During the summer months we have acquired access to a range of electronic resources for the SAgE Faculty to help support teaching and research activity. All of these great resources are available from Library Search. Here is a snapshot of some of the other new and updated collections.
E-book collections
We have invested in updates to our perpetual access e-book collections from a range of society, professional and academic publishers. Individual e-book titles will be returned in a basic search by author, title or keyword. Collections include:
- Artech House 2023
- Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science 2023
- Cambirdge University Press E-textbooks Complete
- IEEE 2000-2009 Archive
- IET ebook collection 2023
- IOP and IOP-AAS 2023
- MIT Press ebooks 2023
- Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology 2023
- River Publishers ebook library 2023
- RSC ebooks 2023 collection
- SpringerLink e-books complete including Springer Protocols update for 2023 and Springer Lecture Notes in maths, stats, physics
- Sustainable Development Goals Online 2023
- Taylor and Francis/ Routledge/ CRC Press collections
- Digital Teaching and Learning collection
- Data Science collection
- Thieme Annual Collection 2022 (with free Science of Synthesis current year access)
- Wageningen 2023 collection
- Wiley and IEEE 2023 collection, data and cyber security 2023
- Wiley Journal Archive
- World Scientific 2023
Evidence Based Acquisition e-books
We also have collections activated in Library Search for evidence based acquisition (EBA). This approach enables access to a lot of academic content to which we wouldn’t normally be available to us. Through EBA, publishers open up their e-book collections on receipt of a deposit paid by the Library for a 12 month period. Once the access period is up, we select the most used titles up to the value of the deposit to form a collection of perpetual access e‐books.
The EBA collections of most relevance for SAgE for 2023-4 include:
Sage Research Methods
We have acquired access to two additional modules within the SAGE Research Methods platform to complement the existing book and video resources.
Students and researchers exploring new statistical techniques often find that hands-on practice is essential to the learning process. Master new methods with sample datasets before applying them to your own data. The datasets included in SAGE Research Methods Datasets are taken from government sources and academic research and demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative methods. Each dataset is presented with an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to best demonstrate how the method is applied.
Data visualisation
SAGE Research Methods Data Visualisation will help all researchers, from beginners to more advanced practitioners develop the fundamentals of data and design necessary to create impactful visualisations. Through a series of practical video tutorials, text guides and practice datasets, the resources will help you identify the chart types that best fit your specific data story.