Books added to the Library by students in ECLS (Semester Two 2022/23)

Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Recommend a book.

In Semester Two, academic year 2022/2023 we successfully processed 44 requests in ECLS totalling just over £3793.

(En)countering native-speakerism : global perspectives
A narrative approach to life story work
Academic discourse across disciplines
Advising on research methods: A consultant’s companion
Audio Education Theory, Culture, and Practice
Australian English Reimagined
Beyond Smarter: mediated learning and the brain’s capacity for change
Brain-based learning
Brain-based learning : the new paradigm of teaching
Changing Practices for the L2 Writing Classroom: Moving Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay
Cognition, Education, and Communication Technology
Demoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and how They Can Stay”
Developmental psycholinguistics: Three ways of looking at a childs\’ narrative
Digital L2 Writing Literacies Directions for Classroom Practice
Education for sustainable development in the Caribbean: pedagogy, processes and practices
English speech rhythm: form and function in everyday verbal interaction
Entrepreneurial Women in the Caribean: Critical inisghts and policy implications
Glocal Narratives of Resilience
Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance
International Faculty in Higher Education: Comparative Perspectives on Recruitment, Integration, and Impact
interthinking: putting talk to work
Learning in Landscapes of Practice: Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning
Learning to Collaborate, Collaborating to Learn: Understanding and Promoting Educationally Productive Collaborative Work
Metacognition in Learning and Instruction: Theory, Research and Practice
Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice
Mindful L2 Teacher Education A Sociocultural Perspective on Cultivating Teachers\’ Professional Development
Multimodal Communication in Intercultural Interaction
Non-native Educators in English Language Teaching
Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School
Provoking Thought: Memory and Thinking in ELT
Reason & Rigor How Conceptual Frameworks Guide Research
Reconsidering Patient Centred Care: Between Autonomy and Abandonment
Reflective practice in action: 80 reflection breaks for busy teachers.
Revisiting Insider-Outsider Research in Comparative and International Education (Bristol Papers in Education)
School connectedness for students with disabilities: From theory to evidence-based practice
Social Communication Development and Disorders
The Place of English as an International Language in English Language Teaching: Teachers’ Reflections
The Pronunciation of Standard English in America
The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice
The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research: Development and Applicat
Towards Dialogic Teaching: rethinking classroom talk (4th Edition)
Video-mediated communication
Voice Unearthed: Hope, Help and a Wake-up Call for the Parents of Children Who Stutter
Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success (second edition)

Books added to the Library by students in GPS (Semester Two 2022/23)

Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Recommend a book.

In Semester Two, academic year 2022/2023 we successfully processed 61 requests in GPS totalling just over £6815.

A Companion to Roman Imperialism
A Field Guide to British Rivers: Implications for Restoration
Accountability through public opinion; from inertia to public action.
Advanced Introduction to Global Production Networks
Artistic Utopias of Revolt: Claremont Road, Reclaim the Streets, and the City of Sol
Black Skins, Black Masks Hybridity, Dialogism, Performativity
China’s Digital Silk Road Setting Standards, Powering Growth
China’s Futures PRC Elites Debate Economics, Politics, and Foreign Policy
Communication Strategies in Turkey: Erdogan, the AKP and Political Messaging Kindle Edition
Creativity and Conflict Resolution Alternative Pathways to Peace
Danger Zone The Coming Conflict with China
Defying the Dragon: Hong Kong and the World’s Largest Dictatorship
Explorations in Place Attachment
Feminist Theory Reader Local and Global Perspectives
Fighting for Abortion Rights in Latin America: social movements, state allies and institutions
Gender, Sexuality and Identities of the Borderlands
Geographies of Children, Youth and Families
Handbook of Alternative Theories of Political Economy
Handbook of the Sociology of Medical Education
Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War
Humanitarianism, identity, and nation : migration laws of Australia and Canada
Infrastructure Communication in International Relations
International Sanctions Between Wars and Words
Logos Warehouses Containers
Migration Studies and Colonialism
Nature Displaced, Nature Displayed: Order and Beauty in Botanical Gardens
Phenomenological approaches to moral philosophy
Place Attachment: Advances in Theory, Methods and Applications (2nd ed)
Portfolio Society: On the Capitalist Mode of Prediction
Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World
Private Metropolis The Eclipse of Local Democratic Governance
Reframing the civic university: an agenda for impact
Refugees, Security and the European Union
Resource Conservation Economics and Policies
Rome and the Enemy: Imperial Strategy in the Principate
Routledge handbook of immigration and refugee studies
Routledge Handbook of Sport in the Middle East
Sanctions: what everyone needs to know
Serving a nation at war, 1939-1945: a review of the building and civil engineering work of John Laing and Son Ltd
Shadow Warriors: The Untold Story of Traitors, Saboteurs, and the Party of Surrender
Signs of life : photographs by Peter Sekaer / John T. Hill ; with contributions by Julian Cox and Christina Sekaer.
Steady-state economics: the economics of biophysical equilibrium and moral growth
Study of Americana: Washington, D.C. Region 1978
The Anthropology of Friendship
The art of sanctions a view from the field
The Economics of Natural Environments Studies in the Valuation of Commodity and Amenity Resources
The Gift of Freedom War, Debt, and Other Refugee Passages
The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy
The National Security Law of Hong Kong : Restoration and Transformation
The Political Economy of Land Rent, Financialization and Resistance
The Political Economy Of Public Sector Reform And Privatization
The Routledge Companion to William Morris
The Shadow of the Mine: Coal and the End of Industrial Britain
The University and the City
The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence
Transcend and transform: An introduction to conflict work
Uncommon Places: The Complete Works
Urban planning and real estate development
Violence and Understanding in Gaza: the British broadsheets’ coverage of the war
Women crossing boundaries: a psychology of immigration and transformations of sexuality
Working Systemically with Refugee Couples and Families: Exploring Trauma, Resilience and Culture

Books added to the Library by students in NUBS (Semester Two 2022/23)

Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Recommend a book.

In Semester Two, academic year 2022/2023 we successfully processed 22 requests in NUBS totalling just over £2264.

Business Analystics (Data Analysis and Decision Making)
Business Analytics: methods, models, and decisions 
Cambridge IELTS 16 & Cambridge IELTS 17 
Cases in Innovative Nonprofits: Organizations That Make a Difference
Essentials of International Human Resource Management / 2nd
Gender, Media, and Organization: Challenging Mis(s)Representations of Women Leaders and Managers (Women and Leadership)
Handbook of Qualitative Research Methodologies in Workplace Contexts
Handbook of Research Methods on Creativity Handbooks of Research Methods in Management series
Managing the Digital Transformation: Aligning Technologies, Business Models, and Operations
Organizational change
Organizational Change and Innovation Processes: Theory and Methods for Research
Philanthropy and the Philanthropy Sector: An Introduction
Principles of Sustainable Finance
Public Good by Private Means: How Philanthropy Shapes Britain
Qualitative Research in Marketing and Management Doing Interpretive Research Projects
Strategic Giving: The Art and Science of Philanthropy
The Civilized Organization: Norbert Elias and the Future of Organization Studies
The difference “difference” makes: Women and leadership
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy
The Wise Company: How Companies Create Continuous Innovation
Understanding Organization as Process: Theory for a Tangled World
Understanding philanthropy: Its meaning and mission

Women’s Magazine Archive

After a successful trial earlier in 2023, we are very pleased that the Library has been able to secure access to the Women’s Magazine Archive I-III.

Available in three separate collections, Women’s Magazine Archive provides access to the backfiles of the foremost titles of this type, including Good HousekeepingLadies’ Home Journal, and Woman’s Day, which serve as canonical records of evolving assumptions about gender roles and cultural mores. Other titles focus on narrower topics but deliver valuable source content for specific research areas. Parents, for example, is of particular relevance for research in the fields of children’s education, psychology, and health. Elsewhere, SeventeenCosmopolitan, and Essence disclose trends in and responses to the changing roles and experiences of teenage, young adult, and African-American women respectively.

In combination, the publications here cover topics such as family life, home economics, health, careers, fashion, culture, and many more; this material serves multiple research areas, from gender studies, social history, and the arts, through to education, politics and marketing/media history.

Issues are scanned from cover to cover in high-resolution colour, ensuring that the original print artefacts are faithfully reproduced and that valuable non-article items, such as advertisements, are included.

You can search the resource in different ways, including by Basic or Advanced Search:

Women’s Magazine Archive – Basic and Advanced Search options

For more support on using the Basic and Advanced Search, see the ProQuest Platform support guides.

You can also search within a Publication, or for a specific issue of a publication:

Women’s Magazine Archive – publications search

Viewing individual pages is made easy, with options to download the PDF or browse the full issue:

Women’s Magazine Archive – viewing the full text of an individual issue

Access the Women’s Magazine Archive using your Newcastle University credentials via the Library Search record here.

This resource will be useful for researchers in a number of subjects, including History, English, Media, and Sociology – we hope it is useful, and always, get in touch with the Liaison team should you need any further support in using the Women’s Magazine Archive I-III.

Royal Geographical Society Digital Archive (with IBG)

After a recent trial to the archive from Royal Geographical Society (RGS) we are delighted we’ve have managed to add this permanently to our collections.

The Archive of the RGS covers the history of geography exploration, colonisation and decolonisation, anthropology, international relations, climate science, gender studies, cartography and environmental history throughout the British Empire from 1482 to 2010.

As you’d expect the resources vary from manuscripts, correspondance, reports, proceedings, maps, charts, photographs, atlases to name just a few. Many of these primary source materials have never been digitised before and are available through Wiley for the first time.

These are available as digital images which can be analysed and downloaded.

The archive contains specific collections including the Everest Collection; the David Livingstone Collection; the Sir Ernest Shackleton Collection; the Stanley Collection; the Younghusband Collection; the Speke Collection; and the Gertrude Bell Collection.

There are different ways you can search and browse the collections including choosing your content type first e.g. photographs

Then you can use some of the search functionality to locate what you’re interested in.

Other ways to search

On the homepage you’ll see these links :

The analysis hub lets you search for a keyword or term and see a timeline of when it was most used, which collections look important and related keywords.

The explorer let’s you look for photos and maps across all of the sub collections.

The place of publication browser let’s you use an interactive map of the world to navigate to the area you’re interested and highlights all relevant materials.

In terms of use, permissions and Copyright I’d recommend checking our their webpages for these.

We think this resource will be useful for both teaching and research purposes for those interested in all aspects of geography. We hope you love checking out the digital tools and functionality on the Wiley site.

Art and Architecture Archive

We are delighted we now have access to Art and Architecture Archive (parts 1 and now 2 after a sucessful trial) from Proquest.

This is a full-text archive of consumer and trade magazines comprising of key research materials in subjects relating to art, architecture, architectural history, art history, cultural history, fine art, industrial design, photography, social history and visual arts.

Coverage is from the late-nineteenth century to the twenty-first. The issues are scanned as full colour images with each article indexed so you can quickly find the topic you are looking for.

We think these are an invaluable source, as a historical record of the art and architecture industries. Through reviews, advertisements, exhibition listings, and awards, you can investigate the careers of major artists and architects, as well as the history of the commercialization and marketing of art/architecture.

You can search across both collections looking for individuals, topics, movements, industry news items, interviews with major artists, or features about technological developments, as well as photographs / illustrations, architectural plans, statistics, and reviews.

You can search or browse the archive in various ways (use Advanced Search to see all search options), and retrieve many types of content.

You also might want to browse by publication so check out Building Design, Architects’ journal or The Architectural Review. Click on publications on the Proqest website and you’ll see an A-Z list.

Screenshot of front cover of Building Design
Screenshoot of front cover of The Architectural Review

Free training on Business Resources on Bureau Van Djik products

The University subscribes to a variety of different company databases from Bureau Van Djik such as FAME, Orbis Europe and Orbis Asia Paciific.

The provider is offering some free online training which can booked directly with them. For sessions related to the subscriptions we have the dates are :

Orbis on the 12th of June at 1.30pm (London time) Book here

FAME on the 13th of June at 10am (London Time) Book here

We have additional help materials on our resource guide if you want to learn more about these databases.

Resource Trial – Adam Matthew Collections

We will be trialling all of the Adam Matthew Collections from Tuesday 28th March.

Through AM Explorer, you can now search millions of pages of primary sources spanning the 15th – 21st centuries, including a wealth of new content added every year.

  • Award-winning digital resources spanning the social sciences and humanities, developed in collaboration with leading libraries and archives
  • Discover millions of pages of unique primary source content which empower students and researchers to develop critical thinking
  • Powerful digital collections that transform teaching and research on important themes such as: Borders and Migrations, Gender and Sexuality, Global History, and War and Conflict
  • Single point of access through AM Explorer with built-in federated search functionality across all collections
  • Range of additional features to enhance student engagement including Handwritten Text Recognition, Data Visualisation, Video and Oral Histories
  • To see which subject areas are covered take a look at the guide below.

To access the collection both on and off campus follow the link here via our catalogue, Library Search and authenticate using your Newcastle University ID and password

Please note that PDFs downloads are not available during trials as per AM trial conditions

The trial ends on 23rd May 2023 To help us evaluate it, please email us your feedback, or leave a reply on this blog.

Resource Trial – Women’s Magazine Archive I-III

Women’s Magazine Archive, Collection I, II and III

We will be trialling all three Women’s Magazine Archives from Monday 27th February. This collection includes classic 19th and 20th century titles such as Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal and Parents. For those more mature students and colleagues you can enjoy a trip down memory lane to look at Cosmopolitan, Flare, Seventeen and Essence magazines. The collections cover a range of 29 to 123 years and will be useful for those researching a range of topics such as social history, gender studies, media history and more.

Each magazine in the collection is scanned cover to cover in high resolution to give a good level of detail for each page.

To access the collection follow the link here
If you are off campus follow the link and you may be asked to authenticate using your Newcastle University computer ID and password.

The trial ends on 29th March 2023 To help us evaluate it, please email us your feedback, or leave a reply on this blog.

Books added to the Library by students in SAPL (Semester One 2022/23)

Photo by Alex on Unsplash

Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Recommend a book.

In Semester One, academic year 2022/2023 we successfully processed 19 requests from 15 students (3 PGR,  6 PGT and 6 UGT) in SAPL totalling just over £580.00

China contemporary : architectuur, kunst, beeldcultuur = architecture, art, visual culture.

Coffeeland: A History

Design and Science

Edible Economics: A Hungry Economist Explains the World

Ending the Anthropocene – Essays on Activism in the Age of Collapse (Reflect, 12)

Let’s Go! Poekhali! Textbook 1.1

LO–TEK Design by Radical Indigenism

Louise Bourgeois’ Spider: The Architecture of Art-Writing

Material Misuse: Kennedy and Violich Architecture: No. 4 (Architecture Landscape Urbanism S.)

Mixed Reality In Architecture, Design, And Construction

Nomad Century: how to survive the climate upheaval

Posthuman Knowledge

Richard Serra Props, Films, Early Works

Sitopia: How Food Can Save the World

The Untold Story of the People of Azad Kashmir

The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe

Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics

Unbounded Practices: women,landscape architecture and early twentieth century

Yarn from Wild Nettles: A Practical Guide