Category Archives: Ecology

Pathways to sustainability conference

Eleanor presented her work on the evidence for participatory forest restoration in projects, globally, at the recent PECS-III conference (Pathways to Sustainability), Montreal, August 12th to 15th 2024. Co-Organised by Resilience Alliance. PECS-3: Pathways to Sustainability ( Here are her … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, Ecology, forest landscape restoration, Tropical | Tagged | Leave a comment

How birds can help farms and forests in the Philippines

Brilliant PhD candidate Jelaine Gan has been developing some cool comics, in collaboration with Jessica Stutman. Printed for engagement with local communities in her field study sites (pdf: in Filipino , in English). The work highlights the functional role of … Continue reading

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Trees on farms – agroforestry research at Newcastle University

Since a couple of years, we have been following the establishment of our agroforestry trial plot, Cockle Park (Agriculture Facilities | School of Natural and Environmental Sciences | Newcastle University (, A mixture of tree lines comprising poplar and willow … Continue reading

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Agroforestry adoption UK

Policy recommendations have a look at the most recent outputs from our agroforestry UK project. We have synthesized key findings into a policy brief (thank you @Eleanor Moore for the amazing leadership on this) .

Posted in agroforestry, biodiversity, Ecology, Microclimate, natural capital | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Four UG students in Peru

Four group members (UG students at NU) recently ventured into the untouched forests of Peru Manu NP to look for jaguars with camera traps, analyse vegetation indicators of disturbance and measure spatial point patterns in fig tree species. Thank you … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, Ecology, Fieldwork, Tropical | Leave a comment

Laura won prestigious award

Our PhD student Laura won the prestigious National Geographic Early Career Grant to support her research on road impacts on amphibians and mammals in rainforests. Congratulations!

Posted in biodiversity, Ecology, Fieldwork, Teaching, training & outreach | Leave a comment

From the field #South_Africa

Funded by the Royal Society, I was travelling to Southern Africa to do measure & map quality of crop and non-crop habitats. Yes, that’s right. I have started to venture beyond the forest/woodland/shrub/savannah edge and into that thing called matrix … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, Ecology, Fieldwork, Mapping, South Africa | Leave a comment

Alexander is still in Costa Rica

Alexander’s work on fungal infection prevalence among amphibians and how it varies (or not) with habitat type and condition is well under way. He has been tracking through remote forests and wetlands in Costa Rica taking skin swabs from tiny … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, Ecology, Fieldwork, Teaching, training & outreach, Tropical | Leave a comment