Learning and Teaching Conference

With over 280 delegates, 12 lightning talk videos, 9 live sessions and some creative entries to the poster competition, our first online learning and teaching conference had something for everyone. Thank you to all colleagues and students for getting involved and sharing some of their teaching and learning successes and challenges from the past year.

You can find a number of resources from the week below and we look forward to seeing you all at the next event.

Introduction from the Vice-Chancellor

Professor Chris Day introduces the conference celebrating the many collaborative, creative and impactful approaches to teaching across the University. He also highlights the achievements of Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education, who is retiring this year.

Opening Keynote Address: Education for All?

Professor Sue Rigby, Vice-Chancellor, Bath Spa University

Education for all slide with small image of Sue Rigby

Professor Sue Rigby opened the event with her address intended to provoke, asking colleagues and students to think about some key questions:

  • Why doesn’t everyone thrive at University?
  • Attainment gap or awarding gap?
  • Thrive or strive: Is learning purposeful? Is it effective? Is it challenging? Is it engaging?

Watch Education for All? Keynote address

Lightning Talk videos

A diverse range of approaches to teaching and learning all covered in less then 7 minutes.  With contributions from colleagues from Schools and Services across the University these are a great resource if you’re looking for some new ideas:

Poster Competition

Congratulations to Rosalind Beaumont, HaSS Faculty Office and Nuala Davies, LTDS who won this year’s poster competition with their poster:

Winning the Blended Learning Game (step by step) Flipping the HaSS PG Cert Research Training over three years.

You can still view all of this year’s poster submissions

Live sessions

All live sessions were recorded so if you missed any or want to revisit some of the talks you can at the links below:

Closing Keynote address: Keynote Address: Powerful Learning for a Challenging World

Professor Dilly Fung, Pro-Director for Education, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

A challenging world powerpoint slice, with a small image  of the speaker Dilly Fung in Zoom

Professor Dilly Fung  closed the conference with an inspiring talk which looked at the relationship between education, research and public engagement through the lens of the Connected Curriculum framework.

Meet the researcher schemes, an interdisciplinary course for all first-year students and a degree showcase portfolio are all practical examples of ways that the Connected Curriculum can be achieved.

The talk ended with some questions and examples of work already happening in these areas as well as lots of new ideas to explore.

Watch Powerful Learning for a Challenging World

Conference close

Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education

Professor Suzanne Cholerton

Professor Cholerton thanked all speakers, delegates and organisers for making this year’s conference happen in spite of the current circumstances.

This was Professor Cholerton’s last learning and teaching conference and during her time as PVC Education the conference has gone from strength to strength with increased numbers of colleagues and students presenting and attending each year. This is down to Professor Cholerton’s vision and leadership and we hope we can continue to make future conferences equally as successful.

Next years event

Planning will be underway soon and if you’d like to get involved in the programme committee we’d love to hear from you. Please email LTDS@ncl.ac.uk

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