As well as compiling Subject Guides for each School across campus, your friendly Library Liaison Team also put together Resource Guides on topics of interest and significance. While you might currently feel like you’ve read more than enough on the Covid-19 pandemic to last a lifetime; bear with us!
COVID-19: Impact and Response
“What does the future hold in the coming months and years? The pandemic has the potential to make its effects felt for years to come.”
More than ever, it’s been difficult to keep ahead of the pace of change and updates. Our team of library staff and student volunteers have been sorting the current affairs wheat from the chaff on behalf of our Library colleagues and users. Focusing on the impact and response to the crisis, both here in the UK and globally, the resource guide takes in a wide range of interdisciplinary fields, from sport to society, and transport to technology.
The guide also offers a Scopus feed of some of the most recent NU research outputs on corona virus and its implications.
We think this might be of particular interest to those of you who may be considering a topical COVID 19 angle for upcoming dissertations or assignments. If you’re aware of any updates or new resources that you think our readers should be aware of, we’ve incldued a contact box so you can send us your suggestions.