Following on from our Be Connected: finding and using market research for your research session, this blog post covers the main points that we covered in our session.
Where to find market research
Market Research Resource Guide
Our Market Research guide draws together the resources that we have at Newcastle University for finding key market research information. Visit the Market Research guide to access our University subscriptions on and off campus.
As a globally recognised market analyst, Mintel produces hundreds of reports into UK-specific consumer markets every year. Each report that Mintel publishes provides a unique overview of a market’s dynamics and prospects, giving you the knowledge to devise informed and profitable marketing strategy.
What type of information will I find in Mintel?
Mintel provides consumer market research reports covering different topics or sectors of the UK market. You’ll find market research data that analysts at Mintel have collated including trends, statistics, information on brands and companies, demographic data on a range of sectors.
Which countries does Mintel cover?
Mintel covers UK only. For international marketing data, you’ll need to access another information resource we have called Passport which is provide by a company called Euromonitor.
What does our Mintel subscription at Newcastle cover?
We do not subscribe to all the reports on Mintel, currently we have access to:
- Automotive
- Beauty and personal care
- Clothing and footwear
- Drink
- Food
- Health and Wellbeing
- Home retailing
- Household care
- Media
- Retail
- Technology
Library Horizons contains issues associated with marketing such as green lifestyles, Christmas shopping, consumers and the economic outlook. We also have some one off reports which we’ve purchased e.g. European Retail Handbook. So we currently have access to around 200 reports.
Recently Mintel has been providing ongoing insight and analysis across a range of industries to help you understand how and why consumer sentiment and behaviour are changing during the pandemic.
To find these resources, you need to go to Mintel (via Library Search) and there’s tab dedicated to Covid-19 analysis:

With over 200 results, there’s plenty to help any research project looking at consumer behaviour during this time.
One of the major resources we have for students, researchers and staff within the Business School is Passport. This is particularly good if you’re looking for information on Market Research which can be anything from consumer preferences and buying habits, companies and their products and market share.
You can learn more about the platform from their help guide.
What does our Passport subscription at Newcastle cover?
We subscribe to research data strands that cover industries, economies, business landscape and finance. Market research data that analysts at Euromonitor have collated including consumer lifestyle reports, future demographics, country profiles, updates on consumer and industry trends, company information, market sizes and economic indicators. Passport covers more than 200 countries and regions, with a global outlook.
The company who provide Passport, Euromonitor have a great YouTube channel where they upload short videos which covers information on sectors, trends and hot topics. These are created by data analysts who work closely with that sector and collate the data which feature in the reports and charts.
We think this is great way to quickly identify developing markets, flourishing segments and areas for predicted growth and trends. So if you have been asked to pick or research a growth area or identify a gap in the market to launch a new and viable product you might to browse through their channel.

If you click to display by videos and ensure you’ve got them displayed by newest first you’ll see some trends videos so for 2021 so you’ll get a good idea of consumer trends, top cities to watch, industry and economic trends.

Euromonitor have also curated their videos under a section on their channel called playlists So if you’ve been asked to look at a specific market you might want to browse through playlists and see what videos they have.
They are short, snappy and give you enough insight which might spark an idea or help you decide on a product or market.
An extensive statistics platform covering over 1.5 million data sets (and adding an additional 500 each day) with revenue forecasts from 2015 to 2022 on over 400 industries.
Data is collected from over 22,500 sources covering over 75,000 different topics.
The platform can broken down into different elements including:
Statistics : where you can choose your industry e.g. Consumer goods, Retail & Trade.
Reports: This section is very comprehensive and you can select :
- Dossiers which are a quick quantitative overview of a topic. These are in house reports which contain the most recent and relevant statistics concerning a single subject. You can export these in PowerPoint or PDF format.
- Outlook Reports which are trend forecasts
- Surveys which are market insights from an expert and consumer perspective
- Toplists which are company ranking for sales and analysis
- Market studies
- Industry Reports which are perfect for highlighting key figures for a particular industry sector. These are updated annually and contain textual information as well as numerical data such as turnover and revenue.
- Global Business Cities Reports which are ranking and key statistics on particular cities.
- Brand reports contain insights into the brand itself
- Country reports
- Further studies which are more in-depth reports
Outlooks; these provide information on specific areas and help you identify the potential in those areas. This can include forecasts, detailed market insights and key performance indicators.
- Consumer Market outlook
- Digital Market Outlook
- Mobility Market Outlook
- Country Outlook
- Technology Market Outlook
Statista online help video
This short video from Statista gives a nice overview of the different search functionalities.
Access via https://www.statista.com/ or via the record on Library Search. (If you are accessing on campus, the platform will authenticate using IP address. If you are accessing off campus you will be taken through EzProxy so access should be seamless if you’ve logged in previously using your Campus ID and password).
Business Source Complete – MarketLine Reports
MarketLine Reports provide detailed analysis for companies, industries, and countries. These reports can be found within Business Source Complete and contain:
- Industry: Includes Porter’s Five Forces, trend drivers, and outlook.
- Country: Based on PESTLE analysis, cover a wide range of issues.
- Company: Includes company performance and SWOT analysis
Where else to look?
The University subscribes to a number of business news sources, including online access to the Financial Times and The Economist. Visit the Business News Resource Guide to find out how to access the University Library subscriptions for free, including downloading the Financial Times app.
The Business School also provide alternative resources to find market research, which you can access via the Business Subject Guide.
Don’t forget to check out our Market Research Resource Guide and the Business Subject Guide for additional help and resources.
If you have any questions about any of these resources, please contact you Business Library team via Library Help.