I bet you didn’t know that we have a whole range of databases that we subscribe to from IHS. These databases give a range of information that would be useful for students studying a range of subjects, particularly Architecture, Geography and Engineering.

You have access to:
- The Construction Information Service (CIS) – source of technical standards legislation and technical guidance for construction industry professionals. For further information on CIS, check out this blog post.
- Specify-it – Product and supplier information for the construction industry
- OHSIS Document Alert – Online briefings with the latest health and safety developments
- Engineer-it Enhanced – Product and supplier information for design and manufacturing – process engineering and electronics.
- SCI Blue Book – Eurocode design tables for steel sections
- The Occupational Health and Safety Information Service (OHSIS) – Up-to-date reference source of key health & safety documentation relevant to the workplace
- Environmental Management – Legislation and guidance documents from over 100 issuing bodies
The easiest way is via Library Search – either search for one of these databases by name or search for ‘IHS’ and refine by databases. Once you click on one of the databases, you can then access all of the others from the IHS Markit dashboard:

For help on how to use some of these databases, when in IHS Markit, look at the Help tab at the top of the dashboard:

If you have any other questions about IHS Markit, please contact the Library Liaison team via Library Help.