If you’re writing a detailed essay, dissertation or thesis, reference management software such as EndNote can save you a lot of time and effort but only so long as you put in some time and effort to learn how it works first.
So let us help you get a head start with these three steps:
Step 1: Getting set up & practising the basics
Use our online workbook to get off on the right foot with EndNote; it will guide you through setting up your EndNote Library, adding references and using EndNote with Word.
You can watch this handy video from Clarivate for a visual demonstration too:
Step 2: Organisation from chaos
You’ve probably got a lot of records in your Library now so it’s time to get organised! Take a look at these short guides and build up your EndNote expertise:
These tools will help you keep all your information together and make it easily accessible for step three…
Step 3: Now for the real magic
Now you’ve collected and organised your references, it’s time to put them to work for you using Cite While You Write in Word. Watch this video from Clarivate to see how it’s done:
Some EndNote Extras
Keen to learn even more? Take a look at the EndNote Extras section of our EndNote Guide to find out how to merge documents and reference lists, how to share your Library with colleagues or how to find the full text PDF of an article from your EndNote Library.
Outside the Box
While the University has a subscription to EndNote and the Library offer some support to help you use it, there are other reference management software tools available. Take a look at this FAQ to see some comparison charts that can help you decide which tool might be best for you!