Category Archives: Tropical

Pathways to sustainability conference

Eleanor presented her work on the evidence for participatory forest restoration in projects, globally, at the recent PECS-III conference (Pathways to Sustainability), Montreal, August 12th to 15th 2024. Co-Organised by Resilience Alliance. PECS-3: Pathways to Sustainability ( Here are her … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, Ecology, forest landscape restoration, Tropical | Tagged | Leave a comment

Four UG students in Peru

Four group members (UG students at NU) recently ventured into the untouched forests of Peru Manu NP to look for jaguars with camera traps, analyse vegetation indicators of disturbance and measure spatial point patterns in fig tree species. Thank you … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, Ecology, Fieldwork, Tropical | Leave a comment

Alexander is still in Costa Rica

Alexander’s work on fungal infection prevalence among amphibians and how it varies (or not) with habitat type and condition is well under way. He has been tracking through remote forests and wetlands in Costa Rica taking skin swabs from tiny … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, Ecology, Fieldwork, Teaching, training & outreach, Tropical | Leave a comment

Royal Society funds pilot project in Mozambique

We have received brilliant news. The Royal Society awarded us a grant of 11,805 GBP, which allowed us to buy essential equipment (including a thermal imaging camera, a full-frame digital camera with fish-eye lens and a NDVI camera) and to run a … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, Fieldwork, Microclimate, natural capital, Tropical | Leave a comment