Release notes 30-05-2013

The following issues have been addressed in the update deployed on 30th May 2013:

  • Right click to complete a task has been disabled
  • Ability to complete a task that is assigned to someone else has been removed
  • Dashboard queries:
    • In “My Open Tickets”, “My Team’s Unassigned Tickets” and in “All Open Tickets For My Team” the “Ticket ID” has been renamed to “ID” throughout 
    • In the “My Open Tickets” and “My Team’s Unassigned Tickets” lists, the “location” column is now labelled “Location”
    • The refresh on the Dashboard is set to 5 minutes. (NOTE: to make sure you are seeing the latest information, refresh/reload the page by pressing F5)
  • Removed ‘Email sent in error’ from history pane and the notifications tab 
  • Changed the label from “Raise User” to “Note created by” within the “Add Note” action (there was some confusion about the function of this field)
  • Amended spelling of ‘Raise User’ in ‘Add assignment’
  • Changed email notifications show to “group” as lower case; fixed some formatting issues with Email Notifications (e.g. line breaks)
  • If a member of staff responds to a MI email, it now adds a note to the Incident rather than send an email stating ‘your email could not be processed’
  • Once a ticket is logged, the ‘Raise User’ now cannot be amended 
  • Amended spelling from ‘Fullfilled’ to ‘Fulfilled’ when you select in the Fulfilment details screen
  • ‘Send date’ flag on certain system generated emails was showing as 13th December 2007 – now showing the actual send date
  • Expanded the text box on ‘with customer’ screen


With Customer notification

If you select the action With Customer, enter the details into the details box and select Save and Close this will send a notification to the customer to notify them that the ticket is on hold and they need to respond. It will also display the information you entered into the details box.

NU Service Wish List

As promised, we now have a way for users of the system to feed in enhancement suggestions – a ‘wish list’. 

Please use this form to tell us about what you think would be useful to change or add to the system.  We will evaluate and prioritise these suggestions and where resource allows will work on those that are agreed to be useful amendments to be included in future releases.

It’s important that this is not used to report system faults (i.e. something’s ‘broken’) – instead please contact the ISS Service Process team via email or on extension 8111.

You can access the form here:

For information, we already have suggestions about the following (not an exhaustive list):

  • Enhance the search facility
  • Reduce the number of email notifications and improve the content
  • Add more categories (not previously requested)
  • See if we can add ‘reminder’ functionality for analysts
  • Find a way to summarise all notes and updates in one place for a single ticket
  • Tidy up dashboard inconsistencies
  • Allow analysts to customise their own dashboard views
  • Review and improve ‘watch list’ functionality and content


Incident Management resolution categories

Listed below are the Incident Management resolution categories that are currently available within NU Service.
If you believe there are any categories that are not currently available (for which you foresee a need when resolving incident tickets) please post your suggestions here.

Please note that for most of the categories, the fact that it is resolved by an analyst is implied therefore “Resolved by analyst” is not a category in itself. Also, we are avoiding the use of a catch all category such as “Resolved”.

Advice Provided
Cancelled by user
Cannot fix
Could not replicate
Duplicate record
Hardware repaired
Hardware replaced
No action taken
Password reset
Related incident resolved
Related problem resolved
Resolved by 3rd party
Resolved by change
Resolved by user
Training provided
User error

We look forward to receiving your suggestions.


Personalising Dashboard Columns

There is a way to change the columns you see on the dashboards, for example to add a new column.

Right-click on any column in the dashboard, then from the list select ‘Add Attribute’ – you will see a list of available columns that you can add.

Go-live – day 1 review

Today saw the phase 1 go-live – a milestone moment!  Dawn, Lisa and I, with the support of some ISS colleagues, completed the final few tasks at 7:00 this morning so that the system could be ready for people to start to use. 

The ISS Service Desk started the ball rolling, logging the first few tickets at around 8:00, and then other users got logged on from 8:45 onwards.

There was a good amount of feedback almost immediately as people started to navigate the system ‘for real’, with a lot of suggestions for how we could improve the dashboards that provide the main working space for analysts.  Most of these were implemented today, leaving just a few relatively minor issues to add to the list for review and prioritisation for the project team to work on over the coming weeks and months.

The plan now is to continue to gather the feedback, and to stop any further amendments as we  ‘let the dust settle’ and people become more familiar with the system.  Whilst this is happening, we can start working on some amendments in the development system ready for a round of testing prior to release.

Many thanks to those who came in extra early to help with the go-live, including Dawn Darby, Lisa Dimmick, Steve Cuthill, Dave Sharples and Chris Franks.



Forms don’t look right on IE version 7

There are come compatibility issues between different browsers and versions of browser – those that we know work best are Chrome, IE version 8 and 9, and Firefox.  IE version 7 does distort some of the forms.  Please contact the project team if you have this problem and feel that you are unable to change to a different browser.