NU Service software upgrade notes 17th June 2014

The latest update is a full upgrade of the system, and it includes new features that give us a platform on which to build future functionality. There are some changes in this version which we want to make you aware of:

1. In-ticket searching
Analysts now get the option to search stored information directly from a ticket (this is currently restricted to ticket information but will in future also include knowledge articles). To use this, highlight some on-screen text on which to search, then click the magnifying glass icon.

Please note: If no text is selected the entire content of the ticket will be used as search terms, which will bring back a lot of results! Under certain circumstances using this search functionality without any text selected can result in an error.

The search results will open in a new tab or window (depending on your browser settings) so that you can browse the search results whilst continuing to work on the ticket in your original tab or window.

2. Re-opened information for service requests
Service requests that have been reopened by a customer will now contain the relevant information in a “Request Not Fulfilled Collection”.

3. Change in the number of tickets displayed
You may notice that more tickets can be displayed within each section of the analyst dashboard (depending on how many tickets are in the queue).

4. Known issues and workarounds
1. Using NU Service with Internet Explorer in compatibility view will present the self-service dashboard to analysts without the option to ‘Switch to Web Desk’ (the standard analyst view).

  • Please note that Chrome is the recommended browser for NU Service.
  • If you prefer to use Internet Explorer, switching off compatibility view will resolve this issue.
  • Note: On the managed desktop, IE has compatibility view switched on by default, as it is required for certain SAP processes.

2. Using NU Service with Internet Explorer 8 gives a security warning that some of the content is not delivered securely and by default asks whether you want to view only the content that was delivered securely. This occurs when loading every page.

Switching off IE Compatiblity View

Internet Explorer’s compatability view can stop NU Service analysts from accessing Web Desk. The screenshot below illustrates this scenario – the analyst is taken straight to self-service and the ‘Switch to Web Desk’ link is not present in the top right corner.

Please note that clicking on this image (and all other images in this post) will display a larger version of the same image.

To switch off compatibility view, follow these simple steps:

1. Go to Tools and then ‘Compatibility View Settings’. (It may be necessary to press the ‘Alt’ key in order to bring up the menubar containing ‘Tools’.)


2. Uncheck the ‘Display intranet sites in Compatibility View’ checkbox (and make sure that the ‘Display all websites in Compatibility View’ checkbox is also not ticked) and click ‘Close’.


3. The ‘Switch to Web Desk’ link should now be visible. (You might need to reload the page first.)


If you later require compatibility view to be on, you can follow the same steps as above but check the checkbox that you previously unchecked.

NU Service System Upgrade 17th June 2014

We will be upgrading to the current version of NU Service on Tuesday 17th June between 17:00 and 20:00. This upgrade allows us to take advantage of system fixes and will provide us with the scope to introduce improvements using new features.

Please ensure that you save your work and are logged out of the system by 17:00 on Tuesday 17th June and do not log back in until you receive an email notification advising that you may log back in. We anticipate that the system will be available for normal use by 09:00 on Wednesday 18th June.