Inspera Resits 23-24 & Updates for 24-25

Resit and Deferrals 

In the last academic year, our cycle came to a close with the support of Resit and Deferral Digital Inspera exams. Overall, there were 103 Resit/Deferral Inspera exams which ran between 8-16 August, with 101 exams being held successfully on campus. The Digital Exams Team were delighted to see an increase in the use of content features for this period, showcasing the wide range of benefits Inspera can provide.  

The removal of the minimum threshold for the August assessment period, (in 22-23 Inspera could only be used for Resits if a certain number of students were due to take the digital exam) saw a vast increase in the number of module teams using Inspera. We can confirm the removal of the minimum threshold was a success and all Inspera users can opt for a Resit in 24-25 if their Semester 1 and/or 2 assessment runs as an Inspera Digital Exam.   

Inspera Training 24-25 

Training for Semester 1 preparation is now available to book via the Newcastle University LMS. Please use the links below to book onto appropriate training as required: 

Inspera Deadlines for 24-25 

Here are the important deadlines you need for the new academic year: 

Deadlines for Semester 1 and 2 assessment periods 

Deadline to complete the digital exam form for Semester 1  25 October 2024 
Deadline to prepare question set in Inspera for Semester 1 15 November 2024 
Digital exams: hard deadline to submit backup paper for digital exams to Exam Paper Portal for Semester 1  Within 2 working days of backup paper being sent to module team by LTDS, and no later than 6 December 2024 
Deadline to complete the digital exam form for Semester 2 19 February 2025 
Deadline to prepare question set in Inspera for Semester 2   8 March 2025 
Digital exams: hard deadline to submit backup paper for digital exams to Exam Paper Portal for Semester 2  Within 2 working days of backup paper being sent to module team by LTDS, and no later than 11 April 2025

Deadlines for August assessment period 

For Resits/Deferrals from Semester 1 

Task Deadline  
Deadline to complete the digital exam form for the resit period exam (which was originally a Semester 1 exam) 17 March 2025 
Deadline to prepare question set in Inspera 17 April 2025 
Digital exams: hard deadline to submit backup paper for digital exams to Exam Paper Portal for the resit period Within 2 working days of backup paper being sent to module team by LTDS

For Resits/Deferrals from Semester 2 

Task Deadline  
Deadline to complete the digital exam form for the resit period exam (which was originally a Semester 2 exam)  1 July 2025 
Deadline to prepare question set in Inspera  8 July 2025 
Digital exams: hard deadline to submit backup paper for digital exams to Exam Paper Portal for the resit period Within 2 working days of backup paper being sent to module team by LTDS 

All information regarding deadlines for Inspera Digital Exams is also posted on the colleague facing website along with a wide range of helpful resources on all aspects of Inspera. Go to the Frequently Asked Questions section and deadline information can be found under ‘How should I prepare for an Inspera digital exam?’ and ‘Can I use Inspera for August assessment period exams?’.

Further Support for Students 24-25 

ASK webpage 

The Digital Exams Team have recently updated the student facing website which includes access to newly created demo exams for students to practice using Inspera. 

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