The showcase event has been a success. The full report, with presentation and video can be found here:
The showcase event has been a success. The full report, with presentation and video can be found here:
We are preparing ourselves for a showcase event in London (Imperial College) next Monday 11th February 2013:
This showcase marks the completion of a large EPSRC project jointly with Southampton, Imperial and Bristol.
Newcastle will feature with two talks and two demos there.
(1) Summary of Project Outputs (Theme B) – Alex Yakovlev (Theme B Leader, Newcastle University) at 11:30
(2) Technical Seminar 4: Energy Modulated Computing- Prof Alex Yakovlev (Newcastle University) at 14:30
Demos (at 12:00)
(1) Self-Timed SRAM for Energy Harvesting Systems (Delong Shang and Abdullah Baz)
(2) Reference free Voltage Sensing (Reza Ramezani)
The SRAM is our key demo, which will involve showing a number of technologies developed in our group, particularly:
– a fully self-timed SRAM, which operates under a wide range of supply voltages (Delong Shang and Abdullah Baz)
– a controllable power supply based on switched cap converters, to produce a wide range of Vdds that can be applied to the SRAM (Xuefu Zhang)