Air Quality Group – Week 8 Prototyping

From this week’s lecture about prototyping we took away as a group that prototyping was about making an example about what your product could be. It also demonstrated how this could be achieved use different methods with varying levels of fidelity.

The methods we considered to prototype our app was Marvel, PowerPoint or drawings on paper. To prototype the bus stop display we considered photoshoping the screens that could be displayed on the bus stop or making a scaled mock-up of the bus stop

We eventually decided to use marvel to prototype our app and Photoshop to prototype our bus stop display. For the app prototype we choose Marvel as it would allow to provide a high level of fidelity in the navigational elements of our app while only showing basic screen designs for the more complex elements of our app such as the AR. For the bus stop we decided just to Photoshop what would be displayed on the screens of the bus stop, this is because it would show the most important element of our design (the air pollution screens displayed on the bus stop) and because we did not think it was feasible to make a scaled mock up in our time frame. In order to make the prototypes the group split into two with each pair focusing on one prototype.

Below are some screenshots showing the outcomes of our prototyping.

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