Politics: explore the best resources for your subject

As we are a few weeks into the start of term, it’s time to think about doing some wider reading for your assignments or perhaps making a start on your research project or dissertation. Library Search is a great place to start when you’re looking for information. In one simple search you will find books, Ebooks, journal articles and more.

However, there are times when you want to narrow down your search by limiting yourself to a subject specific database, such as Scopus or Web of Science. Perhaps you are looking for a particular type of information like election results, national referenda, changes in government so you could use the interactive Political Data Yearbook.

That’s where your library Subject Guide can help. We have put together your Subject Guide so that you are able to find the best resources and advice for your programme, all in one place.

We have grouped together the most relevant journal collections, databases, eBook collections and specialist resources we have, so that you don’t need to go hunting for the right database from the 300+ available at Newcastle University.

You will find links to Support for your studies too. These quick links will take you to resources to help you develop your own academic skills, including tools to help you plan a search, quizzes to test your knowledge and advice on how to find, evaluate and reference the best information for your academic work.

Welcome from the SAgE Library Team

Explore the possibilities rocket image banner


Welcome from the SAgE Library Team

Need specific subject help?

The SAgE Library Team provide support for students and staff from the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering. Julia Robinson is the Liaison Librarian for the Schools of Natural & Environmental Sciences and Mathematics, Statistics & Physics. Lorna Smith is the Liaison Librarian for the Schools of Computing and Engineering. The rest of the team work for the whole SAgE Faculty: Catherine Dale is Assistant Liaison Librarian and Yvonne Davison, Susan Millican and Christina Taylor are Liaison Assistants.

So what can we help you with? We can:

  • Direct you to quality information
  • Help with study and research skills
  • Advise on how to evaluate information sources
  • Help you to navigate databases

… and much more!

We’re here to help you get the best from the Library’s services and resources so feel free to contact us at any time. Come and find us on level 4 of the Philip Robinson Library, email us at lib-sage@ncl.ac.uk, book a one-to-one appointment, or follow us on Twitter @ncllibsage.

For more information, check out the Subject Guides.

We look forward to meeting you!


School of Pharmacy – Your Pharmacy Library Guide

Explore the possibilities rocket image banner

Calling all Stage 4 Pharmacy students

Are you doing your Literature Review or Systematic Review as part of your Stage 4 studies, then the Pharmacy Library Guide can help you.

The Journal and Database section of the guide will give you direct links to all the relevant databases for searching the literature including:

  • Medline
  • Embase
  • Scopus
  • Web of Science
  • and more

In the Database Video Tutorial section on the right hand side of the page you will find two short video explaining how to use Medline and Embase.

If you are having trouble getting started then our Academic Skills Resources: Dissertations and Resource Projects tool is here to give you a few pointers.

Getting Help

You can also access the Help options from the Subject Help and News tab in the Pharmacy Guide.

Other Resources to help you:

The Endnote Guide can assist you with managing your references.

The Referencing Guide will show you how to reference your articles correctly should you need it.

Ebook collections for Social Sciences

As part of an Evidence Based Acquisition model linked to eBooks from Springer we’ve now got access for 12 months to following collections for Social Sciences.

Business and Management 2018, 2017

Education 2018, 2017

Political Science and International Studies 2018, 2017

Palgrave Business & Management 2015

Palgrave Education 2015

Palgrave Language & Linguistics 2015

Palgrave Political Science 2015 and Palgrave International Relations & Development 2015 

Economics 2017 2018

Finance 2017 2018

Earth and Environmental sciences 2018

After 12 months we will analyse which ebooks have been accessed and make decisions based on that usage for titles to include permanently within our collections.

As part of our permanent collection from Springer we already have access to

Social Sciences 2018




School of APL – new resources

We are delighted to announce some new journal titles and other resources available from the University Library.

Ones useful for APL staff and students are :

New journals

Design Issues

This journal presents a scholarly forum for the history, theory, and criticism of design. It provokes inquiry into the cultural and intellectual role of non-architectural fields, from graphic design to industrial design. We have access volume one onwards.

New Resources

Architectural Digest (archive)

This is an extensive collection of the magazine from it’s first issue in 1920 to 2011. This title is published monthly by Condé Nast and has a strong reputation with architects and interior designers. Topics covered include information on architecture, arts, antiques, travel destinations, interior design and products.

Aerial Digimap 

This additional subscription through Digimap provides access to some of the highest quality aerial photography available for Great Britain. This is created and licensed by Getmapping plc. Use a range of interactive tools, allowing interrogation and analysis of the data online and offline.

You can also:

  • add annotations (text, point, lines and areas)
  • identify image capture date by clicking on the map
  • generate PDF, PNG or JPG files for printing
  • save maps to go back to or print later

Aerial Lidar

Lidar Digimap offers detailed Lidar data from the Environment Agency and presents a model of the earth’s surface.

Uses of Lidar data are highly varied, from use in the creation of visual effects for virtual reality and film projects to archaeology, forestry management, flood and pollution modelling.

De Gruyter

We have access to De Gruyter’s entire ebook collection until June 2019, after which we will buy access to the most well used titles. This currently covers over 27,000 titles related to numerous subjects including architecture and design. All titles are catalogued individually on Library Search.

Sunday Times Digital Archive

We’ve now added the archive for 2007-2017 to our newspapers collection.

School of GPS – new resources

We are delighted to announce some new journal titles and other resources available from the University Library.

Ones useful for GPS staff and students are :

New journals

European Journal of Political Research

A quarterly journal which provides short research notes outlining ongoing research in more specific areas of research. Access is available from volume one onwards.

Journal of Migration History

A multidisciplinary journal features articles on migration, mobility and related themes.  Access is available from volume one onwards.


A quarterly journal which provides research and theory specializing in social movements, protests, insurgencies, revolutions, and other forms of contentious politics. Access is available from volume one onwards.


Published quarterly, this journal examines theories and methodologies from a variety of disciplines and provides important links between feminist theory and the realities of women’s lives. Access is from volume one onwards.

New Resources

African American Communities 

This collection presents multiple aspects of the African American community through pamphlets, newspapers, periodicals, photographs, correspondence, official records and in depth oral histories.

Race Relations in America

Collection of primary source material covering Civil Rights in the USA from 1943-1970.  Content includes photographs, correspondence, audio recordings, data and case studies, together with contextual features to help with interpreting the material.

Cambridge Histories Online

Search over 360 volumes of this major series, covering worldwide history from British and European History, Middle East and Asian Studies, Political Thought, and more. All volumes are also individually listed on Library Search.

De Gruyter

We have access to De Gruyter’s enire ebook collection until June 2019, after which we will buy access to the most well used titles. This currently covers over 27,000 titles related to numerous subjects including sociology, political sciences and geosciences. All titles are catalogued individually on Library Search.

Aerial Digimap 

This additional subscription through Digimap provides access to some of the highest quality aerial photography available for Great Britain. This is created and licensed by Getmapping plc. Use a range of interactive tools, allowing interrogation and analysis of the data online and offline.

You can also:

  • add annotations (text, point, lines and areas)
  • identify image capture date by clicking on the map
  • generate PDF, PNG or JPG files for printing
  • save maps to go back to or print later

Aerial Lidar

Lidar Digimap offers detailed Lidar data from the Environment Agency and presents a model of the earth’s surface.

Uses of Lidar data are highly varied, from use in the creation of visual effects for virtual reality and film projects to archaeology, forestry management, flood and pollution modelling.

Emerald eBook collection

We have bought a range of eBooks from Emerald these are all cataloged and available on Library Search.

Titles include:

Divorce, separation and remarriage the transformation of family 

Hidden hands in the market 

China and Europe’s partnership for a more sustainable world. 

Sunday Times Digital Archive

We’ve now added the archive for 2007-2017 to our newspapers collection.

School of ECLS – new resources

We are delighted to announce some new journal titles and other resources available from the University Library.

Ones useful for ECLS staff and students are :

New journals

Children Youth and Environments

This title covers the latest news on children, youth and their environments. It is dedicated to improving the lives of young people and is aimed at students, researchers, policy makers and professionals. Access is from volume 13 onwards.

Topics in stroke rehabilitation

Published 8 times per year, this journal focuses on the study and dissemination of theoretical and practical information related to the subject of stroke rehabilitation. Reviews and reports common clinical practices, state-of-the-art concepts, and new developments in stroke patient care and research. Access from volume 3 onwards.

Seminars in speech and language

Published 5 times per year, this journal provides information on clinical advances in speech and language pathology, offering diagnostic procedures, screening and assessment techniques, treatment protocols, and short- and long-term management practices. Backfile access for years 1984-1999.

Language Learning

A quarterly journal which publishes research articles that systematically apply methods of inquiry theories from linguistics, psycho-linguistics, cognitive science, ethnography, socio-linguistics, sociology, semiotics, educational inquiry and cultural and historical studies to address fundamental issues in language learning. Access is from volume one.

New Resources

Bloomsbury eBooks

We’ve bought five new eBook collections from Bloomsbury, comprising over 150 titles across a wide range of subjects. The new collections are: Education 2018; Film and Media 2017; Linguistics 2018; Literary Studies 2018.

All the new titles are individually catalogued on Library Search, or you can access a full listing of collection contents on this page.

De Gruyter

We have access to De Gruyter’s enire ebook collection until June 2019, after which we will buy access to the most well used titles. This currently covers over 27,000 titles related to numerous subjects including education and social science. All titles are catalogued individually on Library Search.

Emerald eBook collection

We have bought a range of eBooks from Emerald these are all cataloged and available on Library Search.

Titles include:

The future of learning and teaching in next generation learning spaces

Accelerating changes in schools; leading rapid successful and complex change initiatives

Teaching excellence in higher education

Sunday Times Digital Archive

We’ve now added the archive for 2007-2017 to our newspapers collection.

Business School – new resources

We are delighted to announce some new journal titles and other resources available from the University Library.

Ones useful for Business School staff and students are :

Case Studies

SAGE Business Cases

Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies

These both offer a range of case studies covering all subjects within Business. For academics you get the added feature of teaching notes which suggest teaching strategies, target audience and possible responses to discussion questions that can help facilitate classroom discussion.

New journals


A bi monthly journal which focuses on the theoretical-quantitative and the empirical-quantitative approach to economic problems. This a 4* rated journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is from volume 1 onwards.

European Journal of Information Systems

This bi monthly journal provides information on theory and practice of information systems for professionals in academia, industry, commerce and government. This is rated as a 3 journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is from volume 1 onwards.

Global Economy Journal

This quarterly journal provides information regarding all aspects of the global economy, covering public policy, managerial, and macroeconomic considerations on a global scale. This is rated as 1 journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is for volume 1 to volume 14. The request for current access still remains on the School wishlist.

International journal of entrepreneurship and small business

This monthly journal provides an international forum in the fields of entrepreneurship and small business management. This rated as a 2 journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is from volume 1 onwards.

International journal of innovation management

Published 8 times a year, this journal covers the advancement of academic research and management practice in the field of innovation management. This a 2 rated  journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is from volume 1 onwards.

International journal of logistics; research and applications

This bi monthly journal publishes work related to logistics and the whole supply chain. This is a 2 rated journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is from volume 1 onwards.

International journal of market research

This bi monthly journal contains papers covering important technical advances, practical applications, appraisals of specific problem areas and issues of current concern, together with correspondence and reviews covering the broad field of marketing and social research. This is 2 rated journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is from volume 33 onwards.

Journal of management studies

This journal aims to advance and develop models, frameworks and concepts in the broad areas of management organization, accounting, finance, public sector management, marketing and decision sciences.  This a 4* rated journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is from volume 1 onwards.

Journal of time series analysis

This bi monthly journal publishes papers on both fundamental theory and applications, as well as review papers dealing with recent advances in major areas of the subject and short communications on theoretical developments. This is 3 rated journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is from volume 1 onwards.

Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics

This journal published 5 times per year features theoretical and applied papers that characterize and motivate nonlinear phenomena. This is a 2 rated journal by the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Access is for volume 1 to volume 18. The request for current access still remains on the School wishlist.

New Resources

Financial Times Archive 2011-2016

One of the best known newspapers for Business, we’ve added the archive for years 2011-2016 to our collections. This compliments existing archive and current access for this title.

Sunday Times Digital Archive

We’ve now added the archive for 2007-2017 to our newspapers collection.

Emerald eBook collection

We have bought a range of eBooks from Emerald these are all cataloged and available on Library Search.

Titles include:

Global opportunities for entrepreneurial growth; coopetition and knowledge dynamics within and across firms

Talent management in practice

Brand meaning management 

De Gruyter

We have access to De Gruyter’s enire ebook collection until June 2019, after which we will buy access to the most well used titles. This currently covers over 27,000 titles related to numerous subjects including business, economics, finance and management. All titles are catalogued individually on Library Search.

New Springer and Palgrave eBooks

During this academic year we have made available a range of ebook collections from SpringerNature which includes titles from Palgrave. This system has been using something called Evidence Based Acquisition to select the final purchase of ebooks based on the usage during the trial. For the Business School we now have available 117 ebooks from this supplier.

The top 5 based on usage are :

Development Report on China’s New Media

International Business Strategy Perspectives on Implementation in Emerging Markets

Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Driving Forces of the Global Economy

New Trends in Finance and Accounting 

Strategic Innovative Marketing 

Please contact the Social Sciences Liaison Team if you wish to see a full list of titles; all are available on our catalogue, Library Search

New specialist humanities resources for 2018/19

Laptop on table

We’re pleased to report that we’ve invested in several exciting new online resources for the new academic year. Whatever your subject interest, you’re bound to find something of interest. Keep an eye on our blog for more in-depth features on these new resources over the next few weeks.

African American Communities

Focusing predominantly on Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, and North Carolina, this collection presents multiple aspects of the African American community through pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals, photographs, correspondence, official records and in-depth oral histories.

Race Relations in America

Collection of primary source material covering Civil Rights in the USA from 1943-1970. Content includes photographs, correspondence, audio recordings, data and case studies, together with contextual features to help with interpreting the material.

Literary Print Culture: the Stationers’ Company Archive

The Stationers’ Company Archive is one of the most important resources for understanding the workings of the early book trade, the printing and publishing community, the establishment of legal requirements for copyright provisions, and the history of bookbinding. Explore extremely rare documents dating from 1554 to the 21st century in this invaluable resource of research material.

A bookbinder’s workshop, with the finished products in a domestic scene over on the right. Date: 1875

Rock’s Backpages

The largest database of online music journalism, providing access to thousands of interviews, reviews and articles about artists of all genres, from Aaliyah to ZZ Top. Coverage dates back 50 years, and also includes 500 audio interviews.

Rocks back pages logo

Drama Online

This comprises the text of over 2,000 international plays, from ancient Greek drama to contemporary works; film and audio recordings of productions, and contextual resources relating to drama theory and practice. This summer, we have just enhanced our Drama Online portfolio with the Nick Hern Books collection (400 plays) plus the 2017/18 core update (117 plays).

Digimap Aerial

Digimap is an online map and data delivery service, comprising various collections, including Ordnance Survey and Historic. We now also have access to Digimap Aerial. You’ll need to agree to the new licence before using them: please see our separate blogpost for more details.

Financial Times and Sunday Times upgrade

We have just updated our access to these archives to cover the Financial Times from 2011-2016, and the Sunday Times from 2007-2017 (our ‘page by page’ online archives already go back to the very first editions of these papers in the 19th century). For very recent coverage of the Sunday Times to the present day (text-only content) please visit Lexis. For current coverage of the Financial Times, please visit this page.

financial times newspaper snapshot

New eBook collections

And there’s more! We have also bought access to thousands of new eBooks across many subject areas. Read all about it!

students in library studying


New humanities eBook collections for 2018/19

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We’ve been investing in some major new humanities eBook collections this summer.

Bloomsbury eBooks

We’ve bought five new eBook collections from Bloomsbury, comprising over 150 titles across a wide range of subjects. The new collections are: Education 2018; Film and Media 2017; Linguistics 2018; Literary Studies 2018.

All the new titles are individually catalogued on Library Search, or you can access a full listing of collection contents on this page.

Cambridge Histories Online

We have added eleven new volumes to this major series, covering Ireland, Communism, modernism and slavery, which means we now have access to over 350 Cambridge Histories online.

De Gruyter

We have access to De Gruyter’s entire eBook collection until June 2019 (after which point, we will buy access to the most well-used titles). This collection of almost 27,000 titles covers a wide range of subjects, including linguistics, literary studies, law, philosophy, history, music, classical studies and many more. All titles are individually catalogued on Library Search.

Oxford Scholarly Editions Online

Full text literary works, including editorial annotations, enabling you to track variations between editions. We have now bought the Romantics Poetry collection, to add to the Prose and Drama collections, bringing the total to over 350 titles.

Oxford Scholarship Online: Classical Studies

We have bought 115 Classical Studies eBooks in this collection. All titles are individually catalogued on Library Search, or you can browse them as a whole collection on the OSO site.

We now have access to thousands more Springer eBooks, bringing the total to over 84,000 titles. These cover a wide range of subject areas, including history, law and criminology, literature, media and culture, language and linguistics, and many fields of social sciences. All titles are individually catalogued on Library Search or you can search/browse on Springerlink.

And there’s more! We’ve also invested in lots of specialist new e-resources for humanities. Read all about it!