The Killing of Kelly Thomas

Usually in trawling the internet one comes across curios or items that are of passing interest and hopefully highlight educational issues. Sometimes, however, what is turned up just makes you plain angry. Stigma as an issue has been highlighted previously and one can be thankful that what is covered in the article below is rare. Nonetheless an aware ness of what can go wrong when agencies of the state confront mentally ill people is important.

Here’s a quote from the LA Times

The Orange County district attorney is set to announce Wednesday whether criminal charges will be filed against six Fullerton police officers involved in a violent confrontation that led to the death of a mentally ill homeless man.

A coroner’s report in the controversial death of Kelly Thomas, 37, was handed over late Tuesday to Dist. Atty. Tony Rackauckas, but the findings have not been made public.

Witnesses have alleged that Thomas, a familiar figure in downtown Fullerton, was repeatedly shocked with a stun gun and beaten until he was unconscious by officers. On a video, Thomas can be heard over the sound of a Taser calling out for his father.

Police have said they were simply trying to subdue Thomas.

Thomas died five days after the July 5 confrontation when he was taken off life support.

The associated video carries a warning advising viewer’s discretion due to the violent images shown. I would add that even without the violent images what is contained is distressing. The first discusses citizen journalism
The second is that from his family

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