is part of our Ethel Williams Archive, which you can find more information on here.


22nd December – ‘Making the perfect Christmas dinner’ from the Courier


Making the perfect Christmas dinner

‘Making the perfect Christmas dinner’ from the Courier, 2011

Looks yummy doesn’t it? What will you be having for dinner on Christmas day? Will you use these ‘coping’ mechanisims to ‘survive’ Christmas?

Page taken from a Christmas special of the Courier, dated 12th December 2011.

Editorial from the Courier:
“Coping with Christmas
Sometimes it isn’t always all carolling out in the snow. Here’s what to do when festive spirit runs low, reality takes a bite and there isn’t a treble close at hand…”

The Courier is Newcastle University’s student newspaper and has always been a voice for students to express their news, views, and opinions relating to campus life and the operation of the University. Its first issue was released in 1948, when the University was still known as King’s College (Kings College later split into Newcastle Universtiy and the University of Durham in 1963). The Courier is still being published today.

To find out more about the history of the Courier, visit here.

Click here to view this December 2011 article in full. The Courier archive has also been digitised and is available online here.

20th December – Buchanan’s Scotch Whiskies


Buchanan's Scotch Whiskies

‘Buchanan’s Scotch Whiskies’ advertisement from Illustrated London News, 1913

Page from Illustrated London News, Vol. 143, 1913 (030 ILL), dated 20th December 1913

Illustrated London News contained lots of advertisements. This page is advertising scotch whisky and states that it is ‘suitable for Christmas Presents’ and uses an image of Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present, from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

Illustrated London News was the world’s first illustrated weekly news magazine. It was founded by Herbert Ingram. Its inaugural issue appeared in 1842. The magazine was published weekly until 1971 and then less frequently after that. The company continues today as Illustrated London News Ltd., a publishing and digital agency in London, England.

Illustrated London News is part of our 20th Century Collection. You can find this volume and other Illustrated London News here.

17th December – ‘Mountain Expedition’ in the snow


Mountain expedition 1966

Mountain expedition 1966 (NUA/033561-3)

‘Mountain expedition’ in the snow photograph dated 7th July 1966. Expedition is possibly by the Mountaineering Society.

This photograph is from the University Archives. View other photographs from the University Archives on Collections Captured.

16th December – ‘Marley’s Ghost’ from A Christmas Carol


'Marley's Ghost'

‘Marley’s Ghost’ illustration from A Christmas Carol: in prose, by Charles Dickens (19th Century Collection 823.83 DIC

Extract and image are taken from A Christmas Carol: in prose: being a ghost story of Christmas.

“How now!” said Scrooge, caustic and cold as ever. “What do you want with me?”
    “Much!” – Marley’s voice, no doubt about it.
    “Who are you?”
    “Ask me who I was.”
    “Who were you then?” said Scrooge, raising his voice. “You’re particular – for a shade.” He was going to say “to a shade,” but substituted this, as more appropriate.
    “In life I was your partner, Jacob Marley.”

Jacob Marley is a ghost who appears in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. He is Scrooge’s deceased business partner, now a chained a tormented ghost, given as punishment in the afterlife for his greedy, selfish and uncaring attitude when he was living. Marley arranges three spirits to visit Scrooge (Ghosts of Christmas past, present and future), offering him and opportunity for redemption.

Find the book for yourself through Library Search.
Check out other items from the 19th Century Collection here.

15th December – Thomas Sopwith 26th December 1867 Diary Extract


26th December 1867 diary entry

26th December diary entry from Thomas Sopwith’s 1867 diary

The image and extract are taken from 26th December 1867 diary entry page from Thomas Sopwith’s diary.

Dec. 26th 1867
In the finenoon Mr. John Weightson called and I had a very agreable communication with him on several subjects. In the evening my daughters and a few of their young friends had a dress rehearsal of a little drawing room drama “The Duchess of Mansfelt.” – for which some frame work, a curtain and lights had been skillyfully arranged during the day. The servants, workmen and others formed the audience and the performance passed off very well. I then exhibited in the lobby a new toy called the “Wheel of Life” and a number of photographic and other pictures with all which they were gratified and the evening therefore partook of a cheerful character worthy of Christmas time._,,_,,_,,_,,

The diaries of Thomas Sopwith (1803-1879), mining engineer, land surveyor and philanthropist in the north-east of England, cover the period 1828-1879. They form a meticulous account of the professional life of Sopwith, detailing his work, projects and his travels both for business and for enjoyment. The diaries also include sketches and illustrations of people, views, and buildings and often include descriptions of lectures and conversations with people Sopwith met on his travels.

Click here, to find out more about the Thomas Sopwith Diaries.

14th December – 17th Century Cake Bread Recipe


Cake Bread recipe

Cake Bread recipe from Jane Lorraine’s recipe book (Miscellaneous Manuscripts 5)

Image and transcription (below) are taken from a page of Jane Lorraine’s recipe book. The recipe book contains lots of different recipe and was written in the 17th century by a woman called Jane Lorraine.

Jane Lorraine lived in Northumberland. She is likely to have been the wife of Nicholas Loraine and probably a member of the Fenwick family (John James Fenwick in 1882 opened the shop Fenwicks which exists on a larger scale down Northumberland Street, Newcastle today).

The recipe book is a collaboration between many different people. We can see that many different people contributed their recipes to it as there are mentions of different individuals within it (a total of 67 people), in addition to six different handwriting being identified within the text. Jane Lorraine put together the recipes by different individuals into one big recipe book.

27. Cake Bread
Take a peck of very fine flower two pound of sweat butter
six pound of currants to a quarter of an ounce of mace
a quarter of an ounce of synomond five nutmugs one
pound and a half of fine sugar let your spices and
sugar be very finely beaten your currants washed picked
and dryed put your spices into your flower a little salt
mingled well together, put your butter in thin slices put in
your Corants and sugar mingle them well togeather put
in two spounfuls of rose water a pinte of good ale yest
put in as much Cold cream that is thick and sweat as will
make it into a past work it very well when you have done
put your paste into a hot lining Cloth set it a while before
the fire mould it upon a table take a broad wooden peall lay
a sheat of broade paper strow it with flower lay your paste
on fashon it into a Cake prick it with a bodkin let it goe
down into the bottom then with a fether anoynt the kake
with melted butter strow good sugar finely beaten upon
it set it in an oven that will not scorch

This recipe book is part of Miscellaneous Manscripts

13th December – Mediaeval Breviary


Page from Breviary

Page from 15th Century Medieval Breviary (Mediaeval Manuscripts 8)

Highly decorated page from a medieval breviary, a service book from the Middle Ages that contains all the text needed for a church service. Decorated in gold with flowers, a peacock, magpie and squirrel surrounding the text. The breviary is Flemish and produced in the 15th century.

Page taken from Mediaeval Manuscript no. 8, which is found in our Mediaeval Manuscripts collection.

12th December – ‘Just Henry’ shooting script


Front page of a shooting script for ITV's 2011 Christmas film for 'Just Henry'

Front page of a shooting script for ITV’s 2011 Christmas film for ‘Just Henry’ (MC-4-2-14-1-2)

‘Just Henry’, adapted from Michelle Magorian’s novel of the same name, was ITV’s Christmas film in 2011.

It follows the story of Henry, a young man living in post-Second World War Britain and struggling to come to terms with his father’s death and his mother’s remarriage. When his father’s medal for bravery is posted through the door, Henry decides to find out more about the circumstances of his father’s death, but his mum would rather he didn’t find out too much…

The film script was written by Michael Chaplin. Featured here is the shooting script, but researchers can view related editorial correspondence, drafts scripts and plans which can all be found in Michael Chaplin’s archive. More details on individual items within the archive can be found here.

11th December – 24th Dec 1889 Gertrude Bell Letter


Letter dated 24th December 1889, from Gertrude Bell to her mother, Dame Florence Bell

Letter dated 24th December 1889, from Gertrude Bell to her mother, Dame Florence Bell

Letter dated 24th December 1889, from Gertrude Bell to her mother, Dame Florence Bell

Letter dated 24th December 1889, from Gertrude Bell to her mother, Dame Florence Bell

Letter dated 24th December 1889, from Gertrude Bell to her mother, Dame Florence Bell.

[1 December 1889] “Dec 1. Dearest Mother. It is so cold and grey here today, I’m afraid you must be having a cold journey. The little girls and I went out before lunch and walked towards Kirkleatham by the fields coming back by the road. They came up into my room where I made them some Turkish coffee after lunch, they then disappeared into the schoolroom – I expect to see them again shortly. They had supper with me last night, by which they were much amused. Yesterday was lovely, I went for a long walk in the afternoon while the children were at their show.

I have read Swinburne’s Jonson which I will keep for you, it is quite excellent. I should very much like for a Christmas present Jonson’s works edited by Gifford in 3 vols, not big ones I think. There are some of his masques I want very much to read and I don’t think they are to be found anywhere else.

I wonder when Papa is coming home, I half expect him on Wednesday night. The little girls think it is a great pity you are coming back so soon, because we are so comfortable! We shall be delighted to have you, though; one’s own society palls after a time.

We had a capital cooking lesson yesterday, made scones and gingerbread and boiled potatoes. The scones were excellent, I am sure you will like them. Ever your very affectionate daughter Gertrude.

I am telling Bumpus to send Cassell’s dictionary to Sloane St for you to bring home. Miss Thomson wants it. The Italian is marching[?] finely!”

To view more of Gertrude Bell’s letters, diaries and photographs, take a look at the Gertrude Bell website.

This letter is part of the Gertrude Bell archive. Take a look at the Gertrude Bell Collection to find out more about the book collection that formed part of Gertrude Bell’s working library.