interview schedule for air quality group

Interview schedule

This morning, Ben and me are meeting with Peter who has lived in Gosforth a long time and works with people like RNIB (which is to support people with sight less). The meeting will be to discuss the SPACE group and what they have done. What can we learn from the interview about the digital methodS to solve problems. Below is a brief plan for the interview.

Introduction to us

Thank you for inviting us, we are students in newcastle university stage 2. We have a project which is the air quality activism in busy congestion high streets. Our goal is to make the data accessible to the public and increase community awareness and support for self-managed air quality control. We are therefore inviting Peter to our interview to know more about the area and some groups which relevant to the air quality.


  1. Can you briefly explain what is SPACE and RNIB?
    • What they have done in Gosforth with specific questions?
    • What role does Peter play in groups?
  2. What challenges do you feel Gosforth high street faces from different parts like environment, transport, business, local residents?
    • How do you personally think these issues should be solved?
  3. Do you feel the existing Air Quality Action Plan that from council in May 2011 has been effective?
    • If no, why has it not been effective?
  4. Have you ever used digital engagement methods?
    • If no, what is your opinion on using digital engagement methods?
    • If yes, what method was used and did it work? How many people were involved in using this method?
  5. As you works with people in RNBI, will the disabled community engage with any existing digital engagement methods?
    • If no, why they can not be engaged in or they are not willing to engaged in?
    • If yes, what challenges are facing the community in accessing different data including air quality?
    • How have the local community helped in anyway to allow easy access?
    • How would you believe what is the best or most effective method of engagement for the disabled community?
  6. What kind of people do you have in Space (occupation)? How do they be engaged within the group? How do they engage with other members of the community?
    • How does Space get feedback from the public?
    • Is there any difference for different age groups of people in the community?
  7. Are there any groups of the population SPACE does not currently engaged with?
    • Do you think people want to get involved with the issue of air quality in Gosforth if they are given the opportunity?
    • Are there issues Space are having to overcome to engage local people?
  8. Given the choice of a Smartphone App, Interactive Display on the high street, Emails, Website, Newspaper or any ideas of your own. Which would most likely engage you with air pollution in Gosforth High St and What is also the best for the disabled?

The end

Thank you.

One thought on “interview schedule for air quality group”

  1. Hi team, I believe this is the updated version of the interview schedule already passed on to us earlier. This is a well laid out plan. Perhaps also add a question if Peter is aware of the air quality monitoring sensors along the hughstreet and what ideas he has as to how this data could be better used / displayed / brought into conversation at street-level (that’s partly relating to your last question). Hope it helps and good luck for your interview. Don’t forget to arrange for who leads and who is taking notes, and make sure to document the conversation for your design project after your interview finishes.

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