Outlook Deleted Items Folder

Whilst recently migrating users to the new Exchange mail servers, a trend has become very apparent amongst our user community.

The mailbox move process creates a new mailbox on the new server then proceeds to copy every message individually before closing the connection and transferring which mailbox the user account points to. It’s a tedious, long-winded process, but unfortunately that is what we have to work with.

During this process the GUI/Powershell gives an indication of progress and which Outlook folder that is currently being processed. It is difficult not to notice the process trundling along and very difficult not to notice the prevalence of users with massive Deleted Items folders.

Deleted Items Move

The above example is actually pretty tame. Some users have Deleted Items folders with excess of 8000 items.


Here is an example of 8000+:
Deleted Items Move2

My main questions are:

  • Are users aware that their Deleted Items folders are so large and takes up part of their quota?
  • Are users aware that they can easily empty it or even automate the process? 2003, 2007
  • Do users use e-mail in a way that necessitates having this massive log of deleted items; is it an urge to have an empty inbox, but refer to the deleted items frequently?

Of course, the reason for this blog post is purely selfish, as the mailbox moves take much longer and the mailbox databases grow much larger, however it does emphasise that folk may use e-mail in a plethora of differing ways.

This post is also a chance to refer to the post I made last year which talks about the inbuilt ‘Recover Deleted Items’ functionality of Exchange.

Developer Event: Parallel programming in .NET (VS2010)

[UPDATE 2] This event has now been rearranged for Tuesday 24th February. Sign up at:

[UPDATE: Due to flight cancellations caused by the weather, this event has been cancelled and will be rearranged for a later date.]

This is a slight departure from our normal topics, but some of you may be interested in attending this event, which the University is hosting for VBUG Newcastle…

Date: Tuesday 3 February 2009 from 6:30 PM to 09:30 PM

Topic: VBUG NEWCASTLE: Parallel programming in .NET (VS2010) with Eric Nelson

The next version of the .NET Framework will come with new classes that start to remove the difficulties in building multi-threaded applications that are able to take advantage of the modern multi-core processor architectures and the future many-core architectures that are coming over the next few years. In this session, we will look at why we will all need to start thinking about parallelism and drill into what is available in the current previews for managed code development.

Location: Room 118, Claremont Tower, Newcastle University

For more information, and to book a place, go to:

10 Reasons to upgrade to Windows Vista Part 2

6. We’ve been testing it for years and it works!

The Windows Infrastructure Team and some others within ISS have been testing Windows Vista since it’s Beta stages over 2 years ago and now use it day to day as their main operating system. More importantly it works with all of the core software including Microsoft Office, SAP, Adobe Products, Apple Products and VMWare to name but a few. Vista was designed to be compatible with applications written for XP. Thats said, if you have applications that you know do not work with Vista then now is the time to start working with ISS ASSD and the developers to find solutions.

7. Built-in Undelete

Have you ever accidentally saved over a file you were working on? Accidental file deletion or modification is a common cause of data loss. Windows Vista has Shadow Copy enabled by default so you will be able to access ‘previous versions’ on your local machine as well as the network.

8. New and hugely improved administration and deployment tools.

  • Better, quicker and more manageable deployment using WDS (no more multiple RIS builds)
  • 800 new GPO settings allow for central management of just about any part of the OS.
  • Automatic background disk defrag. Vista will automatically begin defragging the hard disks when required.
  • Performance and Reliability Monitoring combines the functionality of previous stand-alone tools including Performance Logs and Alerts, Server Performance Advisor, and System Monitor. It provides a graphical interface for customizing Data Collector Sets and Event Trace Sessions.
  • You can use Snipping Tool to capture a screen shot, or snip, of any object on your screen, and then annotate, save, or share the image.

9. It looks great and is very pleasing to use!

Whatever else you say about Vista no one can argue that it does not look great! Moving between applications is a far better experience using Windows Flip and Flip 3D. Windows Sidebar is a pane on the side of the desktop where you can keep your gadgets. Gadgets are mini applications with a variety of possible uses. They can connect to web services to deliver business data, weather information, news updates, traffic maps, RSS feeds, provide search boxes, Internet radio and more.

10. If you still need More Reasons…

Offline file support * Increased x64 Bit Support * Photo Gallery * Movie Maker 6 * Media Center Extender * DVD Maker * Fast Sleep and Resume * SideShow * Dynamic Security Protection * Fast Sleep and Resume * Fax Support * Better Wireless Networking * Sync Center * DirectX 10 * Games Explorer * WMP 11 * New Movie Maker * New Windows Update Interface * Up-to-date driver base and better driver handling on installation * Better file navigation * Windows Vista Compatibility Centre * File and registry virtualization * IPv6 * GP Software & Hardware restrictions * Media Sharing * Network and Sharing Centre * Self healing filesyfeature * Network Projector *

10 Reasons to upgrade to Windows Vista Part 1

1. Power Saving

Power saving is becoming an increasing important aspect of computing. Recent efforts to switch off equipment when not in use could save the University over 4500 pounds per year in ISS alone.

With Windows Vista power savings can be increased further.

Windows Vista is Microsoft’s most energy-efficient operating system to date. With features including Immediate responsiveness to Sleep or Resume, per machine settings, Hybrid Sleep and management by group policy.

For a full guide to Windows Vista Energy Conservation follow see this white paper.

2. It’s here, it works and it’s the future!

As of 6 months ago Microsoft had sold 180 million licenses for Windows Vista with more than 10 million a month being sold since then. The OS has now been released for 18 months and is now the standard for all new machines.

Staff and Students who have purchased machines in this period and those who buy in the future will be using Vista as their service providers and support staff we must be able to support it.

The recent beta of Windows 7 shows that the next version of Windows will be the same as Windows Vista in every way which matters (see my earlier post).

3. Security.

  • UAC: User Account Control allows Administrators to quickly elevate their privileges in order to make system changes so no need to logoff and login again with your admin account.
  • ASLR and NX support. Stops attackers predicting hardware memory addresses.
  • Heap buffer over-run detection. Protection from this favourite area of exploits.
  • Windows Service hardening reduces the chance of exploits such as blaster, slammer, sasser…
  • Windows Defender gives built-in spyware, malware detection. No need for third party products.
  • Windows Firewall now has inbound and outbound protection plus many other advances over XP.
  • CompletePC backup backs up everything on a PC, including the Operating System and applications.
  • BitLocker is a new drive encryption technology introduced with the Vista operating system. With BitLocker enabled, all files on PC or laptop hard disk drives are automatically encrypted helping to prevent information from being read by others if a computer is lost, stolen or sold.
  • A new Kernel supports many security and performance improvements.
  • Internet Explorer runs with lower privileges than a standard user (not possible in Windows XP).

4. Search

A new tool in Windows Vista called Instant Search helps ensure that you’re never more than a few keystrokes from whatever you’re looking for. Search boxes are available almost everywhere in Windows Vista. Just type a file name, a property, or even text contained within a file, and Instant Search will return pinpointed results and when used with Outlook 2007 this can include your emails.

5. Accessibility

The new Ease of Access Centre in Windows Vista centralised place to locate accessibility settings and programs including On-screen Keyboard, Magnifier, Narrator, Keyboard shortcuts, Visual Notifications and Captions and one of the more powerful speech recognition systems available.

Windows Live Essentials released

As well as the Beta of Windows 7 (and it’s companion, Windows Server 2008 R2), Microsoft has also used the CES to announce the final availability of its Windows Live Essentials suite.

These are products that have been around in Beta and Release Candidate forms for a while. The announcement that they’re now final, should actually read that they were ready a little while ago – the final version is the same as the recent release candidate!

The suite includes the latest version of Windows Live Messenger, Windows Live Photo Gallery (which is a great improvement over the Photo Gallery built in to Vista, includes Flickr support and works on XP), Windows Live Mail (also better than the version that ships in Vista) and the fantastic Windows Live Writer, which is the best blogging software available (sadly this blog’s host doesn’t support it, which is partly why I don’t post as much as I might!).

You can get the suite from download.live.com.

Get ready for Windows 7… Install Vista

This morning saw the release of the Windows 7 Beta to MSDN and TechNet subscribers. It will be available for limited (2.5 million) download to the public on the Windows 7 web site on the 9th.

So is there no point in installing Windows Vista?

I don’t agree with this point of view and putting aside the fact that Windows XP will be over 10 years old by the time Windows 7 is released here are my main reasons.

Windows 7 features updates to the UI for example the Office ‘ribbon’ will now be on Paint and other built in applications. The taskbar and other menus will be reorganised and I expect that there will be other features added but at the core.

  • Drivers and software which work on Vista are going to work just the same on Windows 7.
  • Memory management, service hardening, the networking experience and the other core features in Windows Vista will be present in Windows 7 including user Account Control.

In short, Windows 7 is be the same as Windows Vista in every way which matters.

Those choosing to wait (perhaps 18 months or more) for Windows 7 to become available on CAMPUS will only find themselves in exactly the same position but without having taken of the massive benefits that Vista as to offer and facing an even bigger jump in terms of functionality.

I’ll be posting some of these benefits later today.

Finally I’ll leave you with a screenshot of the new Windows 7 Start menu. Look familiar?

Windows 7

Windows Vista Migration Tools & Support!

We would like to remind you of the support available for migration to Windows Vista and introduce some additional toolkit items.

As well as the improvements in the new Base Policy announced earlier the Vista Version of ‘CMDInfo’ includes tools which allow users to import Favourites, Desktop Files and Outlook NK2 files from their XP Profiles.

For those of you developing Policies for Vista, there is now a Vista WMI filter ‘ISS – Windows Vista Filter’ which can be used to easily restrict Policies so that they are only applied to Vista Machines allowing you to run XP and Vista machines within the same OU container. The Test Vista Base Policy already uses this filter.

The vast majority of centrally provided software Policies are tested and supported on Windows Vista including but not limited to the programs below.**

4 Central Office 2003
4 Central Office 2007
3 Central Apple QuickTime 7.4.5
3 Central Adobe Reader 8.1.2
3 Central Asian Fonts for Adobe Reader 8
3 Central Adobe Flash Player
3 Central Adobe Shockwave Player
3 Central Paint Dot Net 3.31
4 Central ReadAndWrite Gold 8.1.6
3 Central Citrix RAS Client 10.200
4 Central MindGenius 2.43
3 Central CDBurnerXP
4 Central SAPCampus SapGui710 (Vista)
2 Campus Microsoft ISA Firewall Client 4.0.3442.654
4 Central Office 2007 Getting Started Toolbars
5 Central Licensed Acrobat 8.1.2 Professional
5 Central Licensed Inspiration 8.0b
4 Central Office 2007 Proofing Tools
4 Central SigmaPlot 11.0.1
4 Central CES EduPack 2008
4 Central QSR NVivo 8
3 Central Adobe Flash Player
3 Central Notepad++ 4.9.2
3 Central SequoiaView 1.3
4 Central EndNote X1.0.1
3 Central MDL Chime 2.6 SP7
3 Central TrueCrypt 6.1

**This is a list of new numbered policies created since Easter 2008 we started packaging for Vista however many other numbered policies work fine.

The ISS teams responsible for infrastructure and software are only an email away via helpline@ncl.ac.uk. If you have concerns about migrating to Vista or issues preventing you then please let us know. You can also comment on any article posted here on the WIT blog where one of us will respond.

Money for nothing and your learning for free!

[Disclaimer: Though the title may suggest it, this post has no information about gaining money for nothing; only learning for free. If you have a fool-proof way of getting money for nothing, please add it as a comment.]

You may already know that Microsoft have compiled a huge collection of self-paced learning materials at the Microsoft Learning site. What you might not know, is that they regularly publish courses for everyone’s favourite price – FREE!

These free courses and clinics are usually introducing new features in new versions of products, or giving giving overviews rather than digging into deep technical detail, but a lot of the time that may be just what you want.

Some examples of free content that are currently available are:
Database Fundamentals in Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Introducing Windows Server 2008
ASP.NET for PHP Developers: Introduction to ASP.NET

They handily provide a catalogue of free products, which I suggest you have a look at. If you want to take up one of the free offers, you don’t have to complete the course right away; typically you just activate a subscription to the content, which may give you access to it for 3, 6 or 12 months.

Happy learning!

Campus Managed Desktop Information Tool

CMDInfo is a major redevelopment of the ISS PC Info tool which is part of the current Windows XP Base Policy. It is designed to provide important information to users and support staff including their profile path, home directory path, machine name, group policies and firewall exceptions.

CMDInfo also includes WinDirStat, a freeware tool which gives a graphical representation of the space utilisation on a given folder or volume. When launched from CMDInfo WinDirStat will automatically present a view of a users H Drive.

Extra features are available when running CMDInfo under Window Vista including migration scripts which will copy Internet Explorer Favourites, Desktop Items and Outlook NK2 (nickname) files to their Vista profiles.

The new tool is included in the new Test Vista Base Policy announced yesterday. It will also be merged in to the existing XP Base Policy later today and delivered to machines under the Policy at their next restart.


  • Displays detailed system and user information including Username, Home Directory path, Profile Path, Mapped drives, Firewall exceptions, Network Name and Hardware Information
  • Simple and advanced views.
  • Support links for helpline and printing credit.
  • Includes WinDirStat
  • Includes tools to import all or any combination of Favorites, Outlook settings, Desktop files and document templates from a Users XP profile to their Vista (Vista Only).
  • Includes emailing component which will interrogate the system and send advanced support information ‘ipconfig’, ‘set’ and event logs to support staff (Vista Only).


User information (Advanced View).

User Information

System information (Advanced View).

System Information

Support and Tools (Advanced View/Windows Vista)


Send Logs (Advanced View/Windows Vista)


Send Logs Script (Advanced View/Windows Vista)

Send Logs

Email recieved from CMDInfo


New Windows Vista Base Policy open for testing

For the last few months we’ve been developing a new version of the Windows Vista Base Policy. The current version, which has not been updated since Vista’s release , has suffered from a number of problems, particularly with Folder redirection. These have now been addressed and we are pleased to invite you to help us test the new Policy before its full rollout in the few months of next year

These improvements will allow seamless switching between Windows XP and Vista machine on CAMPUS and will make the rollout of the Vista OS viable for the majority of campus users.

To apply the Policy apply to a machine use ‘TEST 0 Windows Vista Base Policy.’ Please note that the test policy should replace the original policy.

New Windows Vista Base Policy Features

Folder Redirection Fixed!

All standard Vista user folders are now redirected to the Network and any duplicate folders are removed but only if they are empty.

This means that users who have accidently saved files to their local machine will not lose them upon the new Base Policy being applied. The table below shows details on the redirection paths. Notice that where applicable, folders have been redirected to the exact location of their Windows XP counterparts i.e. ‘My Music ‘ rather than ‘Music.’

This means that users moving between XP and Vista are using the same folder and will not see duplicates under drive H:\ or C:\Users

Windows Vista Folder Name


New Location


Default Location for Users’s Contacts



Desktop items, including files and shortcuts



Default location for all user created documents



Default location to save all downloaded content



Internet Explorer Favourites



Default location for user’s music files

\\towerx\homex\username\My Music


Default location for user’s video files

\\towerx\homex\username\My Videos


Default location for user’s picture files

\\towerx\homex\username\My Pictures


Default location for saved searches



Default location for user application data and binaries (hidden folder)



Contains Windows Explorer Favourite Links


Saved Games

Used for Saved Games

\\towerx\homex\username\Saved Games


Start Menu

The existing base policy removes the ‘Documents’ label from the Start Menu and replaces it with the full UNC path to the users home directory. This is unhelpful and unsightly. The new Base policy renames the ‘Documents’ label Documents (H:\). This will provide a consistent point of reference for support calls. The Drive map label will also have the same name.

My Pictures and My Music shortcuts reference the new redirected (correct) location.

The computers network name also appears on the start menu providing an ‘at a glance’ view of the computers name.

New Start Menu


To help distinguish Campus Managed Desktop machines branding has been added.

The University crest now replaces the default logon pictures.


The Crest is also visible on the Start Menu

Start Menu

System Properties have also been updated.

System Properties

Other Features

Local Administrators

When using ‘Run as Administrator’ the UAC dialog box will list all local administrators on the machine.

Local Admins

Offline Files

Offline files are now automatically Encypted.


System Drive Permissions redesigned.

The new policy sets stricter permission for the system drive preventing creation of folders by non Administrators as well as creating the C:\TEMP folder on which so many of our packaged applications depend.


We really need feedback on your experiences with the new Policy. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any comments, questions or issues.