Canvas december update

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The project team have been busy over the last couple of weeks and early adopters of Canvas have now been confirmed. The team have started delivering training to make sure that early adopters get the most out of this new University Virtual Learning Environment which will launch across the whole University for the 2020/21 academic year.

We are also pleased to announce that the Canvas team will be here on the 20-22 January delivering a number of roadshows giving  you the chance to see the new opportunities that Canvas brings and ask any questions that you might have. We are looking forward to sharing more details about this in the next couple of weeks. To find out more about the transition to Canvas please visit the Digital Learning Website If you have any questions or would like to invite the project team to speak to colleagues in your school/service, please email

Numbas and Canvas

It’s recently been announced that Newcastle will replace Blackboard with Canvas as our main virtual learning environment from the 2020/21 academic year. We’ve had a few questions from colleagues about how this will affect Numbas, so this is a short note to say, in essence, it won’t.

Numbas is currently linked to Blackboard using the LTI standard, which Canvas also supports. When we switch to Canvas, links to Numbas will work the same way.

This is what adding a Numbas resource in Canvas looks like.

Multiple institutions around the world are already successfully using Numbas with Canvas. We will of course do our own testing before the switch happens.