We have a Stakeholders Group who have given a lot of input into project. Most of these people have been involved in the project from the beginning, working with the project team to review requirements and evaluate potential systems/suppliers, scoring the various offerings and assisting with selection of the final solution.
This group has kindly agreed to act as key contacts for the project – if you have any questions you can of course contact the project team but if it’s easier for you, please contact your nearest Stakeholder Group member, who are:
Ian Pitcher – EEE, SAgE
Wendy Craig – ICM, FMS
Rebecca McCready – Learning support, FMS
Anne Middleton – Robinson Library
Keith Lockhart – ECLS, HASS
David Lowe, Language Centre, HASS
Janet Watson, Business Systems, ISS
Stuart Frost, Infrastructure and Architecture, ISS
Tricia Blakey, Service Desk, ISS
Dave Alsop, Digital Media Services, ISS