Release notes 26th August 2014

The latest NU Service release includes the following change and new features:

Changes in Web Desk

  • The size of the details box on the service request and incident ticket windows has been increased
  • If an incident has been caused by a change, it can now be linked to the causing change record. This can be done from either the incident ticket or the change ticket.

New Processes

  • Change Management Process
    The Change Management process will provide IT Staff with a means to record all changes to live services, systems and components, with varying levels of approval according to the type and level of change. Benefits include more control, more visibility and better tracking of this work.
  • Problem Management Process
    The problem management process will provide IT staff with a means to log and track work on issues with IT Services that require investigation to determine underlying root causes of one or more incidents; it enables the logging of possible causes and workarounds, giving visibility of these to other NU Service analysts.

Change and problem tickets (including any associated task tickets) that are assigned to you will be listed within your Analyst dashboard (just as service requests and incidents are listed).
To access the new functionality and relating dashboards, see shortcuts for Change Management and Problem Management at the bottom left corner of Web Desk.

Process guidance notes will be made available here:

Change Management
Problem Management

Training in how to use the new functionality will be available from the IT Service Training Team (an email will follow with details of how to book)

  • General awareness presentations on 5th September
  • Hands-on training available from 12-4.30 on 19th Sept and all day 24th September

System Release – Tuesday 26th August 2014

We will be deploying an update to NU Service that will include the new change and problem management processes on Tuesday 26th August from 17:00.

Please ensure that you save your work and are logged out of the system by 17:00 on Tuesday 26th August and do not log back in until you receive an email notification advising that you may log back in. We are aiming for the release to be completed by 20:00 on the 26th August and no later than 09:00 on 27th August.

Details of the release will be posted on this blog.