Release notes – 7th October 2014

This purpose of this release was to make some quick improvements to the change and problem management processes which were introduced at the end of August, based on feedback received since then. We’ve also made some small enhancements to the service request functionalilty.

Service Requests

  • It’s now possible to change the privacy of a note on a service request ticket after it has been saved. Previously this was only possible on incidents.
  • Some ‘quick open’ templates have been added to enable the Service Desk and Cluster Room Support teams to record common requests more quickly.
  • It is now possible to link service request tickets to change records. This can be achieved from within a service request ticket, by creating a new change or attaching an existing change.


  • It is now possible to link change records to service request tickets. This can be achieved from within the change record, by creating a new service request or linking to an existing service request.
  • A search facility has been added to the list of SOPs (standard operating procedures), accessed via the ‘Change Management’ shortcut group.
  • Additional search options have been added to the ‘Search All Changes’ functionality. For example, you can now search on ‘Date Implemented’.
  • It is now possible to cancel a change ticket (from the ‘open’ status).
  • It is now possible to edit the attachment title field and remove an attachment from a change record.
  • The ‘Service Affected’ field was not populating within the ‘Analyst Dashboard’ for change records. This has been fixed.
  • It is now possible to create a child change throughout the change management process. Previously this action was not available on closed changes.
  • A title is no longer required when adding ‘change detail’. This field had no value and created an unnecessary extra step.
  • Names are now listed within the dropdown list on the ‘Assign within Group’ window. Previously only the analysts’ IDs were shown.
  • There is a new dashboard for the members of CAB to show changes awaiting CAB approval and recently approved major changes.


  • Previously problem records that were at a status of ‘Known Error’ or ‘Known Error with Workaround’ were not showing in dashboards. This has been fixed.
  • It is now possible to reopen a problem ticket after it has been closed.
  • In the problem management process, the size of the text boxes to add workarounds and possible cause details has been increased.
  • Names are now listed within the dropdown list on the ‘Assign within Group’ window. Previously only the analysts’ IDs were shown.
  • It is now possible to search on the ‘Related Reference’ attribute when using the ‘Search all Problems’ functionality.
  • Attachments can now be added to possible causes in the problem management process.
  • There is now an optional ‘Component’ field on the main problem record. This attribute is included in the search query.

Please continue to give us feedback.