New resources: Medical Sciences

We have been busy buying new journal titles and some backfiles for the Medical Sciences. These backfiles mean we now own the electronic content outright, in perpetuity, so have access to the full text of the journal articles.  Dive in and discover:



Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

Lancet Psychiatry



Angiology v.1-49 (1950-1998)

Caries Research v.1-31 (1967-2008)

Diabetologia v.1-39 (1965-1996)

Journal of Dental Research v.1-77 (1919-1998)

Journal of Neurochemistry v.1-67 (1956-1996)

To save you logging in to each individual resource you can access them via the RAS (Remote Application Service).



During the summer we have also been checking the whole of the Walton Library print stock for new editions and ordering when we find them.  Use Library Search to find out what is available.



We have renewed our subscription to Springer Link books which covers eBooks in many different disciplines including Biomedicine, Dentistry, Life Sciences, Medicine & Public health, Psychology, Social Sciences.

Biomedical and Life Science 2018

The following eBook collections have been purchased outright:

  • Biomedical and Life Science 2018
  • Computer Science 2018
  • Earth and Environmental Science 2018
  • Engineering 2018
  • Medicine 2018
  • Social Sciences 2018


New resources: Science, Agriculture and Engineering

This summer we have been very busy buying new journals, databases, eBook collections and print books in hot topics of interdisciplinary interest across Science, Agriculture and Engineering. Dive in and discover:




eBooks and databases

Mathematics, Statistics and Physics


Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics


Natural and Environmental Sciences

eBooks and databases

Explore Library Search and your subject guide today and find out what else we now have available.

























New site licences for Digimap

From the 1st of August 2018, all Digimap Collections (except Aerial & Lidar Digimap) will start new licences. This means when you access Digimap for the first time after this date you will need to agree to the new licences before you can access the platform.

This process will only happen once a year, so you will not be asked to do this everytime you log in. You don’t need to re-register any of your details, just follow the on screen prompts and agree to the new licences for each Collection.

All saved maps and download history will remain and won’t be affected by this process.

The use of content from this service is outlined in the Educational User Licence which can be found at:

Licence FAQs can be found here.

If you require any further help or clarification about the use of the data for Educational purposes, please contact Digimap via:

Additional library support and accessing Digimap can found on our helpguide.

School of GPS: New Springer and Palgrave eBooks

During this academic year we have made available a range of ebook collections from SpringerNature which includes titles from Palgrave.

This system has been using something called Evidence Based Acquisition to select the final purchase of ebooks based on the usage during the trial.

For the School of GPS we now have available 58 ebooks from this supplier.

The top 5 based on usage are :

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Counterterrorism Policy

The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Theory

Aesthetic Labour

Democratic Legitimacy in the European Union and Global Governance

Political Communication in Britain

Please contact the Social Sciences Liaison Team if you wish to see a full list of titles; all are available on our catalogue, Library Search

School of ECLS: New Springer and Palgrave eBooks


During this academic year we have made available a range of eBook collections from SpringerNature which includes titles from Palgrave.

This system has been using something called Evidence Based Acquisition to select the final purchase of ebooks based on the usage during the trial.

For the School of ECLS we now have available 57 ebooks from this supplier.

The top 5 based on usage are :

The Palgrave International Handbook of Action Research

Graduate Employability in Context

Life in Schools and Classrooms

Bilingual and Multilingual Education

The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education

Please contact the Social Sciences Liaison Team if you wish to see a full list of titles; all are available on our catalogue, Library Search

Business School: New Springer and Palgrave eBooks

During this academic year we have made available a range of eBook collections from SpringerNature which includes titles from Palgrave.

This system has been using something called Evidence Based Acquisition to select the final purchase of ebooks based on the usage during the trial.

For the Business School we now have available 118 ebooks from this supplier.

The top 5 based on usage are :

Development Report on China’s New media

International Business Strategy Perspectives on Implementation in Emerging Markets

Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Driving Forces of the Global Economy

New Trends in Finance and Accounting

Strategic Innovative Marketing

Please contact the Social Sciences Liaison Team if you wish to see a full list of titles; all are available on our catalogue, Library Search.

New journals for the Business and Management

We now have access to a number of core journals primarily associated with business and management subject areas.

  • Econometric Reviews. ISSN 1532-4168

The journal provides peer reviewed articles and book reviews covering current and developing topics in econometrics and advanced empirical economics, to statistics and other social sciences.  We now have access from volume 16.

  • Ergonomics ISSN 1366-5847

Ergonomics seeks to understand and improve human interactions with products, equipment, environments and systems. Topics covered include human biology, psychology, engineering and design. We now have access from volume 40.

  • International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications ISSN 1469-848X

This journal covers various elements associated with “logistics” including the management of processes, flow of materials and related information along the entire supply chain. We now have access from volume one.

  • Production planning and control ISSN 1366-5871

This journal bring together information on the management of operations in all industries. The journal would benefit researchers interested in operations management supply chain management and business improvement. We now have access from volume 8.

  • International journal of production research ISSN 0020-7543

Contains information on manufacturing, production and operations management research. We now have access from volume 1.


Peacebuilding journal

We now have full text access to Peacebuilding via Taylor & Francis.  It is a peer reviewed journal which provides analysis and insight on the policies and philosophies that underpin peacebuilding programmes.

You can access the journal via Library Search.

Please explore and send us your feedback.

Architecture and Culture journal

Architecture and Culture is a peer reviewed journal of the Architectural Humanities Research Association, highly recommended by academic staff and researchers at Newcastle University. The journal investigates the relationship between architecture and the culture that shapes and is shaped by it. Whether culture is understood extensively, as shared experience of everyday life, or in terms of the rules and habits of different disciplinary practices, Architecture and Culture asks how architecture participates in and engages with it – and how both culture and architecture might be reciprocally transformed.  It’s now available in full text from volume 1.
To access Architecture and Culture click on the link here to go to Library Search.

Journal of General Management

The Journal of General Management is now available from 1999 in full text via Library Search. It is a key peer reviewed journal for business students and those studying management and business related subjects and covers strategy, leadership, supply chain management and corporate social responsibility. Click on the link here to go to Library Search.