‘Interviewing, but not as we know it’: Oral History and Broadcasting

How can oral historians interact with other forms of interviewing, voice recordings and publication of oral sources? In this Lug post, Andy Clark discusses his experiences of interviewing and producing features for BBC Radio Scotland. He considers the differences between this style and his oral history work, and the ways in which oral history training can be advantageous when undertaking broadcasting work.

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Update: Recruiting for first researcher’s post

I am now in post as the Unit’s Professor of Oral History and involved in recruiting two researchers. I’ve been shortlisting with the Head of History for the first researcher post. There were 32 applications in total. The overall quality of applicants was exceptionally high and I’m very much looking forward to interviewing those we have shortlisted early next month.

I have also started to make contact with oral historians in the region and reports on these meetings will follow.

Graham Smith, 19 September 2017.