The answer to why women are more robust to COVID-19 than men may lie in the dynamics of women’s gene pool

Today, people are asking why women are less affected by COVID-19 and have significantly lower death rate than men (in Italy, for example: more than 60% of infected are males and more than 70% of death cases are of male).

While there are hypotheses that this is caused by various societal and life style factors and norms, such as ‘because more men are smokers’ etc., I would like to examine potential genetic causes of that.

Men carry both X and Y chromosomes. Women carry only X chromosomes.

As I wrote a couple of years ago on my blog about the differences of dynamics between X and Y chromosomes (see links to my two articles below), I made a hypothesis that women’s chromosome pool is significantly more dynamic and mutable than men’s. The Y part of men’s genes don’t mutate. They carry Y-DNA through generations unchanged. Thus women naturally bring greater adaptability and robustness to environmental conditions than men. Contrary to that men bring certain long-term elements and inertiality, which is also important for stable societies.

Importantly, perhaps, I also showed an analogy between the combined process of gene evolution in humans and other species, thanks to the presence of both males and females) and PID (Proportional-Integral-Differential) control that is proven to be the most successful type of control in engineering systems.

So, the nature’s own PID control (where the role of P and D is greater than that of I for the purposes of quick response to effects such as viruses) makes sure that only a relatively smaller number of males compared to the number of females are needed to maintain the human kind.

So, as usual, Mother Nature and genetics are the winners in this almost game-theoretic scenario of our battle against coronavirus.

Potential rise of interest in STEM subjects in society

I predict that during and following this period of COVID pandemics, we will witness a significant rise in of interest and some kind of renaissance of mathematics and other STEM subjects. You might ask, why?

Well, let’s look back into history. The development of many mathematical ideas and forms such as mathematical series like geometric series, Fibonacci series, theory of probability etc. were the result of people observing various processes in time or frequency domains during those epidemics like plague, cholera and so on, that took place in the past centuries.

Now, you can see how many smart people are doing home schooling and teach their kids to look at the geometric series and exponential and power laws of the proliferation of virus. A 7-8 year ol kid can have a good grasp of the series based models because he or she could witness its manifestation (sadly, but) in vivo.

So, being an academic in Engineering and curious in anything natural, I hope there will be more students doing Maths, Sciences and Engineering after that ….

Is there any effect of weather on the spread of Covid-19?

Weather reports:

Average pressure in Wuhan in December 2019 was 1026 mbar, with some days going as high as 1040 mbar. Wind was very low too – 1-5mph. Dry.

Average pressure in Milan in January 2020 was 1027 mbar, with some days as high as 1045 mbar. Wind was very low – 1-3 mph, mostly dry

For comparison

Average pressure in Newcastle upon Tyne in February 2020 was 999 mbar, Wind was typically very strong – more than 20mph, lot of rain.

Molecular and cellular transmission:

What is the relative permittivity of air for odours and viruses? How does it depend on the weather?

Have you every walked behind a person having a lot of perfume? On a windy and rainy day, with low pressure you’d hardly feel any smell. But on a dry, sunny day, with high pressure, the scent of perfume stays so long that you can feel it even if the lady is 100-200 meters ahead of you, or even long past.

What is smell? What is its nature? In science it is explained via special types of molecules, called odorants.

With Covid-19, we have been told that we should keep the distance of 2m in social distancing. Is it enough? In what weather?

The Covid-19 cells are very small. Apparently the size of 100 nanometers. So we are talking about something like 1000 molecules. On a high pressure, dry and non-windy day, they can stay in the air probably for quite a while.

The other factor of good and dry weather is that people are much more out and about, and naturally socialise more. So, the weather and social proximity are correlated too.

Extra point. On a low pressure day our body naturally extract more fluid, mucus etc. This is actually good to help not letting virus into your body. On the contrary on a high pressure sunny day we are naturally keeping everything inside and actively breath oxygen rich air. Especially if we exercise outdoors. Perhaps, virus likes that we help it with extra oxygen and give its way into our lungs when we exercise. So is active exercising is good during those days and in a social company of potentially viral people. I am not sure.

We are often mistaken that by doing something normally good we can win. Unfortunately, there is no universal win. What’s good for your body under normal conditions may be bad under these viral conditions. Good old saying, you can’t win, man, can you!?

My hypothesis is that a good weather is really a ‘good’ promoter for viral transmission.

The Heaviside Prize

Last weekend I twitted on the following exciting challenge:

The Heaviside Prize:…

$5000 for someone who will explain the physical reality (without using maths!) of the electric current when a digital step propagates in USB-like transmission line. Students, engineers, academics, tackle this challenge!!!

On Hall Effect from the Energy Current viewpoint

People often talk about Hall effect as being an artefact of the interaction of the flow of electrons (aka electric current) in a metal plate with an external magnetic field, which causes (as an effect of Lorentz force) a potential difference created between the longitidal sides of the plate.

See for example, this site for the description of the Hall Effect:

I have had a look at the Hall effect and tried to scribble some rough picture in terms of Energy Current.

The story requires 3 dimensions x-y-z, and it is clear that the superposition of energy currents caused by the battery (where we don’t see the H aspect), and magnet (where we don’t see E) aspect, ends up in the cumulative energy current moving in the direction xy, while H is pointed in yz and E in xz, so no wonder that its projection on z is non-zero (this is the potential difference that is measured between plates 2).

The same effect is when the boat is moving from the wind, part of which is tangential, or plane lifts up despite the initial equilibrium between its weight and the counteraction of the ground.

The trick is to create a superposition and turn the direction of the field by ‘blowing’ perpendicular energy current.

All these effects like Hall’s are just special cases of contrapuntal effects on the field from superposition of different energy currents.

As usual Occam’s razor wins!

Origins of sine waves

There is a lot of resistance amongst engineers and scientists to believing that the physics of electromagnetic signals and dynamic processes involving such signals is NOT based on sine waves. There is so much in engineering that has been and is still being invested into the mathematics and tools supporting harmonics based analytics and design activities of thousands of engineers. Equally, thousands of academics are teaching hundreds of thousands of electrical engineering students all this on and on.

But let’s think what we can learn from nature that communicates signals from one point in space to another point and does it in a most frugal and at the same time prodigal way.

Imagine that we need to send a signalling event from point A to point B in space. This clearly involves some sort of motion. What kinds of motions we know. Well, at least two. One directional – that would be, for our example, moving along a straight line between A and B. Another type of motion we know rotational. This latter one should go if there is a point in the circle or sphere around which the notion can revolve. So, if the signal event involves the change in say electric field E and magnetic field H, we know that their vector product ExH forms Poynting vector, which shows the direction of the signal propagation. This propagation can only happen at speed of light in the medium (as there has been no evidence of otherwise!). If the direction of the vectors E and H is not changing in time at point A, our signal, defined by the Poynting vector ExH, will travel from point A to point B directly, albeit, this direction may not be straight line as it may be determined by the surrounding environment’s properties of epsilon and mu. So, for example if that environment is a transmission line (TL) formed by two metallic plates, then the Poynting vector will travel in the direction defined by the TL.

Now, if E and H elements of the vector are steps, then clearly these steps will form pulses, both in time and space. Now if for example these components of the vector are themselves in the rotational motion, and this rotation of E and H happens with a particular frequency omega, then the phase of the rotation omega*time will form an instantaneous value of the angle whose sine and cosine will determine the value of the potential produced, say, by the E component, between the plates of the TL. Unfold this rotation of vector E in space in the direction of the propagation of the Poyning vector, and you get a spiral – which is a superposition of the rotational and directional motions. The projection of this spiral on the normal plane along the Poynting vector’s direction will give us a sine-wave for E, likewise a cosine-wave for H. Hence rotational shift of 90 degrees will manifest itself as a longitudal phase shift of 90 degrees.

So, to summarise, the sine-wave is a product of a combined effect of a rotational motion and longitudal motion. But what’s important is that this sine-wave has a clear point of the start and end, and it’s not being there as a fundamental element. It is a mathematical trace of the superposition of fundamental elements of motion.

Another possible source of sine-waves is a successive oscillation of step-wise process in the longitudal direction, between two points. This is something that we have already discussed in earlier blogs, where we talked about the physical processes of propagation of energy current in transmission lines. Indeed if we connect a TL which has an open circuit end with the TL which is short circuited end, we have the effect of C and L combined, and the process of reflection of the energy current in this system, will form a series of steps which can be approximated by a sine-wave. Again, the sin-wave is a mathematical product of more primitive physical process.

In my recent email exchange with a group of people arguing with Ivor Catt about the primal nature of sine-waves, I wrote:

“Mechanics tells us there are two basic motion types. Direct and rotation around a point. If we assume that ExH can follow both, the latter for example, under the influence of another force (gravity?), can help us the express the effect of “corkscrew propagation”, and hence spatio temporal sinewaves. Actually a corkscrew or spiral is a good explanation of an AC shaped energy current around a wire. Light can propagate from its source in myriads of corkscrews by the way! ”

“By the way a corkscrew-like propagation of signal (hence, information) via a medium with natural resistance or friction (usual epsilon and mu properties) would be most effective, again from mechanical analogy point of view. Nature, again, following Occam’s razor principle, would do it the same way we penetrate into a cork or a wall, and that’s what nature would always do if it needs to pass information from one point to another! Energy current screws up everything! Ha-ha!”

I also recommend to someone who wishes to visualise these corkscrew processes to have a look at these wonderful videos on youtube:

Particles are secondary …

Ed Delian wrote today to Ivor Catt:

You ask me what happens inside an indivisible particle? “How does the particle’s right hand edge know of a collision of the left hand edge”? The answer is: Since it is an indivisible particle, there is no space for a “signal” to “travel” inside from “here” to “there” in order to transfer information. The whole indivisible particle as a continuum (!)  “knows” what its edges experience, all at the same time.

I responded:

Dear Ed,

Starting the discussion of electromagnetism or even gravity with particles, which are indivisible in one sense or another, is fraught with many problems and issues sticking out that seems impossible to put in order. This is especially problematic if one needs to explain the phenomenon of passing information in digital systems.

That’s why Ivor and us following his views propose to begin with the simple and clear foundational concept of energy current that travels and can only do so with a speed of light in the medium. 

The medium is naturally resistive to this motion, in a manner analogous to friction. These two properties of the medium is the only assumptions we need to make (this “minimalism” is justified by the natural tendency of nature to follow the Occam’s razor principle, as well as experimental facts). The other basic assumption is that nature has different mediums occupying fragments of space and thus has boundary conditions, between which we have no instantaneous action because those boundaries involve distances. So, any particles are the result of the division of space between boundaries, in which energy current is trapped. These entrapments are often ‘leaky’ which allows energy current not just be confined within these particles (due to reflections) but also travel outside the particles and this create levels of interaction. So this way we have elements of mass formed with nonzero volume.

Now, states or levels of the energy current density that are inside and outside those fragments of the mediums form something that traditionalists prefer to called fields, and they can be associated with forces, electromagnetic and gravitational.

So, clearly, talking about particles is possible but not at the fundamental level of passing information in nature.

Kind regards


Ordering notions in Electromagnetics: what comes first?

Today, I asked some people interested in Electromagnetics the following question:

Harry, All:

Do you have a clear idea how the values of epsilon and mu are obtained/measured for mediums? Are they obtained from measuring the velocity of light in the medium and from measuring the characteristic impedance of the medium, and then solving the two equations for c and Z0? 


Harry Ricker’s reply was:

No! Do you?

Followed by me:

No, I don’t, Harry. What I see on wiki is a sort of dead circle. Plus it involves the use of electron charge and other constants.Alex

Then Harry continued as follows:

Regarding your second question. If we are talking about SI units, they are defined units. The mu is defined and  then the epsilon is defined by using the velocity of light. The ratio is the velocity of light. I think the definitions were established so as to keep the previous definitions of the ohm voltage and current. Frankly I am not up on this. My view is that free space impedance ought to be 1 ohm and the rest of the units based on that. But that is only my opinion. 
The subject of units and measurement is very highly specialized and is fixed based upon international treaties. That has a long history behind it. The main idea being to try to keep the common units in use the same while bringing in new definitions of units based upon more stable reference standards. 
I am sure you know more about this than I do.

And this has led me to proposing the idea of establishing some precedence order between various key notions in Electromagnetics:


I agree units and measurements are connected. But, putting various notions of constants and parameters, such as epsilon and mu ‘on the table’ along with c and Z0, as well as electron charge, etc, could be done in some order of precedence, and that precedence could be aligned with the order in which the relevant physical notions are put into theory. 

The latter (order of precedence of physical notions) should follow (at least) two key principles:

– experimental evidence, and

– Occam’s razor.

Perhaps also some basic geometric relationship of space and time, such as velocity will need to be used as a guide.

I don’t want to get deeper into natural philosophy here. But, to me, Ivor’s notion of energy current being most fundamental in EM, which has the two key attributes, the velocity of light (or generally, of EM energy current) and impedance (analogous to some sort of viscosity or friction, or some counter-action to progressive action) is most natural, and meets the above principles. So, the order of precedence seems to originate in first having c and Z0, which can be measured by existing equipment, is also natural. Those are then split into two principal components, epsilon and mu, which are in some sense are more primary if we talk about Electrical and Magnetic as the two key aspects of Electromag. So from the experimental point of view our “Adam and Eve” are c and Z0, which we can measure. From the theory point of view, our “Adam and Eve” are epsilon and mu.

That’s how I see it to myself in some logical order.


Electron is a two-faced Janus of Electrical and Magnetic aspects of energy current trapped in it …

Can you give me a proof that what you have inside an electron is any different from the so-called ‘empty space’. Any finite section of space has the right to say – look, I have my one epsilon and mu hence I have my own speed with which ExH travels in me. What’s wrong with this approach? The fact that electron is tiny doesn’t deprive it from the privilege of having its own ExH trapped in it. Then this electron can have both electric and magnetic Januses to turn to us in the form of its charge and spin!

My response to Akinbo’s email:



From: Akinbo Ojo <>
Sent: 14 January 2020 15:36
Subject: Re: Displacement Current in Deep Space for Starlight

Hi Alex,

When taking a medicine is worse than the disease one wants to cure I think it is wise to stick with the disease. I also ask you to take note of what Harry just posted concerning how you want to combine the equations.

The only place I see usefulness for the ExH concept is in transmission lines (co-axial cables) where E can travel in the core wire and H can travel alongside in the space between. But there are no such transmission lines or co-axial cables in space so this type of energy current cannot work in empty space.



The cacophony of particularities in Maxwell’s equations … at the end of the day, it’s only Catt’s Heaviside signal that puts things right!

Over the last couple of week I have been witnessing an interesting email discussion about Maxwell’s equations between 2-3 people trying to come to terms with the difficulty of accommodating the notion of displacement current in free space and ‘sorting out’ the Ampere’s law. The latter combines, for whatever reason, both the elements of propagating field (not requiring charged particles as this field can propagate without involving massed matter) and current density (implying the existence of massed particles).

I have drawn my own conclusions out of this discussion, which ended up with conclusions that the above mentioned difficulty cannot be easily resolved with the bounds the temple of the classical electromagnetics with its holy book of Maxwell’s laws.

Here are my comments on this:

To Ivor Catt:

Following your theory where the Heaviside signal travels (and can only do so) with the speed of light in the medium, such a speed is entirely determined by epsilon and mu. Thus, where we have an interface between very low epsilon dielectric and very high epsilon metal, from the point of view of energy current, we have the effect similar to friction (against the metal surface – like a rotating wheel goes forward on the ground thanks to experiencing friction against the ground). And thanks to this “friction” it prefers to trolley along the metal wire, or between the metal plates of the capacitor.

To David Tombe:

Catt’s theory works at a different level of abstraction. This is the level of fundamental energy current. This level underpins “charged particles”. The latter are the result of the ExH energy current trapped in corresponding sections of space. What’s important is that that trapped energy never stops inside those particles as it can only exist in the form of ExH slabs moving with speed of light in the epsilon-mu medium. So then, when you apply energy current travelling outside those particles, there is an interesting interaction with the energy current inside those particles.

The entire world is filled with energy current fractally sectioned into fragments determined by space sections. 

All I can say is that in my opinion you misunderstand the domain of action of Catt’s theory. It does not consider static electric field. That’s it. There’s no such a thing as static EM energy. It can only move at speed c=dx/dt, in all directions. 

And this energy fills up space according to its epsilon/mu properties.

There’s no need for Maxwells equations to be involved in Catt’s theory. All these equations are partial, like Greek gods.

To Ivor Catt:

I, perhaps surreptitiously,  was awaiting for your email, either in public or in private.

Coincidentally, about an hour ago, I typed a message intended to be sent to the whole list from that discussion (adding Malcolm, who I think is on the same wavelength with us), saying:

“Ivor, please, say something, because these people are facing an impossible task of ‘squaring the circle’ of a set of Maxwell’s laws into something coherent – but the reason why it is impossible is that no one actually knows exactly what Maxwell meant by that list of laws dressed into fairly sophisticated mathematics. So, Ivor, the same fate may be with you, unless you say something, in some 20 years from now {well, it looks like I miscalculated by 5 years from your estimate of 2045!} no one will know exactly what Catt meant by his energy current”.

Then some invisible force pushed me to discard that email! And now, I had an evening walk to my office to freshen up my mind, and here I see your email.

Sadly, people, don’t listen and can’t liberate themselves from the heavy chains of those (partial) laws – which are like, indeed, those separate gods of Greeks or Romans being responsible for one aspect of life or another or one phenomenon in nature or another. They can’t understand that the Occam’s Razor of nature wouldn’t tolerate having so many (purportedly, fundamental) relationships, with lots of tautology in them. All those relationships, taken individually, are contrapuntal and superposing.

People can’t understand that there is no need for stationary fields, no need for separate treatment of charged particles etc. Everything comes naturally as a result of energy current trapped in sections of space, where it continues to move.

I think the next big leap where Catt’s vision will show its power will happen in high-speed computing and a massively parallel scale – truly high-speed! Until then we will probably fight against the Windmills of stale minds and deaf ears …

This confused discussion between David Tombe and Akinbo (not sure if Malcolm has seen that) is an illustration of the fact that behind the mathematically elegant façade of Maxwell’s laws there is a massive mess of physical concepts, a cacophony of man-made and contrived ‘pagan-like’ beliefs and disbeliefs (e.g., did Maxwell mean that or not?), which may work in special cases. The fact that these beliefs can work in special cases of success in growing crops or hunting/herding animals in some regions of the world, or in a more modern terms, wiring up a Victorian mansion and sending data to Mars rovers. But how they are going to succeed in the future when needs Terabit/s  data rates or picosecond latency in accessing storage, nobody knows. I am less inclined in dividing people into true scientists, careerists or other categories. Historical materialism (which we had to study back in the USSR) gave pretty good explanation of all kinds of folk under the sun. Nobody is saint here. It’s just a personal comfort matter …

To Akinbo Ojo (in reply to his email attached below):

Just combine ∇2E = µε(∂2E/∂t2) or ∇2H = µε(∂2H/∂t2)  into one eqn, replacing E and H with ExH, and you’ll have the Heaviside signal (aka energy current) propagating in space with speed of light in the epsilon/mu medium, and that’s all what is needed by Catt’s theory, and that what fills up fragments of space, in order to form transmission lines of particular Z0, capacitors, inductors, elementary particles, etc.

Everything in the world is filled up with this energy current, and any such an entrapment of energy current turns sections of space into elements of matter (or mass)!

From: Akinbo Ojo <>
Sent: 14 January 2020 14:20
Subject: Re: Displacement Current in Deep Space for Starlight

Hi David,

I didn’t say there was an error. I said given the Ampere and Faraday equations when you follow the curls and substitutions you will confront something that would be unpalatable to you and which you must swallow before you can get ∇2E = µε(∂2E/∂t2) or ∇2H = µε(∂2H/∂t2).

