Books added to the Library by students in ECLS (Semester One 2021/22)

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In Semester One, academic year 2021/2022 we successfully processed 45 requests from 31 different students (19 PGR, 11 PGT and 1 UGT) in the ECLS, totalling just over £5,500. This is what we bought :

A Guide to Practitioner Research in Education
An Introduction to Conversation Analysis
Applied Educational Psychology with 16–25 Year Olds: New frameworks and perspectives for working with young people
Argumentation Analysis and Evaluation
Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support
College Students’ Sense of Belonging A Key to Educational Success for All Students
Colourful Semantics A Resource for Developing Children’s Spoken and Written Language Skills
Communication and mental health disorders: developing theory, growing practice
Critical Thinking and Education
Dance Education: A Redefinition
Developing models in science education
Education, asylum and the ‘non-citizen’ child: The politics of compassion and belonging.
Education, Epistemology and Critical Realism
Enhancing Wellbeing and Independence for Young People with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties: Lives Lived Well
Essentials of Conversation Analysis
Evidence-Based Second Language Pedagogy: A Collection of Instructed Second Language Acquisition Studies
Exploring Education at Postgraduate Level: Policy, theory and practice
Handbook of Arts-Based Research
How to Read Journal Articles in the Social Sciences A Very Practical Guide for Students
How To Teach Mathematics for Mastery
L.S. Vygotsky and Education
Language and Minority Rights Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Politics of Language
Listening in the Classroom Teaching Students How to Listen
Mastering Mathematics: Teaching to Transform Achievement (2 copies by 2 different students)
Modernising School governance: corporate planning and expert handling in state education
Narrative Intervention Programme
OEuvres philosphiques, tome premier: Influence de l’habitude sur la faculte de penser [Philosophical works vol. 1: The influence of habit on the faculty to think]
OKAY across languages: Toward a comparative approach to its use in talk-in-interaction
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Promoting Reading for Pleasure in the Primary School
Schooling the Child The Making of Students in Classrooms
Student Successes With Thinking Maps®: School-Based Research, Results, and Models for Achievement Using Visual Tools
Symbiosis: The Curriculum and the Classroom
Teaching and Testing Second Language Pragmatics and Interaction
Teaching creative thinking : developing learners who generate ideas and can think critically
Teaching for Musical Understanding
The Hidden Curriculum in Health Professional Education
The origins of Musicality: interdisciplinary perspectives on the capacity to perceive, appreciate, and make music
The Psychology of Thinking Reasoning, Decision-Making and Problem-Solving
The SAGE Handbook of Gender and Education
The SAGE handbook of qualitative research
Thinking collaboratively: learning in a Community of Inquiry
Transformations in Schooling: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
What is narrative therapy?: An easy-to-read introduction

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