Week 8 – Introducing Prototyping

To follow on from the storyboard, we planned out how we wanted our product to be accessed and seen by the potential users. The next step for us was to plan out our iPad app and work out the display interface, how we wanted to present our idea and capture the audiences attention. We all attended the lecture where prototyping was introduced to the class and as a group we looked at the concept of prototyping, how it would be beneficial and further our work. It was discussed how we could use prototyping and we were shown examples, including ‘Marvel’, a software that would allow us to capture the interface step by step and showcase how we want our application to work.

In the following seminar we set up the Marvel design and started to add the frames to our project. We were slightly stuck with inspiration for how it would look, so we agreed to each go away over the weekend and mock up some of our own designs of how we would want the screen to look and what would be included. Individually, we had to think about what would appeal to the users as our project is aimed at young people, so it had to be kept quite simple and make the application interactive and fun to use. When we came together next, our designs were all the same, in terms of the features we wanted to include and where we wanted the symbols and icons to be placed.

It was a successful week in terms of keeping our work on track and moving forward with our project. The team is working really well together and each of us are having our ideas implemented into the product. The next step for us is to complete the prototype on Marvel and have it finished in time for our user meetings where we will be undertaking user testing.

One thought on “Week 8 – Introducing Prototyping”

  1. Hi team, thanks for the comment. It gives a brief insight in your team’s work. I think there’s nothing much else to add here and the prototype itself looks good.

    In terms of the final design log, the contribution here could be further expanded. Presently, your writing in this post is descriptive of your process. Design logs are reflective documents.

    You could, for example, introduce a critical / discursive element towards what we do in class and your activities in the team. A critical question would for example be to ask, why you thought Marvel (and app prototyping) was the right thing to use for your project? What was difficult to prototype? What does prototyping mean to you and in the context of your project. Additional critical questions might come up with reading the lecture materials and recommended reading on the blackboard folder.

    More guidelines can be found here: https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/digicivics-at-apl/2016/10/12/what-makes-a-good-design-log-entry/

    Hope this helps.

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