Resilient Futures final event on #infrastructure interdependency

Over 100 stakeholders attended the event to hear the findings and “play” with the computer demonstrator to explore infrastructure interdependency issues.  The Resilient Futures project which emerged from an EPSRC/ESRC sandpit in 2010 has been studying interdependencies between infrastructure and risks from natural and manmade hazards.  A final dissemination event was held on Friday 31st May which included a series of multi-track workshops that provided attendees with an opportunity to play through a futures hazard event using our interactive demonstrator system. Sir David Omand, Visiting Professor in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, formerly the first UK Security and Intelligence Coordinator and Government’s chief crisis manager for civil contingencies delivered an insightful keynote speech highlighting the changing nature of infrastructure and natural and human threats.   

For more information on the project, and presentations from the event please visit:

Newcastle University’s Best Environmental Initiative of 2013

The U-Café initiative has been awarded the Newcastle University, Best Environmental Initiative of 2013. 

U-Café was designed to gauge a range of possible perceptions around notions of waste, value and utility. The interdisciplinary team of researchers and students from CESER, School of Civil Engineering and GeosciencesSchool of Architecture Planning and LandscapeCentre for Urban and Regional DevelopmentSchool of Arts and CulturesSchool of Mechanical and Systems Engineering and Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability constructed a Café made from materials described as rubbish or waste.


The café was designed as a means to challenge perceptions around defining waste, the structure created from materials normally discarded into landfill or a recycling stream.  Central to up-cycling is a notion of adding value to materials and objects.  This process acts to encourage people to question whether items have actually reached the end of their useful life.  Defining the quality of this added value is complex and ambiguous, as people can have very different ideas of why to keep an object out of the bin.  The central question for the U-Tec team was how to promote up-cycling as a way to encourage people to behave differently towards food and product packaging?  Would it be possible, for example, by releasing the hidden value of product packaging (milk cartons, plastic drinks bottles and tin cans) to encourage people to live in a more environmentally sustainable way?

The Cafe was ‘open for business’ between Tuesday 16 and Thursday 18 April and attracted over 150 customers who participated in the research and were entertained by recitals from Hadrian Primary School’s upcycled orchestra and by ‘Junk Agency’, a group of Newcastle University musicians who will perform a concert with music made from sampling CDs and cassettes found in rubbish bins and skips.


Lord Deighton launches the new iBUILD #infrastructure research centre

Visit for more information.
Understanding how our key infrastructures interconnect – from a technical, economic and social perspective – will improve the way we finance and deliver them across the UK.

Experts at Newcastle University will lead a £3.5 million Centre set up to investigate how technical and market interactions between our energy, water, transport, waste and digital technology systems can be exploited to get better economic, social and environmental value from our infrastructure.

Brian Collins (Director of ICIF, UCL), Lord Deighton, Richard Dawson (Director of iBUILD, Newcastle), Martin Donnelly (Permanent Secretary for BIS), Adrian Alsop (Director of Research at ESRC), Dave Delpy (Chief executive of EPSRC)

Working with Leeds and Birmingham universities and 27 industrial partners, the new i- BUILD (Infrastructure Business models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery) Centre is part of the National Infrastructure Plan, published by the Government in 2011.Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) the Newcastle University-led project is one of two national centres being announced today in London by Lord Deighton, Commercial Secretary to the Treasury.  The second will be led by UCL.The Centres will create an interdisciplinary environment in which social scientists, engineers, industrialists, policy makers and other stakeholders can research and collaborate. They will consider how to deliver infrastructure, and the services it provides, to stimulate jobs and economic growth but also deliver wider environmental and social value.Richard Dawson, Director of i- BUILD and Professor of Earth System Engineering at Newcastle University, explains: “A growing population, modern economy and proliferation of new technologies have placed increased and new demands on infrastructure services and made infrastructure networks increasingly inter-connected.“Meanwhile, investment has not kept up with the pace of change leaving many components at the end of their life.  Furthermore, pressures associated with global environmental change require infrastructure to be less polluting and more resilient to extreme events such as flooding.

“These challenges place further pressure on the UK’s existing business models for infrastructure delivery that are in many cases already providing poor value.”

Professor Dawson said the key aim of the new Centre was to develop new business models that are able to reduce costs but also provide better value for people and the environment throughout the design, construction, operation, maintenance, decommissioning or conversion of the infrastructure systems.

“While national scale infrastructure planning remains important, it is at the scale of neighbourhoods, towns and cities – the focus of i-BUILD – that infrastructure is most dense and interactions between infrastructures, economies and society are most profound.

“We aim to harness the power of the Localism Act, City Deals and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and the innovation of communities to stimulate local economic growth through infrastructure delivery.

“After all, our national infrastructure and economy are only as good as the sum of their parts and this project offers us a real opportunity to innovate the way we deliver infrastructure and consequently stimulate economic growth.”

In Newcastle, i-BUILD will have a focus around Science Central, the country’s largest inner-city regeneration project that is set to become an exemplar of Sustainability research for the UK.  The site will be used as a pilot for the i-BUILD project to demonstrate how infrastructure can be planned and financed in a smarter way to better support local communities and to stimulate growth.

Similar case studies will be developed in Leeds, Birmingham and elsewhere.

Seminar by Prof. Pascal Perez on urban simulation and planning

TransMob: A micro-simulation model for integrated transport and urban planning
Prof Pascal Perez, SMART Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong, NSW


4-5pm, 24th May, Room 2.32: Cassie Building, Newcastle University

To book your place please register online


How will current socio-demographic evolution affect future transport patterns and traffic conditions?

How will urban development and transport policy influence the quality of life of various segments of the local community?


The ‘Shaping the Sydney of Tomorrow’ Project (StSoT) was commissioned by Transport for NSW (Australia) to better understand the interactions between transport and land-use dynamics as experienced by individuals and households over extensive periods of time (15-20 years). Stepping away from traditional optimisation, our model focuses on anticipating short and long-term emergent consequences and feedbacks resulting from interactions between people and their urban environment, through the creation of ‘what-if’ scenarios (risk assessment approach).  The innovative design and development of TransMob aims to challenge three traditional but highly limiting modelling assumptions:

•Long-term steady-state equilibrium of the system: in fact, transport services and urban development co-evolve along with socio-demographic changes in highly dynamic ways and out of equilibrium.
•Feed-forward effect of urban development on transport networks: in fact, evidence suggests that there is a strong feedback effect of transport solutions onto land-use changes.
•Homogeneous and utility-based social responses to transport and land-use planning: in fact, there is more to decisions on transport modes or residential locations than pure micro-economic reasoning; most unintended consequences stem from unexpected heterogeneous individual considerations.

TransMob is made of six modelling components: (1) synthetic population, (2) perceived liveability, (3) travel diaries, (4) traffic micro-simulator, (5) transport mode choice and (6) residential location choice. The model is applied to the inner south-east area of Sydney metropolitan area and simulates the evolution of around 110,000 individuals and 50,000 households over 20 years, according to various transport and land use scenarios.

i-BUILD: Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery

EPSRC and ESRC have recently announced the funding of i-BUILD, a £3.5M research centre, led by Professor Richard Dawson at Newcastle University, to develop new approaches to infrastructure business models with the ultimate aim of replacing current public-private business models that in many cases provide poor value.

While national scale infrastructure plans, projects and procedures set the wider agenda, it is at the scale of neighbourhoods, towns and cities that infrastructure is most dense and interdependencies between infrastructures, economies and society are most profound – and hence the focus of our activity will be at these local and urban scales.  Balancing growth across regions and scales is crucial to the success of the national economy. The Government’s response (March 2013) to Lord Heseltine’s review of local economic growth emphasised the devolution of funding for local major infrastructure schemes that is occurring from 2015, the importance of the development of an integrated approach to local infrastructure investment and also noted the requirement for alternative funding models. This localism agenda is encouraging local agents to develop new infrastructure related business but this is limited by the lack of robust new business models with which to do so at the local and urban scale.

To develop a new generation of business models the i-BUILD research programme is structured around three main research streams:

(i)   Reducing the costs of infrastructure delivery by understanding interdependencies between systems and alternative finance models;

(ii)  Improving the way we value the wider benefits of our infrastructure by identifying and exploiting the social, environmental and economic opportunities; and,

(iii) Reconciling local scale priorities with regional and national strategic needs – because no locality is disconnected from its surroundings.

New approaches developed through these research streams will be tested and demonstrated on integrative case studies in partnership with an extensive stakeholder group from academic, private, public and voluntary sector organisations. 

An official launch event will take place on the 7th June.  Details to follow.

About the i-BUILD team:
The i-BUILD Centre brings together a highly integrated and multi-disciplinary team embracing many of the UK’s leading researchers in infrastructure engineering, business modelling, economic analysis and social science, alongside an extensive stakeholder group.  The Centre will have its headquarters at Newcastle University (Director: Professor Richard Dawson, CESER; Deputy director: Professor Andy Pike, CURDS) in collaboration with leading academics from the University of Birmingham (Deputy directors: Professor Chris Rogers; Professor John Bryson) and the University of Leeds (Deputy directors: Professor Phil Purnell; Professor Andy Gouldson). 

About the Newcastle team:
i-BUILD draws together expertise in civil engineering, urban economy, business models and societal engagement from four schools at Newcastle University: the School of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University Business School and the School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

The full i-BUILD team can be found here:

Adaptation and Resilience in Cities: Final dissemination event

Adaptation and Resilience in Cities: Analysis and decision making using integrated assessment (ARCADIA)

Final dissemination event, 2 May, London

Building upon work developed during the Tyndall Centre Cities Programme, the ARCADIA project has developed a methodological approach for looking at risks to urban systems, understanding the inter-relationships between climate impacts, the urban economy, land use, transport and the built environment, has enabled the testing of adaptation options to design cities that are more resilient. The final dissemination event will be held on Thursday 2 May, 1-5pm, at the Friend’s Meeting House, Euston Road, London. During the event, key messages from the project will be presented using the example impacts of urban heat and flood risk. There will also be more detailed presentations and demonstrations of the project’s methodological approaches: spatial weather generator, economic modelling, land-use and transport modelling.  During the event we will welcome your review, evaluation and potential use of the tools, methodologies and research outcomes that will be showcased.

To register to attend please email   by Tuesday 30 April.

U-Café: exploring the potentials of up-cycling

The concept of upcycling is recognised as only successful if the general public not only recognise these new potentials in waste material, but are also motivated to do something with them too.  What is not currently known, is the willingness of people to own a handbag made from materials once regarded as rubbish or waste, or live in a building insulated with material of a similar origin.  How, and why would people of very different social, economic and cultural backgrounds choose to engage with up-cycled products, if at all?  To gauge a range of possible perceptions around notions of waste, value and utility, an interdisciplinary team of academics and students from Newcastle University are constructing a Café made from materials described as rubbish or waste. The structure of ‘U-Café’ will be cardboard and plastic, and has been designed to function as a working café.  This is intended as a space where people of different ages, and from different neighbourhoods of Newcastle, will be invited to participate in a research dialogue with members of the project team. It is hoped that, by encouraging research participants to experience waste materials in new

ways, it will be possible to explore the potential value of up-cycled products and components.




U-Café will be open for business between Tuesday 16 and Thursday 18 April, and we invite you to come along and get involved.  All ‘customers’ will get a free cup of coffee.  You will find Café in the new Fine Art Lobby – opposite Northern Stage.

Tuesday 16th April 

0930 to 1700

With recitals from Hadrian Primary School’s upcycled orchestra

Wednesday 17th April

0930 to 1600

Featuring screenings of short film, ‘Second Hand Sureshots’

Thursday 18th April

0930 to 1700

With an afternoon of live music from Junk Agency

Funded PhD in CESER available

PhD in Earth Systems Engineering: Sustainable cities, infrastructure and catchments

Earth Systems Engineering addresses the analysis, design, engineering and management of coupled human, environmental and engineered systems. It relates to how engineering decisions can take better account of long term changes (e.g. in the climate, land use and human behaviour), societal interactions (e.g. between the built environment, transport demand and greenhouse gas emissions) and other uncertainties.

The Centre for Earth Systems Engineering Research (CESER) at Newcastle University, U.K. is seeking an outstanding candidate for a funded PhD student position in its Earth Systems Engineering programme.

Our programme brings together work on (i) natural hazards and environmental change, (ii) field monitoring and geomatics, (iii) informatics and systems modelling, (iv) decision-support tools and methods. We invite applications in the topics above, in areas related to our catchment; sustainable cities or infrastructure systems programme.

Indicative PhD topics and more information on our programme can be found:

Application details here:

Funding Notes:
This award is available to the candidates who meet the ESPRC eligibility criteria. A full award covers tuition fees at the UK/EU rate and an annual stripend of £13,590 (2013-14).

Co-organisers of an EU adaptation training school for climate adaptation decision-makers in cities

At the end of February 2013 a successful and highly enjoyable Climate Change Adaptation Training School was organised by Tecnalia, CESER and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).  Climate change adaptation managers for cities from 13 European countries attended the Training School which was held in Bilbao, Spain. Alistair Ford travelled by train from Newcastle to lead a day on urban integrated assessment modelling based on our Integrated Systems Demonstration of  Cities .

 A mixture of sessions led by industry, government and academic representatives delivered presentations, workshops and practical exercises to disseminate expert knowledge to assist policy makers who are beginning to address Climate Change Adaptation issues in European cities.

The School was financed by the European Cost Action TU-0902 (Integrated assessment technologies to support the sustainable development of urban areas) which is Chaired by CESER Director, Richard Dawson.