Superposing two levels of computing – via meta-materials!?

Computing is layered.

We have seen it in many guises.

(1) Compiling (i.e. executing the program synthesis) and executing a program

(2) Configuring the FPGA code and executing FPGA code


Some new avenues of multi-layered computing are coming with meta-materials.

On one level, we can have computing with potentially non-volatile states – for example, we can program materials by changing their most fundamental parameters, like epsilon (permittivity) and permeability). It is a configurational computing, which itself has certain dynamics. People who study materials and even devices, very rarely think about the dynamics of such state changes. They typically characterize them in static way – like I,V curves, hysteresis curves etc. What we need is to see more time domain characterization, such as waveforms, state graphs …

More standard computing is based on the stationary states of parameters. Whether analog or digital, this computing is often characterized in dynamic forms, and we can see timing and state diagrams, transients …

When these two forms of computing are combined, i.e. that the parameter changes add other degrees of freedom, we can have the two-level computing. This sort of layered computing is more and more what we need when we talk about machine learning and autonomous computing.

Meta-materials are a way to achieve that!

Ultra-ultra-wide-band Electro-Magnetic computing

I envisage a ‘mothball computer’ – a capsule with the case whose outer surface harvests power from the environment and inside the capsule we have the computational electronics.

High-speed clocking can be provided by EM of highest possible frequency – e.g. by visible light, X-rays or ultimately by gamma rays!

Power supply for modulation electronics can be generated by solar cells – Perovskite cells. Because Perovskite cell have lead in them they can insulate gamma rays from propagation outside the compute capsule.

Information will be in the form of time-modulated super-HF signals.

We will represent information in terms of time-averaged pulse bursts.

We will have a ‘continuum’ range of temporal compute which will operate in the range between deterministic one-shot pulse burst (discrete) through deterministic multi-pulse analog averaged signal to stochastic multi-pulse averaged signal (cf. book by Mars & Poppelbaum –

Temporal Computing ( is the right kind of business opportunity for this Odyssey!

Switched electrical circuits as computing systems

We can define computations as processes of working of electrical circuits which are associated with sequences of (meaningful) events. Let’s take these events as discrete, i.e. something that can be enumerated with integer indices.

We can then map sequences of events onto integer numbers, or indices. Events can be associated with the facts of the system reaching certain states. Or, in a more distributed view, individual variables of the system, reaching certain states or levels. Another view is that a component in the system’s model moving from one state to another.

To mark such events and enable them we need sensory or actuating properties in the system. Why not simply consider an element called “switch”:


What we want to achieve is to be able to express the evolution of physical variables as functions of event indices.

Examples of such computing processes are:

  • Discharging capacitance
  • Charging a (capacitive) transmission line
  • Switched cap converter
  • VCO based on inverter ring, modelled by switched parasitic caps.

The goal of modelling is to find a way of solving the behaviour of computational electrical circuits using “switching calculus” (similar to Heaviside’s “operational calculus” used to solev differential equations in an efficient way).

Some of Leonid Rosenblum’s works

L. Ya. Rosenblum and A.V. Yakovlev.
Signal graphs: from self-timed to timed ones,
Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Timed Petri Nets,
Torino, Italy, July 1985, IEEE Computer Society Press, NY, 1985, pp. 199-207.

A paper establishing interesting relationship between the interleaving and true causality semantics
using algebraic lattices. It also identifies an connection between the classes of lattices and the property
of generalisability of concurrency relations (from arity N to arity N+1),
i.e. the conditions for answering the question such as,
if three actions A, B and C are all pairwise concurrent, i.e. ||(A,B), ||(A,C), and ||(B,C), are they concurrent “in three”, i.e. ||(A,B,C)?
L. Rosenblum, A. Yakovlev, and V. Yakovlev.
A look at concurrency semantics through “lattice glasses”.
In Bulletin of the EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science), volume 37, pages 175-180, 1989.

Paper about the so called symbolic STGs, in which signals can have multiple values (which is often convenient for specifications of control at a more abstract level than dealing with binary signals) and hence in order to implement them in logic gates one needs to solve the problem of binary expansion or encoding, as well as resolve all the state coding issues on the way of synthesis of circuit implementation.

Paper about analysing concurrency semantics using relation-based approach. Similar techniques are now being developed in the domain of business process modelling and work-flow analysis: L.Ya. Rosenblum and A.V. Yakovlev. Analysing semantics of concurrent hardware specifications. Proc. Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing (ICPP89), Pennstate University Press, University Park, PA, July 1989, pp. 211-218, Vol.3

Моделирование параллельных процессов. Сети Петри [Текст] : курс для системных архитекторов, программистов, системных аналитиков, проектировщиков сложных систем управления / Мараховский В. Б., Розенблюм Л. Я., Яковлев А. В. – Санкт-Петербург : Профессиональная литература, 2014. – 398 с. : ил., табл.; 24 см. – (Серия “Избранное Computer Science”).; ISBN 978-5-9905552-0-4
(Серия “Избранное Computer Science”)…/Simulation-of-Concurrent-Processes-Petri-Nets.pdf

Leonid Rosenblum passes away …

Today In Miami at the age of 83 passed away a well known Russian and American automata theory scientist Leonid Rosenblum. He was my mentor and closest friend. Here is some brief information about his career. In Russian.

Леонид Яковлевич Розенблюм (5 марта 1936 г. – 2 апреля 2019 г.), канд. техн.наук, доцент – пионер мажоритарной логики, самосинхронной схемотехники, теории и применений сетей Петри в моделировании и проектировании цифровых схем и параллельных систем.В течение 20 лет, с 1960г. по 1980г., занимался с коллегами (в группе профессора В.И. Варшавского) наукой и приложениями (например, разработкой новой схемотехники и надежных бортовых компьютеров) в Вычислительном центре Ленинградского отделения Математического института им. В.А. Стеклова АН СССР.

С 1981г. по 1989 г. работал доцентом кафедры математического обеспечения и применения ЭВМ в ЛЭТИ им. В.И. Ульянова-Ленина (ныне Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет). В 90-х годах после эмиграции в США работал адъюнкт-профессором в Бостонском университете, а также исследователем в Гарвардском университете.

Соавтор/автор пяти книг, около двух сотен различных изданий, учебных пособий, статей и обзоров, более 40 авторских свидетельств на изобретения.

Среди его учеников – профессора университетов России, Великобритании, США, Финляндии и других стран, сотрудники институтов АН Российской Федерации, таких как Институт Проблем Управления, а также известных отечественных и зарубежных компаний, таких как Intel, Cadence, Xilinx и т.д.

Леонида Яковлевича отличало врожденное свойство видеть в людях только положительные качества, помогать всем и во всем, и конечно необыкновенное чувство юмора. Эта утрата для огромного числа людей повсюду, всех кому посчастливилось его знать или слышать о нем.

Вечная память, дорогой Лека!

Leonid Yakovlevich Rosenblum (March 5, 1936 – April 2, 2019), Cand. Technical Sciences, Associate Professor – a pioneer of majority logic, self-timed circuit design, theory and applications of Petri nets in the modeling and design of digital circuits and parallel systems.

For 20 years, from 1960 to 1980, he worked with his colleagues (in the group of Professor VI Varshavsky) with science and applications (for example, developing new circuitry and reliable on-board computers) at the Computing Center of the Leningrad Branch of the Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
From 1981 to 1989, he worked as an associate professor at the Department of Software and Computer Applications at LETI named after Ulyanov-Lenin  (now St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University). In the 90s, after emigration to the United States, he worked as an adjunct professor at Boston University, as well as a researcher at Harvard University.
Co-author / author of five books, about two hundred different publications, textbooks, articles and reviews, more than 40 certificates of authorship for inventions.

Among his students are professors from universities in Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Finland and other countries, employees of institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, such as the Institute of Management Problems, as well as well-known domestic and foreign companies such as Intel, Cadence, Xilinx, etc.

Leonid Yakovlevich was distinguished by the innate ability to see in people only positive qualities, to help everyone and in everything, and of course an extraordinary sense of humor. This is a great loss for a huge number of people everywhere, all who were lucky enough to know or hear about him.
Rest in peace, dear Leo!