Calling all Stage 4 Pharmacy students
Are you doing your Literature Review or Systematic Review as part of your Stage 4 studies, then the Pharmacy Library Guide can help you.
The Journal and Database section of the guide will give you direct links to all the relevant databases for searching the literature including:
- Medline
- Embase
- Scopus
- Web of Science
- and more
In the Database Video Tutorial section on the right hand side of the page you will find two short video explaining how to use Medline and Embase.
If you are having trouble getting started then our Academic Skills Resources: Dissertations and Resource Projects tool is here to give you a few pointers.
Getting Help
You can also access the Help options from the Subject Help and News tab in the Pharmacy Guide.
Other Resources to help you:
The Endnote Guide can assist you with managing your references.
The Referencing Guide will show you how to reference your articles correctly should you need it.