New Functionality – Add Attachments and send via email

You can now add attachments and send via emails. Please see the instructions below.

Scenario 1 (Sending an attachment to a Support Group)

  • From within the ticket select “Add Attachment” within Actions
  • Give the attachment a title
  • Browse the file that you would like to attach
  • Select Save and Close
  • Select the Attachments tab at the bottom of the screen and click on the attachment
  • Select Send from within Actions
  • Select the Support Group
  • Tick box Send to selected group or user
  • Then enter details into the Email Body box
  • Select Save and Close
  • Then select Save and Close again to come out of the attachments option

Scenario 2 (Sending an attachment to a Selected User)

  • From within the ticket select “Add Attachment” within Actions
  • Give the attachment a title
  • Browse the file that you would like to attach
  • Select Save and Close
  • Select the Attachments tab at the bottom of the screen and click on the attachment
  • Select Send from within Actions
  • Enter the users ID
  • Tick box Send to selected group or user
  • Then enter details into the Email Body box
  • Select Save and Close
  • Then select Save and Close again to come out of the attachments option

Scenario 3 (Sending an attachment to the Raise User)

  • From within the ticket select “Add Attachment” within Actions
  • Give the attachment a title
  • Browse the file that you would like to attach
  • Select Save and Close
  • Select the Attachments tab at the bottom of the screen and click on the attachment
  • Select Send from within Actions
  • Leave the Group and User blank
  • Tick box Send to Raise User
  • Then enter details into the Email Body box
  • Select Save and Close
  • Then select Save and Close again to come out of the attachments option

Scenario 4 (Sending an attachment to the Group and Raise User)

  • From within the ticket select “Add Attachment” within Actions
  • Give the attachment a title
  • Browse the file that you would like to attach
  • Select Save and Close
  • Select the Attachments tab at the bottom of the screen and click on the attachment
  • Select Send from within Actions
  • Select the Group from the drop down
  • Tick box Send to selected group or user
  • Tick box Send to Raise User
  • Then enter details into the Email Body box
  • Select Save and Close
  • Then select Save and Close again to come out of the attachments option

Scenario 5 (Sending an attachment to the Selected User and Raise User)

  • From within the ticket select “Add Attachment” within Actions
  • Give the attachment a title
  • Browse the file that you would like to attach
  • Select Save and Close
  • Select the Attachments tab at the bottom of the screen and click on the attachment
  • Select Send from within Actions
  • Enter the user ID
  • Tick box Send to selected group or user
  • Tick box Send to Raise User
  • Then enter details into the Email Body box
  • Select Save and Close
  • Then select Save and Close again to come out of the attachments option


1. The ticket reference number will not automatically be included in the email so it is important to include a meaningful description of the file and why you’re sending it.

2. You cannot send an attachment to Support Group, Selected User and Raise User at once.





Release Notes 17th July 2013

The following issues have been addressed in the update deployed on 17th July 2013:

   1. The sizing on the Service Request and Incident resolution screen has been increased to allow more text to be added.

   2. The content of the SLA breach emails is now more meaningful.

   3. There are some new and amended categories:

  • Staff Email Advice
  • Service Availability and Maintenance Messages
  • Undergraduate Admissions Processing-Data Transfers

    4.  Amendment of Support Group combination for the following:

  • Cat 1 = Research Applications and Cat 2 = My projects Proposals and Support Group = Finance Costing and Pricing

     5. Non-ISS analysts can now view their own team’s tasks

     6. Non-ISS analysts can now log tasks to the relevant ISS teams without the unexpected error occurring.  (NOTE: when fixing this we have discovered another 2 issues. (a) If an incident or service request ticket is assigned to a non-ISS team and has a task that is assigned to an ISS team, then the Non-ISS analyst working on the ticket cannot see that there is a task assigned even if it is a task that they have created.  (b) Under normal circumstances, an incident cannot be resolved or a service request fulfilled until all outstanding tasks are completed. In the above scenario, the ‘resolve’ or ‘fulfilled’ action is available to the Non-ISS analyst whether or not the tasks assigned to ISS teams have been completed.)

      7. When you watch a Service Request and select the “Requests I am watching” option, you can now drill into the Service Request.

      8. Once a ticket has been assigned to another group you can now view the details of the assignment within “Assigned to another Group collection” tab.

      9. When a ticket is “With Customer” you can now add a note which will be emailed to the customer.

     10. When notes/tasks have been added to the ticket the email notification content provides the latest updated information.

      11. If a ticket is unfulfilled or unresolved the ticket will be automatically reassigned back to the support group that last owned the ticket.

     12. When you add a note to a ticket you will no longer receive an email to confirm the note has been added.

     13. Dashboards are now working for the Directorate group.

System update planned for 17th July

We will be deploying a release with some system updates and issue resolutions first thing in the morning of Wednesday 17th July.  Please log out of the system by no later than 7:30 a.m. on that date and do not log back in until notified that it is safe to do so.

Once the update has been installed we will post a summary of the changes on this blog.