Inspera Digital Exams: Setting up a grading committee via CSV upload 


It is now possible to upload your students to grading committees via the csv upload option. This blog post works through the steps required to set up grading committees via CSV upload. 

Steps to set up grading committees via CSV

To create a grading committee: 

  1. Access the exam from the Canvas Assignment (you’ll need Teacher or Teaching assistant access on the Canvas Module).  
  1. Open the assignment and click the grey load button to access Inspera.  
  1. From the Deliver tab (or landing page) of the exam, scroll down to Committees and click on the orange ‘manage’ button
  1. Click ’Add committee’ and select ‘Add from CSV’: 
  1. A box will appear, select to Download CSV with Student IDs using the hyperlink named ‘Download CSV with candidate user IDs’. 
  1. Within your downloads folder, you’ll now have a CSV containing all Student IDs. 
  1. Ensure that there are no headers. 
  1. Add the relevant committee name into column A alongside the student IDs you wish your committee to mark. For example, in this example we have Marker 1 grading student 12 and 13’s submissions. Note: the example is showing placeholder student IDs only. 
  1. Once all students are matched with a grading committee, save the file. 
  1. Important note: this must remain as a CSV file. You should not change the format to Excel. 
  1. Select ‘Upload CSV file’. 
  1. Attach the file that you downloaded, edited and saved. 
  1. If the import has been successful a message will display as ‘Successful import’. 
  1. Your committees will be visible in the Committees area. 

Adding graders to committees 

  1. Within the Committees test setup, select a committee and click ‘Edit graders’, which will display at the bottom of the screen. 
  1. Select the grader(s) to add to the committee. Click Finish
  1. Note: Only users that are added as contributors with the role, ‘grader’, will be displayed. 

Removing ‘markers’ when using Grading Committees 

It is important to check your contributors list and remove ‘grader’ status from colleagues who do not need to mark/grade the test. 

By default, every colleague who accesses an Inspera test via Canvas will be added to it as a Grader. However, it is only colleagues who need to do the marking within the Grading Committee that should have the Grader role for the test. So, before marking begins the Grader role must be removed from any contributors who do not need to mark the test

To remove the Grader role from a test contributor: 

  1. Find the contributor list at the top right of the test setup page. 
  1. Click ‘Manage’. 
  1. A list of all the test contributors will be displayed, showing which roles each person has. 
  1. Click the cog icon next to a contributor, and click the X icon next to the Grader role. 

Confirming marks after using grading committees 

If there are non-markers still added as ‘graders’ to the exam, Inspera will not let you confirm the marks. If you know that all marking has been completed but the ‘confirm marks’ option is not showing, you should go to the contributors area and ensure that only those colleagues who have marked in a grading committee have the ‘grader’ status. 

Have you got a question about using grading committees? 

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) area on the Inspera Grading Committees webpage of the L&T website. You can also contact the Digital Exams Team via

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