Week 7- Team 2- Chase Park

After visiting the primary school we gained a bit more of an insight of what features we would like to include within our app. Sketching out ideas of what features the app would have and what they would entail, we decided to focus on one specific feature of our app that seemed to be a strong point when visiting the school. Secret dens were talked about a lot and we think this feature would make our app unique and feel we have a lot to work with. Sketching out further detail and features of this one specific topic, sketching the app as a walk through and how the children would use it.

2 thoughts on “Week 7- Team 2- Chase Park”

  1. Hi team, thanks for the update. It seems a good decision to focus on what made your proposal unique and, in particular, follow the suggestions and ideas that came from your research. That will make your final proposition quite strong. Beyond that, for your prompt questions for week 7 (and the eventual reflective report), could you provide some snapshot examples from your storyboard and discuss what specifically you’ll need prototyping? A bit of a discussion of your application blueprint (so the structure between UI views) could really help you think through the plan for your prototyping activity; and will also help onlookers understand your progress. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hi team, I’m inclined to agree with Sebastian – I think that’s a good focus. Whilst not everybody mentioned the dens, a fair few did, and it’s certainly a novel perspective to take (rather than just replicating ordinary social media platforms). This should mean that your thinking falls a bit more into place now. And even with this more specific focus, you can of course mention that the app could be used for different user scenarios or have new features added in future. Will offer some comments on your storyboards and mock ups shortly.

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