New resource now available: Mass Observation 1980s and 1990s

We’re delighted to announce that the Library has now bought the latest instalment of the Mass Observation Online collection, covering the 1980s and 1990s.

About Mass Observation

Mass Observation is a pioneering project which documents the social history of Britain by recruiting volunteers (‘observers’) to write about their lives, experiences and opinions. Still growing, it is one of the most important sources available for qualitative social data in the UK. This latest instalment is a great resource for anyone researching aspects of late twentieth century Britain. It complements our existing access to the original Mass Observation project archive, which covers 1937-1967.

1981-1999 collection

The 1980s and 1990s modules include hundreds of directive (survey) responses from observers on a wide range of issues, covering major political and social themes of the period from Thatcher to Blair, as well as everyday life. There are also photographs, leaflets, and other ephemeral materials, as well as contextual essays and timelines to help you interpret the collection.

Searching and browsing

Filtering options

You can browse or search Mass Observation in various ways.

Browse by directive: browse the different directives (surveys), which are arranged chronologically and by topic.

Browse all documents: browse all the individual documents, and then further filter your search as required.

You can also use the Advanced search box at the top of the screen to search for specific topics.


Research tools

We’d recommend you start by reading through the Introduction (top menu) which explains more about the project and the different document types. If you’re looking for ideas about how to make use of it, take a look at the Research Tools, which includes essays, videos, exhibitions and chronological timelines.

Note that as over half the materials in these collections are handwritten, the database enables Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) to help you search. We would recommend you read about how HTR works, to help you get the best out of the database, in the Introduction section.

Business Expert Press eBooks

We are delighted to expand our collection of eBook titles available on a platform called Business Expert Press. We now have titles from 2010 right upto 2021.

If you’re just looking for the most recent publications then Business Expert Press have a flier available.

We’d recommend using our catalogue, Library Search to find them. Click on the advanced search and look for Business Expert Press as the publisher.

This platform also has an agreement with Harvard Business Publishing so we now have access to many titles from this publisher too via this site. See BEP website for a full list.

The platform covers the full breath of subjects for the Business School; from marketing, suppply chain management, operations management, accounting, finance, human resource management and economics to name but a few.

New resource now available: Bloomsbury Popular Music

We are pleased to announce that the Library has bought access to Bloomsbury Popular Music (soon to be renamed Bloomsbury Music and Sound), following a well-received trial. This wide-ranging resource comprises:

  • All twelve volumes of the landmark reference work, Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World.
  • All 170 short books in the 33 1/3 series, focusing on significant LPs from a wide range of genres and eras.
  • A selection of over 100 scholarly ebooks on popular music published by Bloomsbury, including biographies and historical overviews.
  • Interactive features, including a pop music timeline back to 1900 and world map.
  • Biographies of hundreds of artists.
  • Personalisation features to help you cite, share, search and collaborate.

You can search or browse it in various ways, such as by artist, genre or location. All books included in Bloomsbury Popular Music are also individually catalogued on Library Search, and new content is added twice a year.

Watch the short trailer for an overview, and enjoy exploring, from Cab Calloway to Cabaret Voltaire and beyond!

FAME: Why’s it so useful?

FAME is a library database that covers UK and Irish companies providing data for company accounts, ratios, activities, ownership and management.
We’ve put together a short video to give you 3 reasons why you might want to use the FAME database in your research.
There are many more reasons but these will get you started!

So many reasons to use FAME

  • To find company profiles, financials, credit scores…
  • To do a peer analysis of companies within the same sector
  • To create your own ‘company set’ based on your own chosen criteria, such as industry, number of employees, region….the list goes on!
  • To download your own data set for analysis to use in assignments
  • For your own career research, e.g. to find out more before an interview
  • Many professionals use FAME and other databases like it so you will be enhancing your own skills for employment – add it to your CV!

Where is it?

Image of the library company information guide
Company information guide

To access FAME follow the links from our Company information guide

Reading Lists and supporting your students

Teaching is just around the corner and the students are starting to prepare for studying through 2021/22. So, which resources are you going to recommend to your students to support your teaching? How will you ensure the Library can offer access to what you need?

We’re promoting the Reading Lists service to our students. It’s easy to use, accessible and is a good starting point when approaching a new subject area.

Surprisingly, even in 2021, not every book is available online. You can use Reading Lists to check to see if we, as an institution, can gain access to those essential, recommended and background reading materials for you and your students. 

How can you do this? Well, you can self-enrol on the Reading Lists Training for Staff course which is available via Canvas. It will explain each stage of creating and editing your lists ready for your students to use for guidance and to prioritise their reading.

An image of the Reading Lists Training for Staff Canvas course home page.

If you don’t have time to do this now, you can produce a list of books, book chapters, journal articles and other resources and submit this to our dedicated Library Reading Lists team to create the online version to be accessed via Canvas for you. If you are doing this, the team need to know:

  • Module Leader or Coordinator’s name.
  • School.
  • Reading list/Module title.
  • Module code.
  • Anticipated student numbers on module (if known).
  • When it is running, e.g. Semester One and/or Two.

You should think about how the list should be organised: by topic, lecture, seminar, etc.

Finally, each item should be classified as essential, recommended or background reading so the Library is aware of the potential demand on the materials.

If you have any questions about availability of online materials or the Reading Lists service, contact your Liaison Team.

Resource in Focus: Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals

The platform is created by the Getty Research Institute and is a comprehensive guide to current literature of architecture and design.

It contains the bibliographic data of over 2500 journals and publications from professional associations. So it’s perfect if you’ve got a topic, some keywords, a building name or architect or material. It also provides over 13,000 citation records for architects’ obituaries

This is a major resource for the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.

This 4 minute video covers logging in, searching and filtering your results.

Resource in Focus: Bloomsbury Architecture Library

We’ve decided we like this platform so much we have created a short 4 minute video highlighting it’s key features, how to access and search.

On the platform you can choose to search or browse by theme or use interactive features such as the visual timeline and world map. The timeline puts the world’s key buildings and architectural history in perspective. It provides context for movements, themes and periods throughout 5,500 years of history.

Users can click on the images to discover more, with links through to the Building Pages and in-depth reading via reference articles and book chapters.

The resource contains Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture 21st edition. This covers 5,500 years of architecture right up to the present day. From abacus to ziyada, the Sir Banister Fletcher Glossary contains over 900 key architectural terms, clearly explained and defined. The glossary covers a complete range of technical, design, and historical terms, including non-English language vocabulary, and serves both as a core reference resource and an invaluable primer to enhancing the reader’s understanding of global architectural history.

There are descriptions of major buildings together with 2,200 photographs, drawings and building plans.

The platforms also contains 42 eBooks.

We like this resource as there’s no Digital Rights Management, you can create your own log in to bookmark or save content and there are lots of options to search so easy if you’re looking for geographical information or from a specific date range or keyword or topic or person.

Access to Bloomsbury Architectural Library via our catalogue.

Resource in Focus: Architects Journal Buildings Database

The AJ Buildings Library is a digital database that showcases more than 1,900 exemplar projects, most from the last 20 years but including major projects back to 1900.

This is a core resource for the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.

You can search for projects by age, cost, architect, building type, footprint, location, and a combination of these.

We like it as each project featured includes full project data (more than 20 items of information) and comprehensive architectural photographs and drawings (plans, elevation, section) – all provided at high resolution.

This 3 minute video covers:

  • How to set up an account on the AJ website so that you can access Buildings
  • How to access and log in
  • How to search

To access for free you will need to set up an account first.

Quick instructions (or watch the video above)

  • Access and click on the Log in/Register.
  • Then click on the Register New Account button, and you should see a form to complete your details and choose a password.
  • You should receive an email indicating you have registered.
  • Then access
  • Click Sign in and use the details from the AJ to access AJ Buildings Library.

Books added to the Library by students in GPS (Semester Two 2020/21)

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Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Recommend a book.

In Semester Two, academic year 2020/2021 we received 104 requests from students (53 PGR, 23 PGT and 28 UGT) in the GPS. This is what we bought :

TitleResource type
A Companion to the Ancient Near EastBook – Electronic
Aesthetic Nervousness: Disability and the Crisis of RepresentationBook – Electronic
After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and BeyondBook – Physical
America & the World The Double BindBook – Electronic
America in Afghanistan: Foreign Policy and Decision Making From Bush to Obama to TrumpBook – Electronic
Atlas of the Aegean flora / 2 volume setBook – Physical
Beyond Spaceship Earth: Environmental ethics and the solar systemBook – Physical
Bodies for sale : ethics and exploitation in the human body tradeBook – Electronic
British Football and Social ExclusionBook – Electronic
Challenging Immigration Detention: Academics, Activists and Policy-MakersBook – Electronic
China Watching Perspectives from Europe, Japan and the United StatesBook – Electronic
China’s citizenship challenge Labour NGOs and the struggle for migrant workers’ rightsBook – Electronic
Class and Its OthersBook – Electronic
Clearly Invisible: Racial Passing and the Color of Cultural IdentityBook – Electronic
Contentious Cities Design and the Gendered Production of SpaceBook – Electronic
Convincing Ground: Learning to Fall in Love with your CountryBook – Electronic
Cuba and Africa, 1959-1994Book – Electronic
Cultural region : North East England 1945-2000Book – Physical
Culture and the senses: Bodily ways of knowing in an African communityBook – Electronic
Democracy in the fifty statesBook – Physical
Developmental Politics in Transition: The Neoliberal Era and BeyondBook – Electronic
Discursive Illusions in Public Discourse: Theory and PracticeBook – Electronic
Drone Warfare: War and Conflict in the Modern WorldBook – Electronic
Economic Geography: A Critical IntroductionBook – Electronic
Embodied Practices Feminist Perspectives on the BodyBook – Physical
Energy and Society: A Critical PerspectiveBook – Electronic
Ethical Research with Children Untold Narratives and TaboosBook – Electronic
Ethnographies of Home and Mobility: Shifting RoofsBook – Electronic
EU Development Policy in a Changing World: Challenges for the 21st CenturyBook – Electronic
Family Practices in MigrationBook – Electronic
Feminist perspective on the bodyBook – Electronic
Football in neo-liberal times. A Marxist perspective on the European football industryBook – Electronic
From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America\’s World RoleBook – Electronic
Gaming Globally Production, Play, and PlaceBook – Electronic
Geopolitics, Geography and Strategic HistoryBook – Electronic
Global Capital, Local Culture: Transnational Media Corporations in ChinaBook – Physical
Global Health GovernanceBook – Electronic
Great Power Politics in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Geoeconomics of Technological SovereigntyBook – Electronic
Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare StateBook – Physical
Handbook on the geographies of regions and territoriesBook – Electronic
Handbook on Think Tanks in Public PolicyBook – Electronic
Human Rights Approaches to Environmental ProtectionBook – Physical
Imagining the Peoples of Europe Populist discourses across the political spectrumBook – Electronic
Inter/nationalismBook – Electronic
Issue Salience in International PoliticsBook – Electronic
Killing AnimalsBook – Physical
Korea’s Online Gaming EmpireBook – Electronic
Lived experiences of ableism in academia: strategies for inclusion in higher educationBook – Electronic
Made in Hong Kong Studies in Popular MusicBook – Electronic
Making the Cut: How Cosmetic Surgery is Transforming Our LivesBook – Electronic
Mapping Exile and Return: Palestinian Dispossession and a Political Theology for a Shared FutureBook – Electronic
Maritime Asia vs. Continental Asia: National Strategies in a Region of ChangeBook – Electronic
Migration and the Search for Home Mapping Domestic Space in Migrants’ Everyday LivesBook – Electronic
Military Strategy as Public Discourse: America’s War in AfghanistanBook – Electronic
Moving the Goalposts : Football’s ExploitationBook – Physical
Museveni’s Uganda: Paradoxes of Power in a Hybrid RegimeBook – Electronic
Nature in Literary and Cultural Studies: Transatlantic Conversations on EcocriticismBook – Electronic
Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest over Ukraine and the CaucasusBook – Electronic
New Directions in the Study of China’s Foreign PolicyBook – Physical
Nitrates in GroundwaterBook – Electronic
Nitrates in GroundwaterBook – Electronic
Ordinary ConsumptionBook – Electronic
Outdoor Learning, Past and PresentBook – Electronic
Politics and the Media in BritainBook – Electronic
Politics: Critical Essays in Human GeographyBook – Electronic
Racism and English Football: For Club and CountryBook – Electronic
Rain without thunderBook – Electronic
Realism and social scienceBook – Electronic
Remote Sensing of the CryosphereBook – Electronic
Researching Amongst Elites: Challenges and Opportunities in Studying UpBook – Electronic
Responsibility Beyond Growth A Case for Responsible StagnationBook – Electronic
Routledge Handbook of NGOs and International RelationsBook – Electronic
Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and RaceBook – Electronic
Seeking Palestine: New Palestinian Writing on Exile and HomeBook – Electronic
Snow and Ice-Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters / 2ndBook – Electronic
Sociology beyond societies : mobilities for the twenty-first centuryBook – Electronic
Stakes and Kidneys: Why Markets in Human Body Parts are Morally ImperativeBook – Electronic
Structure and Agency in the Neoliberal UniversityBook – Electronic
The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation?Book – Electronic
The Bowhead Whale Balaena mysticetu: Biology and Human InteractionsBook – Electronic
The Corona Crash: How the Pandemic will Change CapitalismBook – Electronic
The End of Stigma: Changes in the Social Experience of Long-Term IllnessBook – Electronic
The first Department : a history of the Department of AgricultureBook – Physical
The Handbook of Diverse EconomiesBook – Electronic
The Hundred Years’ War on PalestineBook – Electronic
The Middle Voice of Ecological Conscience A Chiasmic Reading of Responsibility in the Neighborhood of Levinas, Heidegger and OthersBook – Physical
The New Silk Road: China Meets Europe in the Baltic Sea Region: A Business PerspectiveBook – Electronic
The Palgrave Handbook of Society, Culture and Outer SpaceBook – Physical
The Power of Ideas: The Rising Influence of Thinkers and Think Tanks in ChinaBook – Electronic
The Provocation of Levinas: Rethinking the OtherBook – Electronic
The Rise of Think Tanks in ChinaBook – Electronic
The rural housing question: Community and planning in Britain’s countrysidesBook – Electronic
The SAGE Handbook of Transport StudiesBook – Electronic
The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods /2ndBook – Physical
The Trump, Bush, and Obama Doctrines: A Comparative AnalysisBook – Electronic
The World Food Programme in Global PoliticsBook – Electronic
Theorizing Native StudiesBook – Electronic
Theorizing Native StudiesBook – Electronic
Thucydides on Choice and Decision Making Why War Is Not InevitableBook – Electronic
Transforming Industrial Policy for the Digital Age: Production, Territories and Structural ChangeBook – Electronic
Why the garden club couldn’t save Youngstown: the transformation of the Rust BeltBook – Electronic
Women Political Leaders and the MediaBook – Electronic
Women, Gender, and PoliticsBook – Electronic
Young Dark Emu: A Truer HistoryBook – Electronic

Books added to the Library by students in ECLS (Semester Two 2020/21)

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Our Recommend a Book service for students allows you to tell us about the books you need for your studies. If we don’t have the books you need, simply complete the web form and we’ll see if we can buy them. For books we already have in stock, if they are out on loan please make a reservation/hold request using Library Search.

Further information about Recommend a book.

In Semester Two, academic year 2020/2021 we received 55 requests from students (40 PGR and 14 PGT) in the ECLS. This is what we bought :

TitleResource type
A Critical Introduction to Phonology: Functional and Usage-Based PerspectivesBook – Electronic
An Introduction to Language and SocietyBook – Electronic
Analysing Digital InteractionBook – Electronic
Asian Values Encounter with DiversityBook – Electronic
CALL Theory Applications for online TESOLBook – Electronic
China’s Assimilationist Language Policy The Impact on Indigenous/Minority Literacy and Social HarmonyBook – Electronic
Classroom-based conversation analytic researchBook – Electronic
Collecting Qualitative Data: A Field Manual for Applied ResearchBook – Physical
Conducting Research in Online and Blended Learning EnvironmentsBook – Electronic
Confidence in Critical Thinking Developing Learners in Higher EducationBook – Electronic
Creativity in language teaching: perspectives from research and practiceBook – Electronic
Discourse in late modernity: rethinking critical discourse analysisBook – Electronic
Evaluating Empowerment: Reviewing the Concept and PracticeBook – Physical
Handbook of Research on Teacher Education: Enduring Questions in ChangingBook – Electronic
Higher Education Transitions: Theory and ResearchBook – Electronic
How Emotions Are Made in TalkBook – Electronic
International English: A guide to the varieties of Standard EnglishBook – Electronic
International Perspectives on Leadership in Higher Education Critical Thinking for Global ChallengesBook – Electronic
Language and Intercultural Communication in the WorkplaceBook – Physical
Language Development : Understanding Language Diversity in the ClassroomBook – Physical
Language Development Foundations, Processes, and Clinical Applications / 3rdBook – Electronic
Language in Society: An Introduction to SociolinguisticsBook – Electronic
Learning as Social Practice: Beyond Education as an Individual EnterpriseBook – Electronic
Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and PedagogyBook – Electronic
Material Girls Why Reality Matters for FeminismBook – Physical
Multimodal Participation and Engagement: Social Interaction in the ClassroomBook – Electronic
Multimodal studies : exploring issues and domainsBook – Electronic
New Methods of Literacy ResearchBook – Electronic
Online Communication in Language Learning and TeachingBook – Electronic
Postmonolingual Critical Thinking Internationalising Higher Education Through Students’ Languages and KnowledgeBook – Electronic
Professors as Writers: A Self-Help Guide to Productive WritingBook – Physical
Qualitative inquiry in TESOLBook – Electronic
Questions and Epistemic Stance in Contemporary Spoken British EnglishBook – Electronic
RacéeBook – Physical
Reaching for the Sky: Empowering Girls Through EducationBook – Electronic
Research Methodology in Second-Language AcquisitionBook – Electronic
Research Methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners / 5thBook – Physical
Second language teacher education : a sociocultural perspectiveBook – Electronic
Systematically Working With Multimodal Data: Research Methods in Multimodal Discourse AnalysisBook – Electronic
Teaching thinking: philosophy enquiry in the classroom / 4thBook – Electronic
Teaching through peer interactionBook – Electronic
Teaching Writing / 2ndBook – Electronic
TESOL Teacher Education in a Transnational World Turning Challenges into Innovative ProspectsBook – Electronic
The Longings and limits of global citizenship education: the moral pedagogy of schooling in a cosmopolitan age.Book – Electronic
The politics of fear: The Shameless Normalization of Far-Right DiscourseBook – Physical
The Routledge Handbook of Instructed Second Language AcquisitionBook – Electronic
The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners / Chapter: Classroom technology for young learnersBook – Electronic
The Routledge International Handbook of Creative LearningBook – Electronic
Transcribing talk and interaction : issues in the representation of communication dataBook – Electronic
Using Story Telling as a Therapeutic Tool with ChildrenBook – Electronic
Verhüllung: Die Burka-Debatte in der SchweizBook – Electronic
Voices of the Mind: Sociocultural Approach to Mediated ActionBook – Electronic
Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of CompositionBook – Electronic
Writing your dissertation in fifteen minutes a day : a guide to starting, revising, and finishing your doctoral thesisBook – Physical