NU Service system upgrade notes – June 2015

We have upgraded to the latest version of the system; it includes new features that give us a platform on which to build future functionality. There are some enhancements in this version and some known issues that have been fixed which we want to make you aware of.


  • Tab index is now supported in the analyst view (Web Desk); you should now be able to move around windows using the TAB key.
  • Analysts can now use multiple browser tabs within Web Desk.
    Prior to the upgrade some users found that they were unable to work on different NU Service windows/tickets across multiple browser tabs.

Known issues that have been fixed

  • Some (not all) analysts have been receiving an error message when initially opening NU Service or if the system had timed out. The error message was: “An item with the same key has already been added” – This should now be fixed.
  • When we went live with a previous version in June 2014 we communicated two known issues for those using IE. See below for a reminder of these issues or alternatively visit the relevant blog post from last year. We believe these two issues have been fixed therefore there is no longer a need to use the associated workarounds. Please contact the Service Process team if you experience otherwise.
  1. Using NU Service with Internet Explorer in compatibility view will present the self-service dashboard to analysts without the option to ‘Switch to Web Desk’ (the standard analyst view).
  2. Using NU Service with Internet Explorer 8 gives a security warning that some of the content is not delivered securely and by default asks whether you want to view only the content that was delivered securely. This occurs when loading every page.

Please note that Chrome is the recommended browser for NU Service.


NU Service system upgrade

We will be upgrading to the current version of NU Service on Wednesday 10th June, the work will begin at 17:00 (GMT). This upgrade allows us to take advantage of system fixes and will provide us with the scope to introduce improvements using new features.

Please ensure that you save your work and are logged out of the system by 17:00 on Wednesday 10th June and do not log back in until you receive an email notification advising that you may log back in. We anticipate that the system will be available for normal use by 09:00 (GMT) on Thursday 11th June.