Evidencing Teaching Excellence as part of promotion applications

Are you interested in applying for promotion in whole or in part on the basis of your teaching?

Newcastle University has a programme to support staff with their applications.  It may be of particular interest to staff intending to make an application to the 2018-19 or 2019-20 promotion rounds.

You can find full details of the programme on the LTDS website

Marita Grimwood
Marita Grimwood, Learning and Teaching Consultant


As part of the programme there are a number of one to one sessions with Marita Grimwood, Learning and Teaching Consultant, arranged for Tuesday 17th and Tuesday 24th April. Continue reading “Evidencing Teaching Excellence as part of promotion applications”

Approaches and tools for Internationalisation at home in higher education

Education Research Seminars

School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences

Tuesday 17th April 2018
Location: KGVI Howden Room, 1-2.30 p.m.

Dr Joana Almeida and Professor Sue Robson

Higher education internationalisation is more than mobility – if universities are to become truly ‘international’, they have to start ‘at home’. This is the motto of Developing Innovative Approaches and Tools for Internationalisation at Home (ATIAH), an Erasmus+ project between three European universities: Newcastle University (Coordinating institution), University of Bologna (Italy) and KU Leuven (Belgium). Continue reading “Approaches and tools for Internationalisation at home in higher education”

Advance HE: new sector agency

Advance HE, the new sector agency, has been formally launched.

Advance HE is a merger of  Equality Challenge Unit, Higher Education Academy and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.

One of the first things the agency will focus on is consultation with the sector and the agency have outlined their aim:

” to advance practice and improve outcomes for the benefit of students, staff and society.”

The organisations that have merged will continue to work towards their business plans for the current academic year and the HEA website has been retained at the moment so staff will still currently be able to access this, however, this may change.

You can read full details on the Advance HE website.

5 things we learnt at ALT North East

ALT North-East held its first meeting under its new title  on Tuesday 27 February 2018.

Colleagues from HE and FE across the North East met at Newcastle University  to hear a number of presentations from Turnitin, Durham University, Northumbria University and Newcastle University.

1. Turnitin is changing to meet new and existing needs

Jamie Whitehead, Account Manager, Turnitin, informed the group of a recent consultation Turnitin had carried out and ran through some of the  key themes important to stakeholders which were: reliability, data access, marking & moderation, assessment workflows and integrations, customer relations, ghost writing, and future requirements.  Continue reading “5 things we learnt at ALT North East”

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey 2018

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

We will shortly be launching this year’s Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES).  PTES will open on Monday 16 April and run until Friday 15 June.

PTES is the only national survey of postgraduate taught students’ experience of learning and teaching.  The results will allow you to compare students’ experience of postgraduate programmes both internally and against the groups of institutions so to make changes that better meet their future needs.

The survey is also an opportunity for students to voice their opinion and to be partners in developing the postgraduate learning experience.  Information gathered helps us to demonstrate the quality of taught postgraduate degree programmes and show commitment to postgraduate education.

Please do all that you can to promote it.  The more students that take part the better the picture we will get of the taught postgraduate experience at Newcastle.

To find out more about PTES this year, visit http://www.ncl.ac.uk/ltds/student/opinion/PTES/ or contact newcastlestudentsurveys@ncl.ac.uk

Vice-Chancellor’s Education Excellence Awards

The Vice-Chancellor’s Education Excellence awards aim to raise the status of teaching and learning at Newcastle University by rewarding those individuals and teams who make a marked impact on enhancing our student educational experience.

The Award is open to all members of staff, at Newcastle, NUIS, NUMed and NUL, whose work enhances the student educational experience. In addition, applications are welcome from staff of associated employers with direct and substantive involvement in the delivery of the student experience at Newcastle, for example, staff of INTO Newcastle University. Groups of colleagues who work closely together are invited to apply for the team award.

For more information about the award and the application process, please visit the VC’s Award page on the LTDS website.

Learning and Teaching Conference 2018 Full Programme, Abstract Booklet and Poster Voting

Image for Learning and Teaching Conference 2018 of Tyne Bridge.

The full programme is now available.

Please note due to the high number of delegates registered to attend the conference we have moved the Strand C Presentation sessions at both 10:30 and 14:00 to The Boiler House.

We are looking forward to welcoming delegates for a range of sessions including:

  • Professor Suzanne Cholerton, PVC Learning and Teaching, who will introduce the new education strategy for Newcastle University.
  • Keynote presentation on Learning Gain from Dr Camille Kandiko Howson, Academic Head of Student Engagement, King’s College London.
  • A range of fascinating guest speakers invited from partner higher education providers.
  • A lively mix of hands on workshops, presentations, lightning talks and posters, with the opportunity to showcase your own excellent and effective teaching.
  • Opportunities to network with colleagues involved in Learning and Teaching from across the institution.

You can also view abstracts from all of the presenters in this abstract booklet.

Poster voting

Thank you to staff for all of the high quality poster submissions for this years Learning and Teaching Conference.

Voting is now open and you can view the posters and select the three you find most inspirational for your practice on the voting webpage

The vote will remain open throughout the conference closing at 3pm on 21 March 2018. The winner will be announced by Professor Suzanne Cholerton, PVC Learning and Teaching, at the Presentation and Awards drinks reception.

CASAP Review: Share Your Views

LTDS has been asked by ULTSEC to consider what is needed to ensure Newcastle University staff are confident, informed teachers and supporters of learning, able to enthuse, encourage and inform their students.

We will be spending the next 2 months gathering views, ideas and suggestions from colleagues all across the university. Your views will be used to develop a proposal for university approval with a start date for the new provision of September 2019.

To enable us to capture the widest possible range of views we have an online questionnaire, will be hosting a workshop at the Learning and Teaching Conference and will be meeting with groups and individuals to gather their views.

As we gather your ideas and suggestions we will be updating the blog and review web page with the ideas. You are welcome to respond to these ideas as they are posted.

You can find the questionnaire here https://forms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=1495678 and our web page here http://www.ncl.ac.uk/ltds/professional/casap/review/ .

Transforming Assessment Webinars

Dr Mathew Hillier, Monash Education Academy, Monash University, Australia and Professor Geoffrey Crisp, PVC-Education, University of New South Wales, Australia will be hosting a series of webinars over the coming months focusing on transforming assessment with  topics such as digital literacy, written and audio feedback and blended simulation-based learning. Take a look at the further details below. Continue reading “Transforming Assessment Webinars”

Learning and Teaching Conference: Full Programme Announced

Image for Learning and Teaching Conference 2018 of Tyne Bridge.

Education for life: Celebrating partnership, encouraging innovation
The Boiler House
Wednesday 21 March 2018

The full draft programme is now ready.

There are a varied range of presentations, workshops, lightning talks and posters. Contributions have come from branch campuses,  partners, students, professional services and all faculties. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone on the day to celebrate a partnership approach to education at Newcastle University.

Professor Chris Day, Vice-Chancellor & President, will open the event and welcome delegates. Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching will then deliver a keynote presentation outlining the new Education Strategy.

As well as a further keynote presentation about Learning Gain from Dr Camille Kandiko Howson, King’s College London,  and a range of plenary sessions, you can choose from  the different strands on the programme to tailor your day, whether you are interested in:

  • How do we adopt and develop approaches to education which
    actively engage students in their learning?
  • How can we encourage an educational experience supported and enhanced by technology?
  • How might we develop students as whole people, preparing them
    to flourish for futures we can’t predict?
  • How might a research intensive environment add value to the education of all students at all stages?
  • Or a combination of them all.

If you haven’t yet registered there is still time as registration is open until 9 March 2018. You can sign up here and if you have any questions please email ltds@ncl.ac.uk