Providing consolidated feedback to students
Do your students complain that they are unclear about how action is taken in response to their feedback? Want to enhance the ways in which you let your students know how their programme is being improved?
From Semester 1 of the 2017-18 academic year, all Schools will need to provide students with consolidated feedback on key actions taken in response to student feedback at the start of each semester. Students will be entitled to expect to receive information from their School about the main outcomes and the actions being taken in response, from the National Student Survey, from module and stage evaluation questionnaires, and from issues raised by Student-Staff Committees.
The feedback needs to be clear about which elements of student feedback will be acted upon and how, as well as being clear what is not being acted on, and the reasons why.
We have put together some tips on what information to include and methods of providing the feedback. The guidance is available here.
Let us know about effective mechanisms that you are using for closing the feedback loop with students. If you have suggestions, or questions about closing the loop, please contact LTDS.