New mental health legislation resources uploaded

Whilst we had updated our mental health legislation resources not so long ago with the opening of our NUMed campus there’s a clear need to have materials that match the needs of students in Malaysia as well as the UK.

NUMed Staff | May 2011

NUMed Staff | May 2011

To this end a number of new resources have been uploaded. First is a new page and handout considering the impact of culture on mental health and diagnoses. This, whilst reflecting the needs of our Malaysian campus, is equally important int he UK where we have patients from many cultures presenting to services. The other new addition are updates to our handouts on mental capacity and mental health legislation. These cover core principles but with the addition of consideration and contrasting of the situation in England and Wales and Malaysia (note Scottish and Northern Irish legislation are not considered).

Hopefully all these new resources will be of use. As always comments are welcome.

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