If you’re a user of a database called Construction Industry Service (CIS) then you might notice that our access to the platform is slightly different.
IHS Markit have recently moved this particular sub database to a new hosting site which has a slightly different way to access it. You will now need to set up a free account and password before you can search the platform. Hopefully this is obvious from the note we’ve added to record on our catalogue, Library Search.

We’ve also made a short video which shows you how to set up an account.

Available at : https://campus.recap.ncl.ac.uk/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=7c23df93-e89b-4297-8342-adbb00db0176
The new platform/layout has options along the top and on the left to browse by subject or publishers, there are A-Z lists to navigate through or quick links straight into Eurocodes, regulations and other handbooks.

Please let the Social Sciences Liaison Team know if there’s anything on the new platform you need help with.