Our projects range from studying lion:human interactions in East Africa (case study landscape: Ruaha, Tanzania) using games for conservation and spatially explicit modelling, to analysing elpehant:crop conflict in human-modified landscapes (case study landscape: Kilombero Valley, Tanzania) to measuring natural capital benefits to crop health, biodiversity and human well-being in tropical human-modified landscapes (case study landscape: Kilombero Valley, Tanzania) and biodiversity response to infrastructure (case study landscapes: Brunei’s rainforests and Gabon’s logged forests).
(1) Forest Restoration and Climate Experiment (FORCE). Link. Partnered with University Sunshine Coast Australia. Case study landscapes: Udzunga Mountains National Park and Magombera Forest Reserve neighbouring the Agrisys Tanzania study landscape, Tanzania.
(2) Correstor project: What evidence is required for wildlife corridor restoration interventions in human-inhabited landscapes, and how do we include these in the restoration management process? Link to project webpages. Link to SNAPP team.
(3) Rainforest roads. Measuring and mapping biodiversity response to road development rainforest landscapes: Brunei. Link. Partnered with University of Brunei Darussalam.
(4) Agrisys Tanzania. Link. Partnered with University of Leeds, National Museums Kenya, and Sokoine University of Agriculture Tanzania. Further partners in other sectors.
(2) Human Wildlife Interactions and conservation conflicts: Room to roam and hotspots of conservation conflicts – Lion:human interactions in East Africa and Crop:Elephant Interactions in Tanzania. Link. Partnered with Southern Tanzania Elephant Program (STEP) and Ruaha Carnivore Conservation Project.
(5) The Global LAI project (Tropical Canopies): https://globallai.wordpress.com/
(6) The Global BIOFRAG project: https://biofrag.wordpress.com/