Education for life: Celebrating partnership, encouraging innovation. Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2018. Call for submissions extended

Image for Learning and Teaching Conference 2018 of Tyne Bridge.

The Learning and Teaching Conference 2018 theme has been announced: Education for Life: celebrating partnership, encouraging innovation.

This one-day event will take place Wednesday 21 March 2018, 9am-5.30pm.  Read more about the conference theme, find full details of the event and register on the conference webpage.

Call for submissions: extended deadline Friday 19 January 2018

Proposals are welcomed from academic staff, students and Professional Services staff, for individual or collaborative submissions. Further information about the conference theme Education for Life: celebrating partnership, encouraging innovation is available on the conference webpage.

Session formats

All sessions will have a member of LTDS staff allocated to help in advance of the event, who will also be in the session on the day.

Workshops (45 or 60 minutes)

A hands on session to solve a problem, practice something new, showcase a method. Learning by doing. Choose a flat teaching space arranged cabaret style, or a PC cluster.

Presentations (15 minutes)

These sessions will be chaired by a member of academic staff, and wherever possible grouped into themed sessions to enable a short panel discussion and Q&A at the end.

Lightning talks (3 minutes)

A speedy way to introduce a new idea, share an approach, or ask a question. Grouped in themed sessions wherever possible. A chance to meet people doing similar things to you. Several lightning talks will be followed by a Q&A session. You can choose whether or not to use audio visual aids, or you could submit a 3 minute video!


Posters will be on display all day in the Boiler House. Poster presenters should be available by their poster to answer questions during the lunch break. Delegates will vote on their favourite and a prize will be awarded.

Submit your idea

Complete the call for submissions form to submit your ideas by Friday 19 January 2018.

All submissions will be reviewed by the Learning and Teaching Conference Programme Committee, and session allocations will be confirmed by Wednesday 31 January 2018. We will wherever possible try to accommodate your preferred session, however you may be allocated a different session format, at the discretion of the committee.


If you have a query email

Share the poster

If you have somewhere to put it up you can print out this poster, or use this version to send out to colleagues.

Learning and Teaching Conference 2017: Reimagining Teaching Excellence

In 2017 the Newcastle University annual Learning and Teaching Conference  took place on 27 March 2017.

Conference theme: Reimagining Teaching Excellence

Newcastle’s commitment to excellent teaching is at the heart of our University mission, and is crucial to our aim of providing an educational experience that challenges and supports our students to fulfil their potential.  At a time when external agencies are seeking to define this for us, it is more important than ever that we have a clear understanding of what we as an academic community understand by learninhe phrase ‘teaching excellence’.

Teaching excellence was therefore the focus of the 2017 Conference and the programme for the day provided an opportunity to:

  • hear an external view point on teaching excellence from keynote speaker Paul Blackmore – Professor of Higher Education at The Policy Institute, King’s College London
  • hear about what our staff and students view as teaching excellence
  • see examples of teaching practice and innovation from across the institution
  • contribute to how the University will pursue excellence in learning and teaching in the future through a session on the development of our new University Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy.


Resources From The Day

Introduction Presentation from Professor Suzanne Cholerton

PowerPoint slides and ReCap recording

Keynote – Professor Paul Blackmore – Professor of Higher Education at The Policy Institute at King’s College London

PowerPoint slides and ReCap recording

Teaching Excellence at Newcastle

Newcastle Educators Group – Dr Vanessa Armstrong (Biomedical Sciences), Dr Sara Marsham (Marine Science & Technology) and Dr JC Penet (Modern Languages)

PowerPoint slides and ReCap recording

Teaching Excellence Awards (TEAs)

Chris Duddy (Education Officer, NUSU), David Jones (Assistant Development Officer, HaSS Faculty) and Joe Barton (Representation Support Worker, NUSU)

PowerPoint slidesReCap recording and TEAs Report 2016

Development of Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy

Facilitated by Craig Smith from Flint Spark Consulting.

PowerPoint slides and ReCap recording (audio only)

Herschel Learning Lab – experiences of use

ReCap recording

Mrs Ulrike Thomas – Research Associate, Education Communication and Language Sciences) PowerPoint slides
Dr Ellen Tullo – Lecturer, Biomedical Sciences PowerPoint slides
Professor TT Arvind – Professor of Law, Newcastle Law School PowerPoint slides
Dr James Stanfield – Lecturer, Education Communication and Language Sciences Website
Miss Katie Wray – Lecturer, SAgE Faculty Office PowerPoint slides


View the list of poster presentations at the 2017 Learning and Teaching Conference, and view the posters online.

Learning and Teaching Conference 2013

The annual Learning and Teaching Conference took place on 24th-25th June 2013.

This Conference was hosted by Suzanne Cholerton, PVC Learning and Teaching. It celebrated the many learning and teaching successes which have further improved the learning experience of our students, sharing these examples across NU. The overall theme of the conference was ‘Meeting needs and fulfilling expectations’ and the conference had a particular focus on both assessment & feedback and retention through student engagement. Each day the morning sessions focussed on presentations and debate with the afternoon sessions focusing on interactive, participative masterclasses led by colleagues and students, offering the opportunity to consider in more detail how their experience and ideas can be put into practice in your learning and teaching practice.

Colleagues tweeted about the Conference using the hashtag #ncltl: click here for a Storify archive of their tweets. Click here for general information about using twitter and hashtags.

Links to ReCap recordings are included where possible. Network connectivity issues meant not all sessions could be recorded.

Conference programme, Monday 24th June.

9.00-9.15 Welcome by PVC Learning and Teaching (The Venue, NUSU Building) 

Suzanne Cholerton introduced the Conference theme of ‘Meeting Needs and Fulfilling Expectations’. Slides

9.15 – 11.00 – Transitions to Higher Education (The Venue, NUSU Building) 

Presentations on supporting key aspects of students’ transitions to HE including threshold concepts, writing skills and confidence

  • Jane Webster (VC’s Distinguished Teacher Award holder). This contribution discussed WriteRight: a writing skills programme developed by Archaeology. WriteRight helps students to recognise and correct common grammatical and stylistic errors, and to structure and proofread their written work effectively. Prezi 1Handout 1Prezi 2 Handout 2Prezi 3 Handout 3
  • Lisa McKenna and Paula Sinclair. Threshold concepts in EAP: Switching the focus from traditional language teaching to academic literacy development with an emphasis on the critical reading of authentic texts. Slides
  • Daniel Ashall. Highlights and recommendations from a student-led review of current induction processes at NU. Slides
  • Keith Howlett and Keerthi Rajendran. An engaging introduction to computing: Making our students think for themselves. Slides
  • Jean Hall (VC’s Distinguished Teacher Award). Integrating Stage 1 students into University life. Slides

Helen Rogerson poster presentation11.15 – 1.00 – Technology in Support of Learning and Teaching (The Venue, NUSU Building)

Presentations on staff practice in using a range of eLearning tools including GradeMark, WebPA and Adobe Connect

  • Alison Graham, Christie Harner, Sara Marsham and Jon Goss. Using GradeMark to improve feedback and involve students in the marking process. We discussed our experiences of using GradeMark to provide electronic feedback on coursework submissions, including the benefits and challenges from the perspective of both the marker and the student.Slides
  • Tom Joyce (VC’s Distinguished Teacher Award holder and NTFs), Nuala Davis and Clare Hopkins. Our presentation gave an account of the use of an online peer assessment tool (Web-PA) as a means of facilitating students working as part of Engineering Teams (5 students) in two modules during Stage 1 in the School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering in giving narrative formative feedback to their peers. The use of Web-PA as a means of both identifying and addressing team difficulties was be described and an outline of the technical use of Web-PA in practice was given. Slides
  • Alan Boddy and Stephanie Veuger. We discussed how an elearning module was redeveloped to provide supported open learning through modified learning methods that lead to better engagement of students in shared activities. Slides
  • Sam Ducker and Lynne Rawles. Using Adobe Connect to encourage collaboration within a fully distance, eLearning Programme – Our experiences and students’ perceptions. Slides
  • Jean-Christophe Penet and Jos Harrison. The Stage 1 French e-Portfolio Project – Meeting students’ linguistic needs/expectations whilst fostering employability awareness. Slides
  • Poster presentation by Helen Rogerson (BDDS Student) with Janice Ellis, Simon Cotterill, John Peterson, and Mark Thomason. Curriculum Mapping: Linking transferable graduate skills into a dynamic map of the dental curriculum. Poster Simon Cotterill’s blog post

1.45 – 3.00 – Workshop – Skype, Connect and Lync:  Online collaboration tools in Learning and Teaching. (Hershel PC Cluster 172) 

Lynne Rawles, Sam Ducker, Nuala Davis. There are many tools that enable video conversations between individuals and groups. Using Adobe Connect, Skype and Lync we will give some tips on preparing interactive sessions and identify questions you need to ask in order to make good choices of software tools. The session offered opportunities to participate in one or more online meetings. This workshop was presented in partnership with UNITE.

Please note that this session was oversubscribed. We plan to repeat the session at a later date to allow everyone interested the opportunity to attend.

3.15 – 4.30 – Workshop – The Google alternative: integrating tailored subject information into teaching (Herschel PC Cluster 172) 

Moira Bent (NTFs) and Louise Gordon. Finding high quality, reliable information is a key part of a successful learning experience, but students are often misled by Google and other search engines into believing that all information is the same. The Library’s tailored subject guides bring together key resources and support materials at School, course or module level and offer opportunities for students to develop their information literacy skills by interacting both within a class and independently. The workshop explored ways in which library and academic staff can collaborate to create bespoke subject information hubs to enhance student learning. Slides Handout

4.30 – 6.00 – NUTS Forum event (The Venue, NUSU Building) 

Official launch of the Newcastle University Teaching and Scholarship Forum. The NUTS Forum is an opportunity for all colleagues interested in teaching and scholarship to meet and share good practice across disciplines within the University. The Forum aims to enhance communication and collaboration between staff focused on teaching and scholarship from Teaching Fellows up to Senior Lecturers and Professors. The Forum hold regular, informal meetings to allow colleagues to share and discuss their work related to teaching and scholarship activities. Each Faculty has a NUTS representative who is keen to engage with colleagues within their disciplines. The event is being held so you can meet your Faculty representative and for them to find out what you would like from the Forum and how you would like to get involved, so come along and say hello. Slides


Conference programme, Tuesday 25th June.

9.15 – 11.00 – Where next for the postgraduate student experience? (The Venue, NUSU Building) 

A panel discussion chaired by Ella Ritchie, with panel members including Katherine Brown (Student Rep, History Classics and Archaeology); Iain Wheeldon (ICCHS), Bryn Jones (PG Dean), Stephen Grinsell (INTO). Briefing document.

11.15 – 1.00 – Classroom Interactions (The Venue, NUSU Building) 

Presentations showcasing innovative practice in facilitating interaction in taught sessions, including Pecha Kucha, enquiry-based learning strategies and more

1.45 – 3.00 – Supporting student communication: working together to promote the importance of an effective student representation system (History Room, NUSU Building)

Workshop led by Katherine Brown (History, Classics and Archaeology Student Rep) with George Watkins (NUSU Representation and Democracy Coordinator). This workshop was presented in partnership with NUSU and introduced the importance of effective student communication within the student representation system at Newcastle University, and developed ideas through discussion as to how by working together the communication can be better supported. Discussion included: developing a culture of feedback; more effective communication in meetings; more effective student interaction with the cohort and within schools. Slides

3.15 – 4.30 – Workshop: Evaluating the use of Personal Capture software (PCap) for assessment and feedback (Herschel PC Cluster 172) 

Alison Clapp, Lynne Rawles, Laura Delgaty. This workshop introduced ReCap Personal Capture software.  Participants were given the opportunity to create a recording, edit it and investigate the feedback functionality offered by the software. This workshop was presented in partnership with UNITE and the ReCap Steering Group.

Please note that this session was oversubscribed. We plan to repeat the session at a later date to allow everyone interested the opportunity to attend.

Workshop facilitation

Learning and Teaching Conference 2012

The 2012 Teaching and Learning Conference used the five Coherent Curriculum themes as its starting point.  These themes are:

"Speaking as a new member of staff, this event has been very timely!  Interested and engaging presenters, key topics and good opportunity to ask questions.  Well organised event.  Many thanks!"

  1. Assessment and feedback
  2. Research-informed teaching
  3. Student skills and employability
  4. Student Engagement
  5. Student Induction

The Conference recognised and shared work across the institution in preparation for the Newcastle Offer commitments as we move towards 2012/13. Scroll down this page for ReCap recordings, slides, contact information and other resources from the event.

Wednesday 4th July 2012Click here to view the synopses for this day
Using Social media in your teaching: what works and what do we need to do to maximise the benefits for student learning?ReCap recording

Coherent Curriculum theme: student engagement

This session was about the specific use of social media in teaching. The University’s general guidelines for the use of social media are available online.

Jonathan Galloway (Law) – slides
Sue Dobson and David Peck (NUBS) – slides
Franck Michel (Modern Languages) and Helen Lowther (QuILT) – slides
Mei-Yen Chan (Food and Human Nutrition) and her students have set up a project using Facebook to help BSc students on the Singapore and Newcastle campuses to interact with each other. Their video interview is now available online – technical delays prevented us showing this at the Conference.
Round table discussion: Research-informed teaching. ReCap recording

A multi-stranded definition of what research-informed teaching at Newcastle University is, and what this looks like in practice, was out for consultation at the time of this session.  This was an opportunity to discuss each strand in its own right, and together as a multi-stranded definition.  Are these principles clear?  Do they allow for the breadth of practice at NU?  Round table discussion: Research-informed teaching.

Coherent Curriculum theme: research-informed teaching

Simon Pallett, Undergraduate Dean of HaSS Faculty – notes
Armelle Tardiveau, Architecture, Planning & Landscape – slides
Lee Fawcett, Mathematics & Statistics
Grace Barker, (Combined Honours)/ Kathryn Dalziel (Combined Honours student)- YouTube clip
Lindsey Ferrie (Biomedical Sciences) and her students have made short videos showing the student experience of research-informed teaching. Their videos about the lab assistant scheme and research-informed teaching are now available online – technical delays prevented us showing this at the Conference.
Ethics: How do we introduce professional ethics into the curriculum and for what purpose?Coherent Curriculum theme: skills and employability
Sue Haile and Kea-Cheng Tan (CEAM) – slides (SH) / slides (KCT)
Sandra Salin (Modern Languages) – slides
Elaine Hall (Education)
Tom Bramald (Civil Engineering and Geosciences) – slides


Thursday 5th July 2012Click here to view the synopses for this day
Engaging students in taught sessions.This session highlighted ways in which staff actively involve students in taught sessions.

ReCap recording

Coherent Curriculum theme: student engagement

Georgina Carr (Biomedical Sciences) – slides
Katie Wray (SAgE) – slides
Colin Ashurst (NUBS) – slides
Peter Hoare (Chemistry)
Student representation: what Course Reps and Student-Staff Committees have achieved, and practical ways to work in partnership with them.Coherent Curriculum theme: student engagement

Click here for information on University policies and support for student representation.

The NUSU website includes information for staff involved in Staff Student Committees. Click the “information for staff” link on the right hand side.

Liam Dale (NUSU Education Officer) and George Watkins (NUSU Representation and Democracy Coordinator) –slides
Peer mentoring: different perspectives on establishing, embedding, and researching peer mentoring schemes.ReCap recordings

Coherent Curriculum themes: student induction; student engagement

Colin Bryson (Combined Honours) – slides
Patrick Rosenkranz (Psychology) – slides
David Walker (Politics) – slides
Grace Barker (Combined Honours)


Friday 6th July 2012Click here to view the synopses for this day
Interactive assessment and feedback. This session highlighted examples of how students are supported to be active participants in the assessment of and feedback processes around their work, including both course work and exams.ReCap recording

Coherent Curriculum themes: assessment and feedback; student engagement

For more information on different theories of learning and teaching click here.

Jessica Jung and Darrin Beattie(Careers Service) – slides
Kate Reader (City University and the Making Assessment Count Consortium) –
Vicki Bruce (Psychology) – slides
Steve Herron (INTO NU)
Colin Murray (Law) – text
Debbie Bevitt (Biomedical Sciences) – slides
Keynote session: Updating our Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy.Newcastle University’s mission is ‘to deliver teaching and facilitate learning of the highest quality’ and our existing LTSE Strategy sets out our aspirations to enrich students’ experience of higher education. This keynote session gave an opportunity to reflect on our existing LTSE Strategy and discuss how best to update it as we move towards 2012/13.
Suzanne Cholerton, PVC for Learning and Teaching – slideskeynote plenary
Post-keynote networking, discussion, and information session.An informal opportunity took place to discuss learning and teaching issues, and to find out more about current learning and teaching projects at Newcastle University including:

  • EquATE (Equal Acclaim for Teaching Excellence) posters of past projects
  • Teaching and Learning Spaces Steering Group
  • ePortfolio for UG and PGT students
  • ReCap lecture capture
  • Blackboard
  • Reward and recognition of achievement in teaching – Steve McHanwell
  • MSED (Medical Sciences Education Development) – IT teaching and support offered by Rebecca McCready