Resource in Focus: RIBA eBook collection

We have 89 eBook titles available through a partnership between RIBA and Taylor & Francis. We like them as they are available on a unlimited DRM free model.

All titles are available through our catalogue, Library Search.

Follow the links to the platform which supply that title e.g. the large blue button to the “Royal Institute of British Architects Books”

Once you are transferred to the Taylor and Francis platform you will see options to navigate to specific chapters or content, download read online. Once you’re inside the eBook then you can keyword search, make the text size larger/smaller or jump into chapters.

The full list of titles includes :

101 Rules of Thumb for Low Energy Architecture
101 Rules of Thumb for Sustainable Buildings and Cities
20/20 Visions
A Gendered Profession
Age-friendly Housing
An Architect’s Guide to Public Procurement
An Introduction to Architectural Conservation
An Introduction to Passive House
Architect’s Guide to NEC4
Assembling a Collaborative Project Team
Automatic for the City
Avoiding and Resolving Disputes
Being an Effective Construction Client
Better Buildings
BIM Demystified
Biomimicry in Architecture
Building Condition Surveys
Building in Arcadia
Building Revolutions
CDM 2015
Chinese Urban Transformation
Climax City
Commercial Client’s Guide to Engaging an Architect
Competition Grid
Contemporary Vernacular Design
Contract Administration
Creating Winning Bids
Demystifying Architectural Research
Design for Biodiversity
Design for Climate Change
Design Management
Designed to Perform
Desire Lines
Domestic Client’s Guide to Engaging an Architect
Extensions of Time
Financial Management
Future Campus
Future Office
Future Schools
Good Office Design
Guide to JCT Design and Build Contract 2016
Guide to JCT Intermediate Building Contract 2016
Guide to JCT Minor Works Building Contract 2016
Guide to JCT Standard Building Contract 2016
Guide to RIBA Domestic and Concise Building Contracts 2018
Guide to RIBA Professional Services Contracts 2018
Guide to the RIBA Domestic and Concise Building Contracts 2014
Guide to Using the RIBA Plan of Work 2013
Happy by Design
Health and Safety
How Buildings Work
HR for Creative Companies
Information Exchanges
Lead Designer’s Handbook
Light in Architecture
Loft Conversion Handbook
Mediated Space
Mobilising Housing Histories
New Design for Old Buildings
Planning, Politics and City-Making
Principal Designer’s Handbook
Re-readings: 2
Rescue and Reuse
Residential Retrofit
Retrofit for Purpose
Retropioneers: Architecture Redefined
Revisiting Postmodernism
Small Practice and the Sole Practitioner
Social Housing
Starting a Practice
Sustainable Building Conservation
Targeting Zero
The Art of Building a Garden City
The BIM Management Handbook
The Design Companion for Planning and Placemaking
The Re-Use Atlas
This is Temporary
Town Planning
Urban Lighting for People
Wellbeing in Interiors
What Colour is your Building?
Wheelchair Housing Design Guide

Books added to the Library by students in SAPL (Semester One 2019/20)

We have a service called “Books on Time” for students. This allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Books on Time

In Semester One, academic year 2019/2020 we bought the following items after requests from students in SAPL.

There were 132 requests from 55 students totalling £4859.98 (33% from Undergraduate, 23% from Postgraduate taught and 25% from Postgraduate Research)

Title Now in stock
R 128 by Werner Sobek: Bauen im 21. Jahrhundert, architecture in the 21st century 1xlong
A History of Future Cities 1xlong
A History of Metallography 1xlong
Al Manakh 2: Export Gulf (vol 23) 1xlong
Al Manakh: Dubai Guide, Gulf Survey (vol 12) 1xlong
An Architectural Model 1xlong
An Atlas of Geographical Wonders 1xlong
Angels and wild things : the archetypal poetics of Maurice Sendak 1xlong
Architectural Model Building 1xlong
Architectural Tiles: Conservation and Restoration 1xlong
Architecture Interruptus 2xlong
Architetti-pittori e pittori-architetti 1xlong
Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet 1xlong
Autogeddon 1xlong
Automatic for the City Designing for People in the Age of the Driverless Car 1xlong, 1xebook
Between Dystopia and Utopia 1xlong
Biomimetics for Architecture: Learning from Nature 1xlong
Breaking Ground: Architecture by Women 1xlong
Caldecott & Co. notes on books & pictures 1xlong
Calton Hill: And the plans for Edinburgh’s Third New Town 1xlong
Carlo Scarpa: the complete works 2xlong
Cartographies of the absolute 1xlong
Cities, Words and Images 1xlong
Constant: New Babylon 1xlong
Cosmos of Light: the sacred architecture of Le Corbusier 1xlong
Country 1xlong
Creating Nationality in Central Europe, 1880-1950 1xebook
Cultural Identity and Urban Change in Southeast Asia: Interpretative Essays 1xlong
Democracy in Modern Iran: Islam, Culture, and Political Change 1xlong
Design Process in Architecture: From Concept to Completion 1xlong
Designing research for publication 1xlong
Drawing support: murals in the North of Ireland 1xlong
Drone: Object Lessons 1xlong
Dubai, the City as Corporation 29/11/2019
Dubai: Behind an Urban Spectacle 1xlong, 1xebook
Edinburgh 1xlong
Edinburgh: Mapping the City 1xlong
Experimental Architecture: Designing the Unknown 2xlong
Facing Gaia 3xlong
Fitzgerald: Geography of a Revolution (Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation) 1xlong
Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam-Power and the Roots of Global Warming 1xlong
From Meetinghouse to Megachurch: A Material and Cultural History 1xlong
From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want 1xlong
Greening modernism: preservation, sustainability, and the modern movement 1xlong
Gross ideas: tales of tomorrow’s architecture 1xlong
Hanoi: City of the Rising Dragon 1xlong
Health and Comfort in House Building 1xlong
Hearing Beethoven: A Story of Musical Loss and Discovery 1xlong
Hello World: How to be Human in the Age of the Machine – Signed Special Edition 1xlong
Hipster Christianity: When Church and Cool Collide 1xlong
How to Fix Your Academic Writing Trouble A practical guide 1xlong
Hungry City: how good shapes our lives 2xlong
Hungry Planet 1xlong
Hybrid Urbanism: On the Identity Discourse and the Built Environment 1xlong
Illegal Architect 1xlong
Imagined Futures Fictional Expectations and Capitalist Dynamics 1xlong
Industrial heritage re-tooled: the TICCIH guide 1xlong
Inside Picture Books 1xlong
interact or die 1xlong
Kumbh Mela: Mapping the Ephemeral Mega City 1xlong
Lace not Lace: Contemporary Fiber Art from Lacemaking Techniques 1xlong
Landscape, Race and Memory: Material Ecologies of Citizenship 1xlong
Leeds: Shaping the City 1xlong
Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom, and the Forces of Capital 1xlong
Living with Buildings: And Walking with Ghosts 1xlong
Lo-TEK, Design by Radical Indigenism 1xlong
Lucy Skaer 1xlong
Marginality and exclusion in Egypt 1xlong
Material Imagination in Architecture 1xebook
Me, Me, Me: The Search for Community in Post-war England 1xlong
Meat Market: Female flesh under Capitalism 1xlong
Migrant City (Routledge Advances in Ethnography) 1xlong
Model Making: Conceive, Create and Convince 1xlong
Moravia Manifesto 1xlong
New Frontiers of Architecture: Dubai Between Vision and Reality 1xlong
Non-places 14xlong
Notes on the Ventilation and Warming of Houses, Churches, Schools, and Other Buildings 1xlong
O&O Baukunst: View of the interior 1xlong
Performing Remains: Art and War in Times of Theatrical Re-enactment: On Performing Remains 1xlong
Pleasure: the architecture and design of Rockwell group 1xlong
Plunder of the commons 1xlong
Preserving the world’s great cities 1xlong
Productive Postmodernism: Consuming Histories and Cultural Studies 1xebook
Reading Architecture: Literary Imagination and Architectural Experience 1xlong
Replications: Archaeology, Art History, Psychoanalysis 1xlong
Resilience and Ageing Creativity, Culture and Community 1xlong
Retail Apocalypse: The Death of Malls, Retailers & Jobs 1xlong
Retail Therapy: Why the Retail Industry is Broken – and What Can be Done to Fix It 1xlong
Rossville Flats: The Rise and Fall 1xlong
sand To Silicon: Achieving Rapid Growth Lessons from Dubai 1xlong
Soft City: Building Density for Everyday Life 1xlong
Sport, leisure and culture in the postmodern city 1xlong
Temporary Cities: Resisting Transience in Arabia (Planning, History and Environment Series) 1xlong
The architectural tourist: architectural impressions of Europe 1xlong
The Architectural Tourist: Part 2 (RIAS) 1xlong
The Architecture School Survival Guide 1xlong
The Art of Maurice Sendak 1xlong
The Biophilia Hypothesis 1xebook
The Building Regulations: Explained and Illustrated 1xlong
The Case for Subtle Ar(t)chitecture 1xlong
The Chief Secretary: Augustine Birrell in Ireland 1xlong
The Fungi / 3rd edition 1xebook
The Future of Fashion: Understanding Sustainability in the Fashion Industry 1xlong
The Memory Palace: A Book of Lost Interiors 1xlong
The Mental and the Material 1xlong
The Narrator’s Voice: Dilemma of Children’s Fiction 1xlong
The New Town of Edinburgh: An Architectural Celebration 1xlong
The Picturesque 1xlong
The politics of design in French colonial urbanism 1xlong
The Right to the Smart City 1xlong, 1xebook
The Routledge Companion to Picture-books 1xlong
The Rule of the Land: Walking Ireland’s Border Book 1xlong
The secret block for a secret person in Ireland 1xlong
The Smart City in a Digital World 1xebook
The Tenement Handbook: A Practical Guide 1xlong
The Town Below the Ground: Edinburgh’s Legendary City 1xlong
The Urban Moment: Cosmopolitan Essays on the Late 20th Century City 1xlong
Timespace and International Migration 1xlong
Tokyo 1xlong
Traducción y traductología introducción a la traductología 1xlong
Trash Culture: Objects and Obsolescence in Cultural Perspective 1xlong
UAE and the Gulf: Architecture and Urbanism Now 1xlong
Vancouverism 1xlong
Vexed Texts: How Children’s Picture Books Promote Illiteracy 1xlong
Wardrobe Crisis: How We Went from Sunday Best to Fast Fashion 1xlong
Ways of the Illustrator 1xlong
Whale and the Reactor 1xlong
Why are we the Good Guys? 1xlong
Why Fashion Matters 1xlong
Why look at plants? 1xlong
Why We Can’t Afford the Rich 1xlong
Would you kill the fat man? The trolley problem and what your answer 1xebook

Books added to the Library by students in GPS (Semester One 2019/20)

We have a service called “Books on Time” for students. This allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Books on Time

In Semester One, academic year 2019/2020 we bought the following items after requests from students in GPS.

There were 91 requests from 44 students totalling £4249.13 (43% from Undergraduate, 14% from Postgraduate taught and 43% from Postgraduate Research)

Title Now in stock
A Brutal Friendship – The West and the Arab Elite 2xlong
A Research Agenda for Housing 1xlong
Alignment Despite Antagonism: The United States-Korea-Japan Security Triangle 1xlong
Animal to Edible 1xlong
Animals, Property and the Law 1xlong
Beautyscapes mapping cosmetic surgery tourism 1xlong, 1xebook
Beyond Gridlock 1xebook
Bloodborne Official Artworks 1xlong
Blur: How to know what’s true in the age of information overload 1xlong
Britannia unchained: global lessons for growth 1xlong
Cameronism: the politics of modernisation and manipulation 1xlong
Cameronism: The Politics of Modernisation and Manipulation 1xlong
China’s Eurasian Pivot: The Silk Road Economic Belt 1xlong
Class Notes Posing as Politics and Other Thoughts on the American Scene 1xlong
Communication, Public Opinion and Globalization in Urban China 1xlong
Crashing the Party: From the Bernie Sanders Campaign to a Progressive movement 1xlong
Dance of the Dialectic 1xlong
Democracy’s Detectives: The Economics of Investigative Journalism 1xlong
Diverging Mobilities? Devolution, Transport and Policy Innovation. 1xlong
Educational Choices, Transitions and Aspirations in Europe 1xlong
Emotions, Technology, and Health 1xlong
Essays on Economics and Economists 1xlong
Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight 1xlong
Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist workplace 1xlong
Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure 3xlong, 1xebook
For Whose Benefit? The Everyday Realities of Welfare Reform 1xlong
Gendered Spaces 1xlong
Geopolitics and the Western Pacific: China, Japan and the US 1xlong
Glacier Science and Environmental Change 1xlong
Global Media Ecologies: Networked Production in Film and Television 1xlong
Governing with the News 1xlong
Happy Abortions 1xlong
Hog Wild: The Battle for Workers\’ Rights at the World\’s Largest Slaughterhouse 1xlong
Holidays in the Danger Zone: Entanglements of War and Tourism 1xlong
Home: international perspectives on culture 1xlong
How the market in changing China’s news 1xlong
Humanitarianism: A Dictionary of Concepts 1xlong
Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? 1xlong
Justifying New Labour Policy 1xlong
Kant’s International Relations: The Political Theology of Perpetual Peace 1xlong
Land Matters: Power Struggles in Rural Ireland 1xlong
Literary memory, consciousness, and the group oulipo 1xlong
Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won’t eat Meat 1xlong
Making a World after Empire: The Bandung Moment and Its Political Afterlives 1xlong
Meatpackers: An Oral History of Black Packinghouse Workers and Their Struggle for Racial and Economic Equality 1xlong
Media Clusters: Spatial Agglomeration and Content Capabilities 1xlong
Mobile Urbanism: Cities and Policymaking in the Global Age 1xlong
Negotiating water governance 1xlong
Neoliberal Housing Policy 1xlong
Networking China: the digital transformation of the Chinese economy 1xlong
On the line: slaughterhouse lives and the making of the new South 1xlong
Opera: dead or alive 1xlong
Organisational anthropology: doing ethnography 1xebook
Parenting Collection 1xlong
Participatory Research in More Than Human Worlds 1xlong
Perpetration-induced Traumatic Stress: The Psychological Consequences of Killing 1xlong
Philosophical Genealogy I: An epistemological reconstruction of Nietzsche and Foucault’s Genealogical Method 1xlong
Political Street Art: Communication, Culture and Resistance in Latin America 1xebook
Proteinaholic 1xlong
Putting Meat on the American Table: Taste, Technology, Transformations 1xlong
Queer Representations: Reading Lives, Reading Cultures 2xlong
Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics 1xlong
Routledge Handbook of the Belt and Road 1xlong
Samsung, Media Empire and Family: A power web 1xlong
Scale-sensitive governance of the environment 1xlong
Securing Paradise: Tourism and Militarism in Hawaii and the Philippines 1xlong
Serious Leisure: A perspective for our time 1xlong
Slaughterhouse Blues: The Meat and Poultry Industry in North America (Case Studies on Contemporary Social Issues) 1xlong
Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect and Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S Meat Industry 1xlong
Social work, cats and rocket science: stories of making a difference in social work with adults 1xlong
Sociology of Home: Belonging, Community and Place in the Canadian Context 1xlong
Statelessness and Citizenship: A Comparative Study on the Benefits on Nationality 1xlong
Steppenwolf 1xlong
Still the promised city? African Americans and the new immigrants 1xlong
Submarine Landslides: Subaqueous Mass Transport Deposits from Outcrops to Seismic Profiles 1xebook
Television news and the limits of globalisation 1xlong
The Ashgate Research Companion to Media Geography 1xlong
The ironic spectator: solidarity in the age of post-humanitarianism 1xlong
The mandate of heaven and the great Ming code 1xlong
The Meat Racket: The Secret Takeover of America’s Food Business 1xlong
The Oxford handbook of the American Congress 1xlong
Think tanks in America 1xebook
Think Tanks, Foreign Policy and Geo-Politics Pathways to Influence, 1st Edition 1xlong
Thinking Straight: The Power, Promise and Paradox of Heterosexuality 1xebook
Till: A glacial process sedimentology 1xebook
To the Cloud: Big Data in a Turbulent World 1xlong
Understanding the Business of Global Media in the Digital Age 1xebook
Walking Methods: Research on the Move 1xlong
Welsh Writing, Political Action and Incarceration 1xlong
Who Owns Britain? 1xlong
Women with Intellectual Disabilities: Finding a Place in the World 1xlong

Books added to the Library by students in NUBS (Semester One 2019/20)

We have a service called “Books on Time” for students. This allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Books on Time

In Semester One, academic year 2019/2020 we bought the following items after requests from students in NUBS.

There were 24 requests from 17 students totalling £1875.92 (12% from Undergraduate, 29% from Postgraduate taught and 59% from Postgraduate Research)

Title Now in stock
Borders migration and class in an age of crisis 1xlong
Builders: Class, gender and ethnicity in the construction industry 1xlong
Experience Marketing: Concepts, Frameworks and Consumer Insights 1xlong
Explaining Society: Critical Realism in the Social Science 1xlong
Gender in communication: A critical introduction 1xlong
Handbook of Economic Field Experiments Volume 1 1xlong
Handbook of Economic Field Experiments Volume 2 1xlong
Handbook of the economics of finance: Volume 1B 1xlong
Handbook of the economics of finance: Volume 2B 1xlong
Interpreting accounting and financial information (extras requested by 2 student different students) 10xlong
Interpreting accounting and financial information (extras requested by 2 student different students) 10xlong
Missing Data 1xlong
Murder on the Orient Express 1xlong
Politics and Society in Saudi Arabia: The Crucial Years of Development, 1960-1982 1xlong
Psychoanalysis: its image and its public 1xlong
Salman’s Legacy: The Dilemmas of a New Era in Saudi Arabia 1xebook
Sensory Arts and Design 1xlong
Side Hustle 1xlong
The 4 A’s of Marketing: Creating Value for Customer, Companies and Society 1xebook
The Oxford Handbook of Identities in Organizations. 1xlong
The SAGE handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology: Managerial psychology and organizational approaches 1xebook
Tourism, Transport and Travel Management 1xebook
Understanding the Location of Foreign Direct Investment 1xlong
US-China trade dispute: facts, figures and myths 1xebook

Books added to the Library by students in ECLS (Semester One 2019/20)

We have a service called “Books on Time” for students. This allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Books on Time

In Semester One, academic year 2019/2020 we bought the following items after requests from students in ECLS.

There were 46 requests from 23 students totalling £2417.42 (26% from Postgraduate taught and 74% from Postgraduate Research)


Now in stock

Behaviour and Discipline in Schools: Devising and Revising a Whole-School Policy


Boosting school belonging


Breaking the Male Code: Unlocking the Power of Friendship


Codeswitching in the classroom: critical perspectives on teaching learning policy and ideology


Cognitive psychology

1xlong, 1xebook

Constructing and reconstructing gender


Constructivism and the Technology of Instruction


Conversation analysis: studies from the first generation


Critical Thinking: Learn the Tools the Best Thinkers Use


Deutsche und türkische Stereotype Ein inter- und intrakultureller Vergleich


Educational measurement


Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom/2nd Edition


Enhancing the quality of learning : dispositions, instruction, and learning processes


Good Gossip


Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice and Contemporary Issues


Handbook of Research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Past, Present and Future


How to have a beautiful mind


How to research & write a successful PhD


Infusing critical and creative thinking into content instruction: a lesson design handbook for the elementary grades


Innovative Interventions in Child and Adolescent Mental Health


Interaction in a Paired Speaking Test: The Rater’s Perspective (Language Testing and Evaluation)


Multilevel Modeling Using R


Objects, Bodies and Work Practices


Oxford Academic Vocabulary Practice: Upper-Intermediate B2-C1: With Key


Oxford Collections Dictionary for Students of English: A Corpus-Based Dictionary with CD-ROM


Past, Present and Future Contributions of Cognitive Writing Research to Cognitive Psychology.

1xlong, 1xebook

Pathways to belonging


Qualitative Content Analysis in Practice


RAW: PrEP, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Barebacking


Reflective Practice in ELT


School Belonging in Adolescents: Theory, Research and Practice


Serious creativity: how to be creative under pressure


Social Theory and Applied Health Research (Understanding Social Research)


Stanley Kubrick Seven Films Analysed


Strategies for Researching in Higher Education: An Introduction to Contemporary Methods and Approaches (SEDA Series)


Studies in language testing 5


Teaching and learning in a community of thinking the third model


The Cambridge Handbook of Cognition and Education


The Handbook of Social Research Ethics


The International Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing Test


The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation


The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education


The Sage Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (2 volume set)


Think Skills and Creativity in Second Language Education

1xlong, 1xebook

Understanding advocacy for children and young people


Understanding the voices and educational experiences of autistic young people


Kick-off your information search

Preparing a dissertation or project?

Before you start, take a look at our interactive Search Planner, part of our Dissertations and research projects guide.

This toolkit takes you through all the stages of developing your search strategy. Step by step, the planner helps you take a closer look at your question, to identify important concepts, themes and keywords. You can keep adding, editing and refining this as you go, and even create and download your own personalised search plan and email it to yourself, your tutor or librarian for feedback

The guide contains further advice on a wide range of relevant skills, such as finding, managing and evaluating information. It also directs you to the key information resources for your subject area. So make sure you check it out.

Reading Lists for Semester 2

An image of the Library's Reading List service with a wise owl.

Are you teaching in semester 2? Then it’s time to start thinking about the reading you will be recommending to your students to support their learning.

Use the Library’s Reading Lists to create, manage and update your own lists online. Or, you can send your reading list or module handout as an attachment to your Library’s Reading List team using our submission form.

Why use this service? Well, your lists will help the Library to order the correct number of copies of the titles you want to recommend, to decide on the appropriate loan periods of those printed books and enable access to electronic resources for your students. CLA scans (digitised book chapters and articles) are also easily be requested through Reading Lists too. Simply tag each item on your list as essential, recommended or background reading and we will do the rest.

Reading Lists are embedded into Canvas and you should see them in the left hand menu within each Module.

So, Reading Lists are a great way to let your students know what they need to read, and to keep the Library informed too; they are the wise choice.

You can find information about creating and managing your Reading Lists, and making resources available to your students here. And if you have any questions about this service, please do contact us at

ASME Digital Collection

Are you studying or teaching mechanical engineering and looking for digital resources? If so, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Digital Collection may be just what you need.

Freely and easily accessible via Library Search, the ASME Digital Collection provides unparalleled depth, breadth, and quality of peer-reviewed content. This includes access to ASME’s Journals from 1959 – present; ASME’s Conference Proceedings from 2000 – present (with select proceedings back to 1955); and ASME’s ebooks from 1993 – present (with select titles back to 1944).

With powerful search and advanced filtering tools you can use keywords, topics, citations and date ranges to retrieve content simultaneously from different digital resources. This gives you the chance to apply Boolean operators to clearly refine your searches and therefore access more results that are directly relevant to your research.

ASME Digital Collection integrates well with other digital platforms and it can link to Crossref, Google Scholar, and Web of Science to discover citing articles. There are also tools for exporting citations to your preferred reference management software and you can share your links via email and social media. Just like a lot of digital databases it’s easy to set up email alerts to notify you about saved searches and newly published content.

So all that’s left to do is to search for ASME Digital Collection on Library Search, login as a Newcastle University user with Shibboleth, and browse the resources. You’re bound to find something useful!

Resource in focus: ACM Digital Library

ACM Digital Library is a full-text, online collection of all publications by the Association of Computing Machinary, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. Publications run from 1936 to present day, with 2,807,672 publications and 576,689 of these available for download.

Top topics include:

  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural language processing.
  • Networks and Communications.
  • Society and the Computing Profession
  • Human Computer Interaction.
  • Data science.
  • Applied computing.
  • Security and Privacy.
  • Hardware, Power and Energy.
  • …plus much more.

Though the topics are primarily computing, it would definetly be a collection worth having a look at if you are in Electrical Engineering or studying/researching an interdiciplinary topic which contained elements of computer science.

ACM have just recently updated it’s interface and search function (thanks goodness!), making it much easier to search and discover a range of invaluable resources.

You can now browse by topic or type (book, journal etc.), search by simple keyword or use its advanced search:

Loving their ‘Search tips’ on the right hand side in Advanced Search – wish all databases had this. Would help us all so much!

So, go and explore ACM – a definite ‘must’ for all Computing students. You can either find the ACM eJournal collection in your Computing Subject Guide (under Journals and Databases/eJournal Collections) or you can search for ‘ACM Digital Library’ in Library Search. Remember, if you find anything that doesn’t have full text, first check Google Scholar, then if still no luck you can request an interlibrary loan. If you need further help with any Computing or Engineering resources, please feel free to make an appointment with your Librarian.

Resource in focus: Historic Digimap

Who doesn’t like maps?

Historic Digimap is an online map and data delivery service, available to all staff and students of Newcastle University. It delivers access to historical Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain dating from 1846-1996 across various scales, including 1:25,000 and 1:10,650.

If you are a first time user of Digimap then you will need to complete a brief registration form and agree to the license agreements for each collection, but that takes seconds and then you’re ready to go!

Viewing historic maps (3:36 min)

If you want to ‘roam’ through the ages in an area, then you can use the timeline tool to see how the landscape has developed through the years, or view two maps side-by-side to compare and contrast your findings. Imagine looking at the Newcastle University Campus and seeing what used to be on the site before buildings such as the Henry Daysh Building, Stephenson Building and Philip Robinson Library graced us with their facilities!

Once you have your area of interest, the Roam service will allow you to view, annotate and print the map in PDF format. Data Download will allow you to download OS data for use in GIS/CAD (if you wish!).

The full scope of what Historic Digimap (and the other collections available to you including Ordnance Survey, Geology, Marine, Environment, Aerial, Lidar and Improvement Service) are covered in EDINA’s comprehensive Help service:

(Improvement Services is an organisation dedicated to the improvement of local government services in Scotland. This data collection comprises of 37 local authority datasets, such as planning applications, green belts and school catchment areas. A wealth of information, who’d have thought.)

Go on, give it a try! But please do read EDINA’s Digimap FAQs on what you are permitted to do with the data you use, to ensure you comply with the educational use licence.