Cambridge Histories Online: what’s new?

We subscribe to Cambridge Histories Online, the internationally renowned book series which first started in 1902.  We have access to over 360 volumes online, covering many different subject areas in depth, including history, music, language and literature.

We have recently bought access to several new volumes (in some cases, multiple volumes) which cover the following topics:


Moral Philosophy

Intellectual History of Byzantium





All the Cambridge Histories are individually catalogued and searchable via Library Search, or if you prefer, you can browse them all together on the Cambridge Histories platform.



New resource in focus: Aerial and Lidar Digimap

Digimap is an online map and data delivery service, comprising various collections, including Ordnance Survey and Historic. We have recently acquired access to two more modules: Aerial and Lidar Digimap.

Aerial Digimap 

This provides access to some of the highest quality aerial photography available for Great Britain, created and licensed by Getmapping plc. You can use a range of interactive tools, allowing interrogation and analysis of the data online and offline. You can also:

  • add annotations (text, point, lines and areas)
  • identify image capture date by clicking on the map
  • generate PDF, PNG or JPG files for printing
  • save maps to go back to or print later

Lidar Digimap

This offers detailed Lidar data from the Environment Agency and presents a model of the earth’s surface.

Uses of Lidar data are highly varied, from use in the creation of visual effects for virtual reality and film projects, to archaeology, forestry management, flood and pollution modelling.

You’ll need to agree to the new licence before using these new modules: please see our separate blogpost for more details. If you need help with Digimap, there are extensive help pages online for each component.

Doing your Literature Review

Struggling with your Literature Review?  Can’t see the wood for the trees?

We have lots of resources that can help you find the references you need:

  • Watch this video for an overview on literature reviews.
  • York University’s video on Creating a Search Strategy will introduce to the process of breaking down your research question.
  • Don’t forget as you go along you need to be managing your references so you can easily come back to them when you start writing.
  • EndNote  is a piece of software that will help you do this.
  • Remember you must give credit where it is due.  Don’t forget to Reference correctly!

Guest Post: A Review of Box of Broadcasts

BoB Screen GrabLaura-Jayne Beattie, a final year Law School student, takes a look at Box of Broadcasts, and reviews a film she watched using it (a Law Library favourite!).

BoB (Box of Broadcasts), available to all Newcastle University students regardless of degree discipline, is an excellent resource. Best of all, it’s FREE for students studying at Newcastle (just what a student wants to hear)! You just have to select the university from the list of institutions, sign in with your university login details (username and password), and away you go! You’re free to explore the thousands of television programmes, radio broadcasts and films available on the website. It’s incredibly easy-to-use, and reminds me a lot of Netflix, but is less guilt-free as most of these programs and films are education-related in some way. The broadcasts may relate to your degree or another academic interest of yours (e.g. psychology-related films).

You can watch live TV, or search (by name) for a pre-recorded film, radio show or television programme. The system holds over 2 million broadcasts, which have been shown on television or aired on the radio at some point since the 1990s. If you don’t have a specific film or programme in mind which you would like to watch, why not try out the advanced search feature? Click on the ‘Search’ icon, then on ‘Search options’, change as many or as little options as you like, and then hit ‘search’! A list of broadcasts matching your search criteria will be shown. I’m sure there will be at least one that interests you!

SCreen grab of BoBAfter a few minutes of exploring the website, I decided to choose a film from the ‘Law in Literature Newcastle University’ playlist. To find this, I clicked on the ‘Search’ icon (on the tab across the top) and selected ‘Public Playlists’. I then typed the playlist’s name into the search box. I was surprised at how many titles were available within this collection (all related to Law). I chose to watch ‘Legally Blonde’, a personal favourite of mine but one that I haven’t watched for years.

Here’s what I thought…

Legally Blonde’, a fun-filled film showcasing a story of love and success, shows Law in a new perspective and is a must-watch for any Law students (Yes, even you boys). It’s a feel-good film, and is motivational in terms of showing that anyone really can succeed if they put their mind to it! It’s particularly perfect for any law student who feels ‘out-of-place’ with the supposed societal ‘ideal’ of who should be studying law.

Defying all pre-conceptions derived from her appearance, Elle Woods gains a place at the prestigious Harvard Law school. While this was initially to follow her ex-boyfriend, who broke her heart just before he proceeded to study Law there, she soon develops a passion for Law and becomes top of the class. She helps to win a case while on work experience using her knowledge of fashion, and later delivers an inspirational speech at graduation saying words like “you must always have faith in yourself”. When making this speech, it’s clear from the smiles in the room that she has won the hearts of students and staff alike and made lifelong friends with her heart-warming personality. Graduating with a job in a high-ranking law firm, she puts her career ahead of everything and even rejects her ex-boyfriend who wanted her back towards the end of the film.

Legally Blonde’ relates to Law, as Elle overcomes sexual harassment while on work experience (Employment Law). Initially, Elle doesn’t report the man and decides to drop out of law school- possibly as she thought she wouldn’t be believed or that what happened wasn’t actually a crime (a common occurrence amongst victims in reality). Parts of Law lectures are filmed, and Elle overcomes stereotypes that are derived from her appearance (blonde female who evidently loves the colour pink) (Law, Gender and Sexuality). Despite not being a typical Harvard student, she still succeeds without letting these stereotypes stop her.

Resource in Focus: historic newspapers in Gale Primary Sources

We have access to a wide range of digitised British historic newspaper archives, which you can access through various different platforms (see the historic section of our newspaper resource guide for more detail). If you want to search across many historic newspapers at once, we would recommend using Gale Primary Sources.

Gale Primary Sources searches across 15 different archives, including major titles such as The TimesThe Daily Mail, Financial Times and The Economist (all dating from their very first issue) together with historic collections of regional titles. You can select to search as many of the archives as you require.

Watch this short introductory video to help you get the best out of searching Gale Primary Sources. If you want information on how to access current, business and international news, then visit this page.

Finding international news: a how to guide

The Library’s online news resources are strongest for the UK, but we do also provide access to a wide range of historic and contemporary international news resources. You can find links to all relevant resources in the international section of our newspaper guide.

Historic archives

Our strongest non-UK historic resources are from the USA, as we have access to the New York Times archive, together with various archives from the Civil War period, plus a collection of microfilms from the Civil Rights period. The availability of historic newspaper archives depends very much on digitisation programmes in the country concerned. We have included links to those which are freely available (and be sure to investigate the Europeana newspaper project, which aims to aggregate millions of newspaper pages across many European countries.)

Contemporary news

Nearly all international newspapers have their own web site, but you are unlikely to find free access to their entire archive. However, the Nexis database enables you to search across thousands of newspapers, news magazines and newswires from across the world (though primarily Europe and the USA), dating back over twenty years to the present day (precise date coverage varies by title). You can search in various ways, by country, language, or search an individual newspaper. Watch the video below to find out how to use this fantastic resource.

Books added to the Library by students in SAPL (Semester Two 2017/18)

We have a service called “Books on Time” for students. This allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Books on Time

In Semester two, academic year 2017/2018 we bought the following items after requests from students in SAPL.

There were 53 requests from 29 students totaling £2330 (38% of requests from undergraduates, 34% from Postgraduate taught and 28% from Postgraduate Research)

Title Now in stock
Ageing and Intergenerational Relations: Family Reciprocity from a Global Perspective 1xlong
An Aboriginal Village in South Australia: A Snapshop of Davenport 2xlong
Anatomy of a Soldier 1xlong
Automating inequality: how high-tech tools profile,police and punish the poor 1xlong
Campus and the City: Urban Design for the Knowledge Society 1xlong, 1xebook
Carlo Scarpa and Castelvecchio Revisited 1xlong
Cartographic Grounds 1xlong
City With a Hidden Past 1xlong
Climate Design: Solutions for Buildings that Can Do More With Less Technology 1xlong
Code and Clay, Data and Dirt 1xlong
Critical Studies of Innovation Alternative Approaches to the Pro-Innovation Bias 1xlong
Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic 1xlong
Die Wiener Hofburg 1705-1835: Die kaiserliche residenz vom Barock bis zum Klassizismus 1xlong
Die Wiener Hofburg 1835-1918 1xlong
Facing the planetary 1xlong
Formalizing Displacement: International Law and Population Transfers 1xlong
Global Universities and Urban Development 1xlong
Governance of the Smart Mobility Transition 1xlong
Healing Garden 1xlong
Immaterialism: Objects and Social Theory (Theory Redux) 1xlong
Inside Megaprojects: Understanding Cultural Practices in Project Management 1xlong
Interior Landscapes: A Visual Atlas 1xlong
James Casebere: Works 1975-2010 1xlong
Liverpool One: Remaking a City Centre 1xlong
Liverpool: shaping the city 1xlong
Logo Modernism 1xlong
Material Utopias 1xlong
Mémoires 1xlong
Of Planting and Planning: The making of British colonial cities (Planning, History and Environment Series) 1xlong
On Photography; Walter Benjamin 1xlong
Ottoman Izmir: The Rise of a Cosmopolitan Port, 1840-1880 1xlong
Planetary Echos: Exploring the Implications of Human Settlement in Outer Space 1xlong
Public Transport: It’s  Planning Management and Operation 1xlong
Recto Verso: Redefining the Sketchbook 1xlong
Social Capital Theory and Research 1xlong
Space and Muslim Urban Life: At the Limits of the Labyrinth of Fez 1xlong
The Architectural Unconscious: James Casebere and Glen Seater 1xlong
The Ethnopoetics of Space and Transformation: Young People’s Engagement, Activism and Aesthetics 1xlong
The Nature of Health: How America Lost, and Can Regain, a Basic Human Value 1xlong
The Predictive Postcode 1xlong
The University and the City: From Medieval Origins to the Present 1xlong
The University and Urban Revival: Out of the Ivory Tower and into the Streets 1xlong
The University as Urban Developer: Case Studies and Analysis 1xlong
Time Saver Standards for Urban Design 1xlong
Transport Matters: Integrated Approaches for Planning City-Regions 1xlong
Urban Livelihoods: A People-Centred Approach to Reducing Poverty 1xlong
Urban Living Labs: Experimenting with City Futures 1xlong
Violence and the City in the Modern Middle East 1xlong
Walter Pilcher: Skulpturen Modelle Zeichnungen 1xlong
Work/Life: Williams Tsien 1xlong
Writing the Modern History of Iraq 1xebook
You can be Young and an Architect 1xlong
Young Citizens: Young People’s Involvement in Politics and Decision Making 1xlong


Books added to the Library by students in GPS (Semester Two 2017/18)

We have a service called “Books on Time” for students. This allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Books on Time

In Semester two, academic year 2017/2018 we bought the following items after requests from students in GPS.

There were 104 requests from 54 students totaling £4760.50 (60% of requests from undergraduates, 12% from Postgraduate taught and 28% from Postgraduate Research)


Title Now in stock
A Decade of Dark Humor: How Comedy, Irony and Satire Shaped Post-9/11 America 1xlong
A Life in Trans Activism 1xlong
A People Stronger: The Collectivisation of MSM and TG Groups in India 1xlong
A People’s Peace in Cyprus: Testing Public Opinion on the Options for a Comprehensive Settlement 1xlong
Affect, Space and Animals (Routledge Human-Animal Studies Series) 1xlong
African religions and philosophy 1xlong
Age Studies A Sociological Examination of How We Age and are Aged Through the Life Course 1xlong
Age, Gender and Sexuality Through the Life Course: The Girl in Time 1xlong
Aged by Culture 1xlong
Animal Geographies: Place, Politics and Identity in the Nature-culture Borderlands 1xlong
Animal Oppression and Human Violence: Domesecration, Capitalism, and Global Conflict (Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science and Law) 1xlong
Animal Revolution: Changing Attitudes Towards Speciesism 1xlong
Animal Rights/Human Rights: Entanglements of Oppression and Liberation (Critical Media Studies: Institutions, Politics, and Culture) 1xlong
Before birth: understanding prenatal screening 1xlong
Café Society 1xlong
Celebrity Humanitarianism and North-South Relations 1xlong
Children’s Emotions in Policy and Practice 1xlong
Criminal Love? Queer Theory, Culture and Politics in India 1xlong
Critical Realism: An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar’s Philosophy 1xlong, 1xebook
Culture and Politics: A Reader 6xlong, 1xstc
Cyprus: A Conflict at the Crossroads 1xlong
Debates in values-based practice: arguments for and against 1xlong
Different Faces of Attachment: Cultural Variations on a Universal Human Need 1xlong
Disrupting homelessness. 1xlong
Domestic Animals, Humans, and Leisure: Rights, Welfare, and Wellbeing (Routledge Research in the Ethics of Tourism Series) 1xlong
Emotions and Social Relations 1xlong
Expatriate identities in postcolonial organizations: working whiteness 1xlong
Exploring Parliament 1xlong
Feminism and Families 1xlong
Foucault Beyond Foucault: Power and its Intensifications Since 1984 2xlong
Gendered Bodies: Feminist Perspectives 1xlong
Global Homophobia: States Movements and the Politics of Oppression 1xlong
Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People: And Other Myths About Gun Control 1xlong
Handbook of Environmental Economics 1xlong
Hijras, the Labelled Deviants 1xlong
How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy 1xlong
Human and Other Animals: Critical Perspectives 1xlong
Identity and Social Change 1xlong
Imagining the Modern: The Cultures of Nationalism in Cyprus 1xlong
Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi 1xlong
Justice for Laughing Boy: Connor Sparrowhawk – A Death by Indifference 1xlong
Laughing Matters: Humor and American Politics in the Media Age 1xlong
Let Africa Lead 1xlong
Local Agency and Peacebuilding: EU and International Engagement in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Cyprus and South Africa 1xlong
Loneliness and its Opposties: Sex, Disability and the Ethics of Engagement 1xlong
Made in India: Decolonizations, Queer Sexualities, Trans/National Projects 1xlong
Markets of Dispossession NGOs, Economic Development and the State in Cairo 1xlong
Masculinities in Transition 1xlong, 1xebook
Me Hijra, Me Laxmi 1xlong
Media and the Riots: A Call to Action 1xlong
Minority Women and Austerity: Survival and Resistance in France and Britain 1xlong
Muslim Spaces of Hope: Geographies of Possibility in Britain and the West 1xlong
Nationbuilding, Gender and War Crimes in South Asia 1xlong
Negotiating Europe: Europeanness Since the 1950s 1xlong
Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of its Enemies 1xlong
On What Matters: Volume 1 1xlong
Placing Animals: An Introduction To The Geography Of Human-Animal Relations (Human Geography In The Twenty-First Century: Issues And Applications) 1xlong
Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK, Volume 2: The Dimensions of Disadvantage 1xlong
Poverty Propaganda 1xlong
Prostitution, Harm and Gender Inequality 1xlong
Race and the Yugoslav Region: Postsocialist, Post-Conflict, Post-Colonial? 1xlong
Regarding Animals (Animals Culture And Society) 1xlong
Re-Imagining North Korea in International Politics 1xlong
Religion Matters 1xlong
Russian Homophobia from Stalin to Sochi 1xlong
Smart Green Cities: Towards a Carbon Neutral World 1xlong
Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks and Disasters 1xlong
Social Lives With Other Animals: Tales of Sex, Death and Love 1xlong
Social Mobility for the 21st Century: Everyone a Winner? 2xlong
Sport and Postcolonialism 1xlong, 1xebook
Switzerland and the European Union: a close, contradictory and misunderstood relationship 1xlong
The Changing Nature of the Graduate Labour Market: Media, Policy and Political Discourses in the UK 1xlong
The Concept of Race in South Asia 1xlong
The Cyprus Referendum: A Divided Island and the Challenge of the Annan Plan 1xlong
The Disability Studies Reader 2016 1xlong
The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery 1xlong
The European Union and Africa: The Restructuring of North-South Relations 1xlong
The European Union and Africa: The Restructuring of North-South Relations 1xebook
The Geopolitics of Emotion: How Cultures of Fear, Humiliation and Hope are Reshaping the World 1xlong
The Intimate Lives of Disabled People 1xlong
The Moral Economists: R. H. Tawney, Karl Polanyi, E. P. Thompson, and the Critique of Capitalism 1xlong
The Myrdalsjokull Ice Cap: Glacial Processes, Sediments and Landforms on an Active Volcano 1xebook
The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography 1xebook
The New Social Mobility: How the Politicians Got It Wrong 1xlong
The People vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It 1xlong
The Public Shaping of Medical Research: Patient Associations 1xlong
The Retreat of Western Liberalism 1xlong
The Routledge Handbook of European Security 1xlong
The Truth About Me: A Hijra Life Story 1xlong
The Violence of Austerity 1xlong
Tourism and Animal Ethics (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility) 1xlong
Tourism, Power and Culture: Anthropological Insights 1xlong
Transitions to Adulthood Through Recession: Youth and Inequality in a European Comparative Perspective 1xlong
Transnational Migration and Home in Older Age 1xlong
Trust in International Cooperation: International Security Institutions, Domestic Politics and American Multilateralism 1xlong
United Nations Development Programme and System 1xlong
Violent Borders 1xlong
We Kill Because We Can From Soldiering to Assassination in the Drone Age 1xlong
What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? (PostHumanities) 1xlong
Women and Militant Wars: The Politics of Injury 1xlong, 1xebook
Women in African Parliaments 1xlong
Young People in the Labour Market: Past, Present, Future (Youth, Young Adulthood and Society) 1xlong
Young People Re-Generating Politics in Times of Crisis 1xlong
Young People’s Perspectives on Education, Training and Employment: Realising Their Potential 1xlong