Air Quality Group – Week 6 Storyboard



Gosforth high street is a quiet busy street and there are many business on the street. And 96 buses drive through the street everyday which is uncontrolled and air-polluted. So every passenger and pedestrian can see this screen when they walk pass it.


On the right hand side, The tree is our logo and can change depends on the air pollution that can be seen easily. Our whole colors is red, green and yellow (traffic lights color) as it is markedness and attractive. On the center screen, our information is on the left part of whole screen and will not effect bus routes information.


When people scan the code, they can have a link to download our app on apple app store and google play store.


safe route means less-polluted route. Choices can be chosen by ticking the box. This route is planned for people who walking through Gosforth. With healthier routes, more people will choose to walk and this is what we are looking forward and encourage. It may be difficult to use this for car users as they may not want to drive another route as they are not familiar with that and it sometimes has to take more time. If they have to buy something, most of business are on the high street and they do not have other choices. Walk routes are more flexible and easier for people (parents with kids to school, people want to run or jog, people who want to take a walk after dinner) to choose.


We are also considering adding a forum / comment feature on the app so users can get involved in a discussion about how to tackle the air pollution now they are informed.

One thought on “Air Quality Group – Week 6 Storyboard”

  1. Team, thanks for the post and the story board. Based on your entry it appears that you have a grasp of the use of story boarding to tell the story of your idea. The six images manage to tell a conclusive story for one of your target audiences (families / public transport users). You propose to raise awareness of the air quality at the particular time so that pedestrians make more informed choices for their commute.

    Perhaps from user tests you may want to find out whether there are strong enough incentives for users to install the app… Every idea comes with certain assumptions about what must be true about the world in order to work. For example you assume that car drivers would be less likely to change their behaviour than pedestrians. You assume pedestrians / commuters would change their behaviour and go out of their way to avoid areas with pollution. You note that there are limits to this approach where pedestrians need to use the high street for shopping. Would they not be bound to take a particular bus stop if they are commuters?

    For the final story board I would encourage you to introduce more detail as to the workings of the public screen and perhaps the data display itself. For example, perhaps there’s something around temporality of the data, pollution patterns depending on time of day/week/weeks; as well as weather / wind conditions. Also, assuming the public screen may be some sort of community artefact, what may be some goals and / or aims that the data display may codify to indicate some sort of progression towards a socially desirable outcome?

    For your blog posts consider with a brief introduction to highlight what the blog post will be about. Here it was somewhat obvious but it would still be nice to start with what a storyboard is in your view and perhaps any additional reading to inform your story boarding (reference on blackboard). To conclude the post you could have discussed the limitations to your idea. You could have also discussed what of the story board you will prototype. Will you focus on the public screen and the interactions with this screen OR the app? In regard to user tests, it would also be nice to have some commentary as to what you thought you might be able to find out from users. In your final design log, you could also comment more on the team discussions you had towards informing your idea.

    Hope this helps 🙂

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