About James

I am an Infrastructure Systems Administrator in the Infrastructure Systems Group (ISG) within ISS. We are responsible for a number of the core services which support the IT Infrastructure of the University including Active Directory, Exchange, DNS, Central Filestore, VMware and SQL. I hold number of current Microsoft Certifications and am also a Symantec Certified Specialist (Netbackup) http://twitter.com/JamesAPocock

RSAT Part 2: Deploying Printers with Group Policy and without Scripts!

Historically, in order to deploy printers using Group Policy we would have had to use a combination of scripts.

Now, Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions an updated AD Schema and RSAT allow for printers deployed without any extra work.

1. Create and name a new Policy.

2. If you want to deploy the printer to a machine

Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Deployed Printers


If you want to deploy the printer to users

User Configuration > Windows Settings > Deployed Printers

3. Right click in a blank area of the right-hand pane and select Deploy Printer.


4. Make sure the permissions are correct for the printer.
5. Type in the path to the printer e.g. \\myprintserver\hplaserjet9040


6. Save and apply your policy.

BgInfo v4.13

In case anyone missed it. BgInfo v4.13 was released a few weeks ago. I know that a number of School Computing Officers use this useful tool for audit and support purposes.


I have previously used BGInfo in a startup script to have machines ‘Check in’ to an Access DB. You can use somthing like this (one line):

\\campus\software\pathtofile\Bginfo.exe \\pathtoconfigfile\config.bgi /timer:0

The config.bgi file allows you to set what data you want to capture and set a path for the DB file.



RSAT Part 1: Adding domain users to local machine groups.

In order to add domain accounts to a machines local administrators group we would previously have used code something like this:

net localgroup administrators LocalAdministratorGroupName /add

This guide will show you how to you how to add domain users to local machine groups using the updated Group Policy Preference Client Side Extensions & RSAT.


1. Create and name a new Policy.
2. Browse to Computer Configuration > Preferences > Local Users and Groups.


3. Right click in a blank area of the right-hand pane and select New > Local Group.


4. From the action dropdown select ‘update’ and from the group name dropdown select ‘Administrators (built-in)’


5. Click the add button.
6. Under name, type your s-id (campus\s-id) and under action make sure that ‘Add to this group’ is selected.


7. Close and save the group policy.

There are many more options available in the Local Users and Groups section alone which may be useful. Next time I’ll look at deploying printers via RSAT.

Connecting to Exchange with your Nokia Phone and ‘Mail for Exchange’

I wanted to try this out and it turned out to be much easier that I thought it would be!

Here is how I went about it.

1. Download ‘Mail for Exchange’ and install it.
2. You will then need to configure your profile.


Exchange Server: owa.ncl.ac.uk
Secure connection: Yes
AP: Choose
Sync while roaming: Up to you.
Use default port: Yes


Your Username: nXXXXXX
Password: *******
Domain: CAMPUS

The other options allow you to choose what, when and how to sync. The application also warns you not to Sync with any other mail apps (such as your own local copy of Outlook) so there may be a trade off.

To see if your phone is compatible read the release notes here.


Please note that ISS can not help you with any problems as MFE is not currently supported.


Welcome to the WIT Blog

The Windows Infrastructure Team in ISS at Newcastle University, as the name suggests, is responsible for the Windows Infrastructure of the University, meaning that we’re the ones who look after, among other things:

  • Active Directory, which is the management framework for user accounts, managed Windows PCs and servers and the policies that manage settings and software. We delegate control of various aspects of the Active Directory to the appropriate people in ISS and around the campus.
  • Exchange, which is the home of the email mailboxes and calendars of most computer users in the institution.
  • Central File Store, which most of our users will see as their personal H: drive, and shared storage for a number of schools/services.
  • IIS and SQL Servers, offering centrally managed hosting of ASP.NET web sites and SQL databases.
  • And various other services which run on Windows Server.

The purpose of this blog is to keep people using our services up to date with developments, share handy tips and more general tech news that we think may be of interest. On that basis, you’re going to get the most out of this if you have a keen or vested interest in the systems at Newcastle University, but if even if you’re nothing to do with the University, but have an interest in technology in general, or enterprise computing using Microsoft technologies in particular, we hope you’ll find something of interest here…