Andy Bates master leatherworker on Roman shoes

Shoes by Andy Bates
Shoes by Andy Bates

Master leatherworker Andy Bates visited the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Newcastle University recently during our first year undergraduate archaeology induction week.  He talked about the process and demonstrated how he makes replica Roman shoes, which some of our students filmed on their mobile phones (with Andy’s permission!). We’ve edited some of their footage together, and whilst student mobile phones didn’t give the best sound in the echoey room, we thought you’d be interested to get a glimpse into what an induction session is like. Andy provided shoes for our week five videos filmed in the Commanding Officer’s House at Arbeia in South Shields for Hadrian’s Wall: Life on the Roman Frontier.

3 Replies to “Andy Bates master leatherworker on Roman shoes”

  1. Thank you for the additional info provided by the blogs.
    This week (5) though we seem to be missing the video/s you refer to. The show making is only a pfd picture. Not clear if chef John was filmed or not while cooking.
    Keep them comingband thank you again
    Anna Mangini

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