Canvas New Feature – Find and Replace in the RCE


Canvas, our Virtual Learning Environment is constantly evolving to enhance user experience and functionality. Each month we inform you via this blog what changes are taking place, how they will impact users and how to make the best out of this new functionality.

In this blog, we will look at the new Find and Replace tool in the Rich Content Editor.

Rich Content Editor – Find and Replace

What is this new feature?

A find and replace tool has been added to the Rich Content Editor (RCE). This will be similar in functionality to Find and Replace your would find in Word Processing applications like Microsoft Word.

As this is a Rich Content Editor enhancement, you will be able to use this in the following areas of Canvas:

  • Announcements
  • Assignments
  • Discussions
  • New Quizzes
  • Pages
  • Quizzes

How do I use this Find and Replace Tool?

  1. Access the Rich Content Editor:
    • When editing a Canvas page, discussion post, or any other content, click the Tools drop-down menu in the Rich Content Editor.
    • Select Find and Replace from the options.
  2. Search and Replace:
    • In the modal that appears, enter the text you want to find in the Find field.
    • Enter the replacement text in the Replace field.
    • Click Replace to replace the first occurrence, or Replace All to replace all occurrences.
  3. Keyboard Shortcut:
    • You can also use the keyboard shortcut:
      • Mac: Command + F
      • Windows: Control + F

Video Demonstration

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