CASAP Review: Share Your Views

LTDS has been asked by ULTSEC to consider what is needed to ensure Newcastle University staff are confident, informed teachers and supporters of learning, able to enthuse, encourage and inform their students.

We will be spending the next 2 months gathering views, ideas and suggestions from colleagues all across the university. Your views will be used to develop a proposal for university approval with a start date for the new provision of September 2019.

To enable us to capture the widest possible range of views we have an online questionnaire, will be hosting a workshop at the Learning and Teaching Conference and will be meeting with groups and individuals to gather their views.

As we gather your ideas and suggestions we will be updating the blog and review web page with the ideas. You are welcome to respond to these ideas as they are posted.

You can find the questionnaire here and our web page here .

Transforming Assessment Webinars

Dr Mathew Hillier, Monash Education Academy, Monash University, Australia and Professor Geoffrey Crisp, PVC-Education, University of New South Wales, Australia will be hosting a series of webinars over the coming months focusing on transforming assessment with  topics such as digital literacy, written and audio feedback and blended simulation-based learning. Take a look at the further details below. Continue reading “Transforming Assessment Webinars”

Learning and Teaching Conference: Full Programme Announced

Image for Learning and Teaching Conference 2018 of Tyne Bridge.

Education for life: Celebrating partnership, encouraging innovation
The Boiler House
Wednesday 21 March 2018

The full draft programme is now ready.

There are a varied range of presentations, workshops, lightning talks and posters. Contributions have come from branch campuses,  partners, students, professional services and all faculties. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone on the day to celebrate a partnership approach to education at Newcastle University.

Professor Chris Day, Vice-Chancellor & President, will open the event and welcome delegates. Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching will then deliver a keynote presentation outlining the new Education Strategy.

As well as a further keynote presentation about Learning Gain from Dr Camille Kandiko Howson, King’s College London,  and a range of plenary sessions, you can choose from  the different strands on the programme to tailor your day, whether you are interested in:

  • How do we adopt and develop approaches to education which
    actively engage students in their learning?
  • How can we encourage an educational experience supported and enhanced by technology?
  • How might we develop students as whole people, preparing them
    to flourish for futures we can’t predict?
  • How might a research intensive environment add value to the education of all students at all stages?
  • Or a combination of them all.

If you haven’t yet registered there is still time as registration is open until 9 March 2018. You can sign up here and if you have any questions please email

Inter-disciplinary Learning and Teaching Conference

The University is currently consulting on a draft of a new Education Strategy (see this blog post for further information on this).  One of the important strands running through the draft Education Strategy is the emphasis on multi- and inter-disciplinary educational opportunities:  encouraging and promoting these opportunities is one of the draft Strategy’s aims.

Colleagues working and/or interested in this area might be interested in a conference that’s taking place at Leeds University next month.  The conference title is Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching:  Pedagogy and Practice.  The programme is available at Initial Programme IDLT 2018, and places on the conference can be booked online.

Puzzled by GDPR? It’s UK law from May 2018….

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes law in the UK this May.

Despite the vote to leave the European Union, the Government has confirmed that they will adopt the GDPR, which will therefore be law in the UK from 25 May 2018.

How does it affect learning and teaching?

Well, all members of University staff have certain responsibilities under our Data Protection Policy to:

  • be aware of the Data Protection Act (and therefore GDPR) and what it means to the University
  • follow the policy and procedures for handling personal data
  • consult with the Information Security Officer (Compliance) for advice and guidance when necessary

Wherever personal data is held about anyone, staff, students, visitors etc. there is a legal requirement to comply with the regulation.

The University takes it’s responsibilities for GDPR seriously, and has a number of Information Security Officers who deal with compliance, but there are local requirements and schools and units should familiarise themselves with the changes.

Newcastle University IT service (NUIT) has put together some brief guidance on how the GDPR affects schools, some Dos and Don’ts and some useful links to further guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the regulation itself on the EU website.

There is a Brief Update and Guidance (PDF) from the Registrar.


How can I find out more?

Star Case Study: Dr Rajesh Tiwari: Flipped Classroom Videos

Enhance the variety of teaching, create a resource students like to engage with and save time in the long run.  These are just a few positive outcomes Dr Rajesh Tiwari, School of Engeneering,  has seen through his use of videos when using a flipped classroom approach.

The videos work brilliantly well when Rajesh wants to give information about practical skills, as well as when there are difficult concepts that need some extra explanation.

Photo of Dr Rajesh Tiwari, School of Engineering
Dr Rajesh Tiwari, School of Engineering

Student Voice

Students have fedback some really positive comments about the videos: Continue reading “Star Case Study: Dr Rajesh Tiwari: Flipped Classroom Videos”

Learning and teaching in HE: join a weekly #LTHEchat

An image of a bird symbolising a weekly chat on Twitter about HE.
Take part in the weekly #LTHEchat

If you are interested in connecting with other people who work in learning and teaching in higher education, you might be interested in #LTHEchat – a weekly social media based event. Every week, people from the UK and beyond take part in a one hour Twitter based chat about a topic related to learning and teaching. Continue reading “Learning and teaching in HE: join a weekly #LTHEchat”

Case Study: Class generated content: Student Perspective

Picture of Sarah Atkinson

By Sarah Atkinson former Speech and Language Sciences student and current MSc student in the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences

“Professional Issues… Sounds fascinating.” Thus my (admittedly extremely sarcastic) thought  upon hearing a module of this name would comprise the greater part of my workload during semester one of my final year becoming a speech and language therapist.

Despite hearing great things about it from my forebears in the year above, the prospect of this module did not fill me with delight. I certainly could not have guessed it would turn out to be one of the most enjoyable modules I have had the happy chance to participate in. Continue reading “Case Study: Class generated content: Student Perspective”

Higher Education Academy: Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)

The Higher Education Academy will be launching the  2018 Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) on 5 March 2018.

These awards aim to celebrate collaborative learning and teaching initiatives that positively impact on the student experience in creative and innovative ways. Each award will recognise a team who have enabled a change in practice for colleagues or students at an institutional or discipline level.

Only one bid can go forward from each institution. To become the Newcastle University bid you are invited to put forward a draft claim (max 1000) and a draft of the dissemination and impact plan (max 2000 words). Please note you do not need to submit a draft of the Institutional statement of support. Continue reading “Higher Education Academy: Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)”