After a successful trial in October 2023, we are delighted we have managed to secure a subscription to Policy Commons. We received some great feedback from academics about how the platform would fit in with teaching and learning in Schools including :
“This is an absolute treasure, especially for my research. I am also sure it will be an invaluable teaching resource for the environmental law module starting next semester.”
“There are huge amounts of so-called ‘grey’ policy literature that students working and being taught policy-oriented skills and modules cannot access because it is fragmented, hosted by various institutions and the organisations which commissioned such reports. Policy Commons makes the universe of policy-relevant literature, which is often the cutting edge of a field and more up-to-date than academic literature, accessible to students through just one easily searchable source. This is a highly recommended resource, which improves student skills, research and their written work”.
So if you aren’t familiar already, the database is one resource to locate publications from policy experts, NGO’s and think tanks. Publications include : -The Council of Europe -Environmental Law Institute -European Parliamentary Research Service -Center for Security Studies -OECD -World Bank Group -United Nations -International Institute for Environment and Development
This short video from Policy Commons tells you a little bit more
To access Policy Commons follow this link via Library Search
For many years we have subscribed to a business database from EBSCO. This provides access to a range of content including journal articles, trade pieces, industry reports and company information. We have just signed for an upgrade to move from Business Source Complete to Business Source Ultimate.
EBSCO have included a title list which is available here.
We are delighted to expand our content from this supplier and more importantly the terms of the licence now allow us to directly link to articles from the core journal, Harvard Business Review from our online reading lists (available in Leganto).
We are currently updating our help materials to reflect the name of the expanded product.
The search page and functionality remain the same once you enter the database.
Following a successful trial of the resources in 2022-23, we have added two additional modules to our SAGE Research Methods collection. Through the Library you now have access to a host of guidance, worked examples, teaching resources and practice materials from SAGE Research Methods, SAGE Research Methods Video, SAGE Research Methods Datasets and SAGE Research Methods Data Visualisation.
SAGE Research Methods Datasets is a collection of hundreds of teaching datasets and instructional guides that give you the chance to learn data analysis through hands-on practice.
This new resource is a bank of topical, practice datasets, indexed by method and data type. For academic staff, the datasets have been optimised for use in your teaching and can be used for in person teaching or within Canvas materials. This will save you the time of sourcing and cleaning data for use by you and your students.
The decisions researchers make when analysing data can be a mystery to students embarking on research for the first time. Through practicing analysis using real data from SAGE Research Methods Datasets, you can see how analytic decisions are made, helping you become confident researchers.
Quantitative datasets are taken from surveys and experiments and come with instructions to analyze the data in SPSS or R.
Qualitative datasets are taken from academic research projects, providing bite-size examples from interviews, focus groups, documentary sources, and more, plus advice on how to approach analysis.
SAGE Research Methods Data Visualisation will help all researchers, from beginners to more advanced practitioners develop the fundamentals of data and design necessary to create impactful visualisations. Through a series of practical video tutorials, text guides and practice datasets, the resources will help you identify the chart types that best fit your specific data story.
Researchers increasingly grapple with complex or big data and need to present their data in an understandable, easy to interpret, and informative way to disseminate their research successfully. Mastering the skills and techniques of data visualisation is, therefore, key for any researcher. This new resource will help you and your students to communicate data with impact so that audiences can grasp difficult concepts or identify new patterns and relationships easily.
You are able to search and browse by data and chart type to find how to guides and explainer videos, explore a directory of data visualisation software and access datasets to help you practice communicating data.
During the summer months we have acquired access to a range of electronic resources for the SAgE Faculty to help support teaching and research activity. All of these great resources are available from Library Search. Here is a snapshot of some of the other new and updated collections.
E-book collections
We have invested in updates to our perpetual access e-book collections from a range of society, professional and academic publishers. Individual e-book titles will be returned in a basic search by author, title or keyword. Collections include:
We also have collections activated in Library Search for evidence based acquisition (EBA). This approach enables access to a lot of academic content to which we wouldn’t normally be available to us. Through EBA, publishers open up their e-book collections on receipt of a deposit paid by the Library for a 12 month period. Once the access period is up, we select the most used titles up to the value of the deposit to form a collection of perpetual access e‐books.
The EBA collections of most relevance for SAgE for 2023-4 include:
We have acquired access to two additional modules within the SAGE Research Methods platform to complement the existing book and video resources.
Students and researchers exploring new statistical techniques often find that hands-on practice is essential to the learning process. Master new methods with sample datasets before applying them to your own data. The datasets included in SAGE Research Methods Datasetsare taken from government sources and academic research and demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative methods. Each dataset is presented with an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to best demonstrate how the method is applied.
Data visualisation
SAGE Research Methods Data Visualisation will help all researchers, from beginners to more advanced practitioners develop the fundamentals of data and design necessary to create impactful visualisations. Through a series of practical video tutorials, text guides and practice datasets, the resources will help you identify the chart types that best fit your specific data story.
Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.
Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.
Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.
Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.
After a successful trial earlier in 2023, we are very pleased that the Library has been able to secure access to the Women’s Magazine Archive I-III.
Available in three separate collections, Women’s Magazine Archive provides access to the backfiles of the foremost titles of this type, including Good Housekeeping, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Woman’s Day, which serve as canonical records of evolving assumptions about gender roles and cultural mores. Other titles focus on narrower topics but deliver valuable source content for specific research areas. Parents, for example, is of particular relevance for research in the fields of children’s education, psychology, and health. Elsewhere, Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, and Essence disclose trends in and responses to the changing roles and experiences of teenage, young adult, and African-American women respectively.
In combination, the publications here cover topics such as family life, home economics, health, careers, fashion, culture, and many more; this material serves multiple research areas, from gender studies, social history, and the arts, through to education, politics and marketing/media history.
Issues are scanned from cover to cover in high-resolution colour, ensuring that the original print artefacts are faithfully reproduced and that valuable non-article items, such as advertisements, are included.
You can search the resource in different ways, including by Basic or Advanced Search:
Women’s Magazine Archive – Basic and Advanced Search options
This resource will be useful for researchers in a number of subjects, including History, English, Media, and Sociology – we hope it is useful, and always, get in touch with the Liaison team should you need any further support in using the Women’s Magazine Archive I-III.
After a trial of several AM (Adam Matthews) Collections modules earlier in 2023, the Library has acquired two new resources – Empire Online, and Church Missionary Society Periodicals 1 & 2.
Church Missionary Society Periodicals digitises publications from the CMS, South American Missionary Society and Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, encompassing issues from 1816-2009. Thousands of pages with detailed metadata enable new research opportunities in the fields of missiology and world Christianity, as well as a unique perspective on global history and cultural encounter.
The documents include reports on missionary work, serialised journals and letters, birth, marriage, and death announcements, fiscal reports and reflections on worship, making them an extremely rich source.
Empire Online is an interactive collection of primary source documents sourced from leading archives around the world. Material in the collection spans five centuries, charting the story of the rise and fall of empires; from the explorations of Columbus, Captain Cook, and others, right through to de-colonisation in the second half of the twentieth century and debates over American Imperialism.
The wealth of documents spans five centuries and includes manuscripts, rare printed materials, letterbooks, periodicals, diaries, photographs and more.
Material in Empire Online has been sourced from a wide range of reputable institutions, with a particularly strong core of documents and images from the British Library. However, the focus is not only on the British Empire; there are a number of documents and secondary resources which relate the story of the Empire from the French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German points of view, as well as that of indigenous peoples from Africa, India and North America.
For both databases, you could start by heading to the Introduction tab for an overview on the collection, a handy tour of the website and its key features, and information on copyright:
Empire Online Introduction
The Documents tab allows you to browse through the full range of documents available in the collections, and includes handy filters to narrow your results Document Type (Empire Online only), Library (Empire Online only), Title (CMS Periodicals only), and Issue Date (CMS Periodicals only).
Church Missionary Society Periodicals Documents
Additionally, the Advanced Search is available and allows researchers to build more complex searches:
Empire Online Advanced Search
Empire Online offers an option to view the sources in a chronological format, and the CMS Periodicals offers an option to view the sources on a map format:
CMS Periodicals MapsEmpire Online Chronology
Both databases offer extensive support, search tips and advice under the Help tab.
Please get in touch if you need any more support using the databases, but we hope that they will be of interest to your research!